  • 发布:2022-08-17 10:56
  • 更新:2022-08-19 14:12
  • 阅读:1227

离线sdk weex 报错


列表 > 详情


01 pc 0000000000211608 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (nterp_helper+152) [arm64-v8a::7066deb5157410ab958fb0d5957b5231]





SIG 是信号名的通用前缀, SEGV 是 segmentation violation 的缩写

在 POSIX 兼容的平台上,SIGSEGV 是当一个进程执行了一个无效的内存引用,或发生段错误时发送给它的信号。SIGSEGV 的符号常量在头文件 signal.h 中定义。因为在不同平台上,信号数字可能变化,因此符号信号名被使用。通常,它是信号11。

对于不正确的内存处理,如当程序企图访问 CPU 无法定址的内存区块时,计算机程序可能抛出 SIGSEGV。操作系统可能使用信号栈向一个处于自然状态的应用程序通告错误,由此,开发者可以使用它来调试程序或处理错误。
在一个程序接收到 SIGSEGV 时的默认动作是异常终止。这个动作也许会结束进程,但是可能生成一个核心文件以帮助调试,或者执行一些其他特定于某些平台的动作。
SIGSEGV可以被捕获。也就是说,应用程序可以请求它们想要的动作,以替代默认发生的动作。这样的动作可以是忽略它、调用一个函数,或恢复默认的动作。在一些情形下,忽略 SIGSEGV 导致未定义行为。


闪退场景一:recorder deleteRecording 之前 先判断文件是否存在,否则会造成过度释放,解决方法:

if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:self.recorder.url.path]) {
if (![self.recorder deleteRecording])
NSLog(@"Failed to delete %@", self.recorder.url);

闪退场景二: delegate = nil 。
将XXViewContrller设置为delegate时,当页面发生跳转时,XXViewController的对象会被释放,这是代码走到[_delegate callbackMethod],便出现crash。解决方法有二:1.将@property (nonatomic ,assign) id <BLELibDelegate>delegate; 中 assign关键字改为weak。 2.在XXViewController的delloc方法中添加:xxx.delegate = nil;
应用版本 首次上报时间 最近上报时间 发生次数 次数占比 影响设备
2.9.7 2022-08-17 07:54:49 2022-08-17 07:54:49 1 100.00% 1
最近一次上报上报 ID:#8999查看更多记录


