  • 发布:2022-03-19 12:12
  • 更新:2022-03-19 12:26
  • 阅读:622

uniapp 打包 ios 包 appid 问题


appid 之前打包可以 而且还买了uniapp的插件, 证书被吊销了,appid 无法申请一样的了 怎么弄 有客服么

Appid: __UNI__7B9906B  
Command line invocation:  
/Applications/ -sdk iphoneos15.2 -project [PackagePath]/HBuilder.xcodeproj  

User defaults from command line:  
IDEPackageSupportUseBuiltinSCM = YES  

Build settings from command line:  
SDKROOT = iphoneos15.2  

note: Using new build system  
note: Planning  
Analyze workspace  

Create build description  
Build description signature: d718325b15bd466d639446287b4a9c6c  
Build description path: [PackagePath]/build/XCBuildData/d718325b15bd466d639446287b4a9c6c-desc.xcbuild  

note: Build preparation complete  
warning: Building targets in manual order is deprecated - check \"Parallelize build for command-line builds\" in the project editor, or set DISABLE_MANUAL_TARGET_ORDER_BUILD_WARNING in any of the targets in the current build to suppress this warning  
error: Signing certificate is invalid. Signing certificate \"iPhone Developer: Jigen Xu (99H5565YK4)\", serial number \"28B17E34E3F99EE3766C986866DAAC13\", is not valid for code signing. It may have been revoked or expired. (in target 'HBuilder' from project 'HBuilder')** BUILD FAILED **
2022-03-19 12:12 负责人:无 分享

FullStack - 【插件开发】【专治疑难杂症】【ios上架、马甲包、白包、过审、已成功上架过几百个】【多款插件已上架:】【非诚勿扰】QQ:543610866


  • ice_007 (作者)

    已加 求解答

    2022-03-19 17:08

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