一直正常提交 更新新版本1.7后 苹果被拒绝 并没有使用任何HealthKit相关功能
Guideline 2.5.1 - Performance - Software Requirements
We noticed that your app uses HealthKit, but your app does not appear to include any primary features that require health or fitness data.
The intended use of HealthKit is to share health or fitness data with other apps or devices, and it should be used only in apps that require this data as a part of the app's core functionality.
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please remove any HealthKit functionality from your app, as well as any references to this app’s interactivity with HealthKit from the app or its metadata.
reniel (作者)
没有写 相关声明都是空的
2019-03-18 10:51
reniel (作者)
"privacyDescription" : {
"NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription" : "",
"NSCameraUsageDescription" : "扫一扫功能需要使用您的相机。",
"NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription" : "为您推荐所在城市的店铺信息,需要获得地理位置信息。",
"NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription" : "使用您的地理位置来获取您附近的店铺信息。",
"NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription" : "使用您的位置来获取您附近的店铺信息。",
"NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription" : "上传资料需要访问您的相册图片。",
"NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription" : "生成的海报需要使用您的添加相片图库。",
"NSMicrophoneUsageDescription" : "语音识别需要使用您的麦克风。",
"NSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescription" : "",
"NSContactsUsageDescription" : "",
"NSCalendarsUsageDescription" : "",
"NSRemindersUsageDescription" : "",
"NSMotionUsageDescription" : "",
"NSHealthUpdateUsageDescription" : "",
"NSHealthShareUsageDescription" : "",
"NSAppleMusicUsageDescription" : "上传资料需要访问您的媒体资料。"
2019-03-18 10:52
回复 reniel:把对应的节点删了试试
2019-03-18 11:00
reniel (作者)
回复 Trust:谢谢!可以了
2019-03-19 09:10