用户 ID



2022-08-17 07:54:15


2022-08-17 07:54:49




34 分 47 秒





Android 12,level 31





108-17 07:50:09.034 28025 28025 E DCloudApplication: onTrimMemory
208-17 07:53:16.861 27976 27976 E Html5Plus-onCreate: 1660693996861
308-17 07:53:16.954 27976 27976 E Html5Plus-onResume: 1660693996954
408-17 07:53:16.996 27976 27976 E WeexCore: wx_bridge.cpp:1307,class Name is com/taobao/weex/bridge/WXBridge
508-17 07:53:16.996 27976 27976 E WeexCore: WXBridge_jni.h:1445,Java_WXBridge_reset_clazz class Name is com/taobao/weex/bridge/WXBridge
608-17 07:53:17.008 27976 28052 E WXParams: setCrashFilePath: /data/user/0/com.x.x/app_crash
708-17 07:53:17.009 27976 28052 E weex : getUseSingleProcess is running false
808-17 07:53:17.009 27976 28052 E WeexCore: params_utils.cpp:214,g_use_single_process is false
908-17 07:53:17.009 27976 28052 E weex : getReleaseMap:true
1008-17 07:53:17.009 27976 28052 E weex : getLibJscPath is running
1108-17 07:53:17.009 27976 28052 E WeexCore: params_utils.cpp:258,g_jscSoPath is
1208-17 07:53:17.009 27976 28052 E weex : getLibJssPath is running /data/app/~~ybAoL_U6gmwC3d6KQALCPw==/com.x.x-eRoEc6cOpTGsANxVnCbn5A==/lib/arm64/libweexjss.so
1308-17 07:53:17.009 27976 28052 E WeexCore: params_utils.cpp:271,g_jssSoPath is /data/app/~~ybAoL_U6gmwC3d6KQALCPw==/com.x.x-eRoEc6cOpTGsANxVnCbn5A==/lib/arm64/libweexjss.so
1408-17 07:53:17.009 27976 28052 E WXParams: getCrashFilePath:/data/user/0/com.x.x/app_crash
1508-17 07:53:17.009 27976 28052 E WeexCore: params_utils.cpp:283,g_crashFilePath is /data/user/0/com.x.x/app_crash
1608-17 07:53:17.009 27976 28052 E weex : getLibIcuPath is running /apex/com.android.i18n/etc/icu/icudt68l.dat
1708-17 07:53:17.010 27976 28052 E WeexCore: params_utils.cpp:296,g_jssIcuPath is /apex/com.android.i18n/etc/icu/icudt68l.dat
1808-17 07:53:17.010 27976 28052 E weex : getLibJsbPath is running /data/user/0/com.x.x/cache/cache/weex/libs/weexjsb/arm64-v8a/libweexjsb.so
1908-17 07:53:17.011 27976 28052 E weex : getLibLdPath is running /data/app/ybAoL_U6gmwC3d6KQALCPw==/com.x.x-eRoEc6cOpTGsANxVnCbn5A==/lib/arm64:/data/app/ybAoL_U6gmwC3d6KQALCPw==/com.x.x-eRoEc6cOpTGsANxVnCbn5A==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a
2008-17 07:53:17.012 27976 28052 E WeexCore: multi_process_and_so_initializer.cpp:38,MultiProcessAndSoInitializer IS IN init
2108-17 07:53:17.013 27976 28052 E WeexCore: weex_js_connection.cpp:142,WeexJSConnection g_crashFileName: /data/user/0/com.x.x/app_crash/crash_dump.log
2208-17 07:53:17.014 27976 28052 E WeexCore: weex_js_connection.cpp:262,startupPie :1
2308-17 07:53:17.810 20466 20466 E libcrashpad_handler_trampoline.huawei.so: open file error
2408-17 07:53:17.845 20466 20466 E libcrashpad_handler_trampoline.huawei.so: open libged_kpi.so failed
25--------- beginning of crash
2608-17 07:53:19.335 20465 20465 F libc : Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 0 (SI_USER) in tid 20465 (WeexJSBridgeThr), pid 20465 (WeexJSBridgeThr)
2708-17 07:53:19.399 27976 28052 E WeexCore: weex_js_connection.cpp:298,WeexJSConnection catch: spinWaitPeer timeout
2808-17 07:53:19.399 27976 28052 E WeexCore: multi_process_and_so_initializer.cpp:47,JSFramwork init start sender is null
2908-17 07:53:19.400 27976 28052 E WeexCore: IPCFutexPageQueue.cpp:66,do munmap
3008-17 07:53:19.400 27976 20464 E WeexCore: weex_js_connection.cpp:185,IPCException server died spinWaitPeer timeout
3108-17 07:53:19.400 27976 20464 E WeexCore: IPCFutexPageQueue.cpp:66,do munmap
3208-17 07:53:19.400 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/65: Permission denied
3308-17 07:53:19.400 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/66: Permission denied
3408-17 07:53:19.400 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/67: Permission denied
3508-17 07:53:19.400 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/68: Permission denied
3608-17 07:53:19.400 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/69: Permission denied
3708-17 07:53:19.400 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/70: Permission denied
3808-17 07:53:19.401 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/71: Permission denied
3908-17 07:53:19.401 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/72: Permission denied
4008-17 07:53:19.401 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/73: Permission denied
4108-17 07:53:19.401 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/74: Permission denied
4208-17 07:53:19.401 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/75: Permission denied
4308-17 07:53:19.401 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/76: Permission denied
4408-17 07:53:19.401 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/77: Permission denied
4508-17 07:53:19.401 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/78: Permission denied
4608-17 07:53:19.401 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/79: Permission denied
4708-17 07:53:19.401 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/80: Permission denied
4808-17 07:53:19.401 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/81: Permission denied
4908-17 07:53:19.401 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/82: Permission denied
5008-17 07:53:19.401 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/83: Permission denied
5108-17 07:53:19.401 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/84: Permission denied
5208-17 07:53:19.401 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/85: Permission denied
5308-17 07:53:19.401 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/86: Permission denied
5408-17 07:53:19.401 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/87: Permission denied
5508-17 07:53:19.401 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/88: Permission denied
5608-17 07:53:19.401 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/89: Permission denied
5708-17 07:53:19.401 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/90: Permission denied
5808-17 07:53:19.401 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/91: Permission denied
5908-17 07:53:19.401 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/92: Permission denied
6008-17 07:53:19.401 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/93: Permission denied
6108-17 07:53:19.402 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/94: Permission denied
6208-17 07:53:19.402 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/95: Permission denied
6308-17 07:53:19.402 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/96: Permission denied
6408-17 07:53:19.402 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/97: Permission denied
6508-17 07:53:19.402 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/98: Permission denied
6608-17 07:53:19.402 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/99: Permission denied
6708-17 07:53:19.402 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/100: Permission denied
6808-17 07:53:19.402 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/101: Permission denied
6908-17 07:53:19.402 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/102: Permission denied
7008-17 07:53:19.402 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/103: Permission denied
7108-17 07:53:19.402 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/104: Permission denied
7208-17 07:53:19.402 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/105: Permission denied
7308-17 07:53:19.402 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/106: Permission denied
7408-17 07:53:19.402 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/107: Permission denied
7508-17 07:53:19.402 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/108: Permission denied
7608-17 07:53:19.402 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/109: Permission denied
7708-17 07:53:19.402 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/110: Permission denied
7808-17 07:53:19.402 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/111: Permission denied
7908-17 07:53:19.402 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/112: Permission denied
8008-17 07:53:19.403 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/113: Permission denied
8108-17 07:53:19.403 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/114: Permission denied
8208-17 07:53:19.403 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/115: Permission denied
8308-17 07:53:19.403 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/116: Permission denied
8408-17 07:53:19.403 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/117: Permission denied
8508-17 07:53:19.403 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/118: Permission denied
8608-17 07:53:19.403 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/119: Permission denied
8708-17 07:53:19.403 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/120: Permission denied
8808-17 07:53:19.403 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/121: Permission denied
8908-17 07:53:19.403 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/122: Permission denied
9008-17 07:53:19.403 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/123: Permission denied
9108-17 07:53:19.403 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/124: Permission denied
9208-17 07:53:19.403 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/125: Permission denied
9308-17 07:53:19.403 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/126: Permission denied
9408-17 07:53:19.403 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/127: Permission denied
9508-17 07:53:19.403 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/128: Permission denied
9608-17 07:53:19.403 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/129: Permission denied
9708-17 07:53:19.403 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/130: Permission denied
9808-17 07:53:19.403 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/131: Permission denied
9908-17 07:53:19.403 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/134: Permission denied
10008-17 07:53:19.403 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/135: Permission denied
10108-17 07:53:19.403 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/136: Permission denied
10208-17 07:53:19.403 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/137: Permission denied
10308-17 07:53:19.404 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/138: Permission denied
10408-17 07:53:19.404 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/139: Permission denied
10508-17 07:53:19.404 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/140: Permission denied
10608-17 07:53:19.404 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/141: Permission denied
10708-17 07:53:19.404 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/142: Permission denied
10808-17 07:53:19.404 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/143: Permission denied
10908-17 07:53:19.404 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/144: Permission denied
11008-17 07:53:19.404 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/145: Permission denied
11108-17 07:53:19.404 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/146: Permission denied
11208-17 07:53:19.404 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/147: Permission denied
11308-17 07:53:19.404 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/148: Permission denied
11408-17 07:53:19.404 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/149: Permission denied
11508-17 07:53:19.404 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/150: Permission denied
11608-17 07:53:19.404 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/151: Permission denied
11708-17 07:53:19.404 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/154: Permission denied
11808-17 07:53:19.404 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/156: Permission denied
11908-17 07:53:19.404 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/157: Permission denied
12008-17 07:53:19.404 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/158: Permission denied
12108-17 07:53:19.404 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/160: Permission denied
12208-17 07:53:19.404 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/161: Permission denied
12308-17 07:53:19.404 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/167: Permission denied
12408-17 07:53:19.404 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/168: Permission denied
12508-17 07:53:19.404 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/170: Permission denied
12608-17 07:53:19.405 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/171: Permission denied
12708-17 07:53:19.405 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/174: Permission denied
12808-17 07:53:19.405 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/175: Permission denied
12908-17 07:53:19.405 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/176: Permission denied
13008-17 07:53:19.405 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/177: Permission denied
13108-17 07:53:19.405 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/178: Permission denied
13208-17 07:53:19.405 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/179: Permission denied
13308-17 07:53:19.405 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/180: Permission denied
13408-17 07:53:19.405 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/181: Permission denied
13508-17 07:53:19.405 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/182: Permission denied
13608-17 07:53:19.405 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/183: Permission denied
13708-17 07:53:19.405 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/184: Permission denied
13808-17 07:53:19.405 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/185: Permission denied
13908-17 07:53:19.405 20575 20575 E DEBUG : failed to readlink /proc/20465/fd/186: Permission denied
14008-17 07:53:19.406 20575 20575 F crash_dump64: crash_dump.cpp:489] failed to attach to thread 20465, already traced by 0 ()
14108-17 07:53:19.411 20575 20575 E libc : failed to read response to DumpRequest packet: No message of desired type
14208-17 07:53:19.411 20575 20575 E crash_dump64: failed to connected to tombstoned to report failure
14308-17 07:53:19.429 27976 28052 E WeexCore: weex_js_connection.cpp:142,WeexJSConnection g_crashFileName: /data/user/0/com.x.x/app_crash/crash_dump.log
14408-17 07:53:19.430 27976 28052 E WeexCore: weex_js_connection.cpp:262,startupPie :1
14508-17 07:53:19.430 20577 28052 E WeexCore: weex_js_connection.cpp:283,jsengine#weexcore fork child success
14608-17 07:53:19.444 27976 28052 E WeexCore: script_bridge_in_multi_process.cpp:1025,ScriptBridgeInMultiProcess DELETE
14708-17 07:53:19.444 27976 28052 E WeexCore: IPCFutexPageQueue.cpp:66,do munmap
14808-17 07:53:19.461 27976 28079 E WeexCore: weex_js_connection.cpp:185,IPCException server died original owner has die
14908-17 07:53:19.462 27976 28079 E WeexCore: IPCFutexPageQueue.cpp:66,do munmap
15008-17 07:53:19.466 20577 20578 E WeexCore: script_bridge_in_multi_process.cpp:271, enable backupThread 0
15108-17 07:53:19.467 20577 20578 E WeexCore: weex_task_queue.cpp:144, start weex queue init
15208-17 07:53:19.467 20577 20580 E WeexCore: weex_task_queue.cpp:125, [weex_plan] new runtime
15308-17 07:53:19.468 20577 20580 E WeexCore: weex_runtime_v2.cpp:35, jsengine
15408-17 07:53:19.468 20577 20580 E WeexCore: weex_jsc_utils.h:250, skip initICUEnv
15508-17 07:53:19.497 27976 28052 E weex : end getBundleType type:Vue time:0
15608-17 07:53:19.501 27976 28052 E timeline: createInstance :1660693999501
15708-17 07:53:19.519 27976 28052 E WeexCore: IPCFutexPageQueue.cpp:116,IPCException IPCFutexPageQueue:: start futex wait
15808-17 07:53:19.519 27976 28052 E WeexCore: IPCFutexPageQueue.cpp:116,IPCException IPCFutexPageQueue:: start futex wait
15908-17 07:53:19.519 27976 28052 E WeexCore: IPCFutexPageQueue.cpp:116,IPCException IPCFutexPageQueue:: start futex wait
16008-17 07:53:19.520 27976 28052 E WeexCore: IPCFutexPageQueue.cpp:116,IPCException IPCFutexPageQueue:: start futex wait
16108-17 07:53:19.520 27976 28052 E WeexCore: IPCFutexPageQueue.cpp:116,IPCException IPCFutexPageQueue:: start futex wait
16208-17 07:53:19.520 27976 28052 E WeexCore: IPCFutexPageQueue.cpp:116,IPCException IPCFutexPageQueue:: start futex wait
16308-17 07:53:19.520 27976 28052 E WeexCore: IPCFutexPageQueue.cpp:116,IPCException IPCFutexPageQueue:: start futex wait
16408-17 07:53:19.526 27976 28052 E jsEngine: script_bridge_in_multi_process.cpp:473,ScriptBridgeInMultiProcess::CreateInstance and Id is : 2
16508-17 07:53:20.177 27976 27976 E UIWidgetMgr: new -- JSNWindow=_www/__uniappview.html
16608-17 07:53:27.461 27976 27976 E Html5Plus-SplashClosed: 1660694007461
16708-17 07:53:27.461 27976 27976 E Main_Path: closeSplashScreen0 appid=UNI940AF1D;true;closeSplashDid=false
16808-17 07:53:47.316 20577 20580 E WeexCore: engine_context_v8.cc:43, [release] release ctx
16908-17 07:53:47.966 27976 28020 E VLC-std : [INFO:aw_contents.cc(1071)] ClearPendingPermissions size=0
17008-17 07:53:47.970 27976 28020 E VLC-std : [INFO:media_web_contents_observer.cc(715)] MediaWebContentsObserver::WebContentsDeviceUsage::OnMediaInputStateChanged type = -1,is_inputting = 0
17108-17 07:53:47.988 27976 28020 E VLC-std : [INFO:aw_contents.cc(1071)] ClearPendingPermissions size=0
17208-17 07:53:47.996 27976 28020 E VLC-std : [INFO:media_web_contents_observer.cc(715)] MediaWebContentsObserver::WebContentsDeviceUsage::OnMediaInputStateChanged type = -1,is_inputting = 0
17308-17 07:54:14.673 27976 27976 E Html5Plus-onCreate: 1660694054673
17408-17 07:54:14.816 27976 27976 E Html5Plus-onResume: 1660694054816
17508-17 07:54:14.905 27976 28052 E weex : [WXBridgeManager] invoke execJSService: framework.js uninitialized.
17608-17 07:54:14.905 27976 27976 E WeexCore: wx_bridge.cpp:1307,class Name is com/taobao/weex/bridge/WXBridge
17708-17 07:54:14.905 27976 27976 E WeexCore: WXBridge_jni.h:1445,Java_WXBridge_reset_clazz class Name is com/taobao/weex/bridge/WXBridge
17808-17 07:54:14.922 27976 28052 E WXParams: setCrashFilePath: /data/user/0/com.x.x/app_crash
17908-17 07:54:14.924 27976 28052 E weex : getUseSingleProcess is running false
18008-17 07:54:14.924 27976 28052 E WeexCore: params_utils.cpp:214,g_use_single_process is false
18108-17 07:54:14.925 27976 28052 E weex : getReleaseMap:true
18208-17 07:54:14.925 27976 28052 E weex : getLibJscPath is running
18308-17 07:54:14.925 27976 28052 E WeexCore: params_utils.cpp:258,g_jscSoPath is
18408-17 07:54:14.925 27976 28052 E weex : getLibJssPath is running /data/app/~~ybAoL_U6gmwC3d6KQALCPw==/com.x.x-eRoEc6cOpTGsANxVnCbn5A==/lib/arm64/libweexjss.so
18508-17 07:54:14.925 27976 28052 E WeexCore: params_utils.cpp:271,g_jssSoPath is /data/app/~~ybAoL_U6gmwC3d6KQALCPw==/com.x.x-eRoEc6cOpTGsANxVnCbn5A==/lib/arm64/libweexjss.so
18608-17 07:54:14.925 27976 28052 E WXParams: getCrashFilePath:/data/user/0/com.x.x/app_crash
18708-17 07:54:14.925 27976 28052 E WeexCore: params_utils.cpp:283,g_crashFilePath is /data/user/0/com.x.x/app_crash
18808-17 07:54:14.927 27976 28052 E weex : getLibIcuPath is running /apex/com.android.i18n/etc/icu/icudt68l.dat
18908-17 07:54:14.927 27976 28052 E WeexCore: params_utils.cpp:296,g_jssIcuPath is /apex/com.android.i18n/etc/icu/icudt68l.dat
19008-17 07:54:14.927 27976 28052 E weex : getLibJsbPath is running /data/user/0/com.x.x/cache/cache/weex/libs/weexjsb/arm64-v8a/libweexjsb.so
19108-17 07:54:14.927 27976 28052 E weex : getLibLdPath is running /data/app/ybAoL_U6gmwC3d6KQALCPw==/com.x.x-eRoEc6cOpTGsANxVnCbn5A==/lib/arm64:/data/app/ybAoL_U6gmwC3d6KQALCPw==/com.x.x-eRoEc6cOpTGsANxVnCbn5A==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a
19208-17 07:54:14.928 27976 28052 E WeexCore: multi_process_and_so_initializer.cpp:38,MultiProcessAndSoInitializer IS IN init
19308-17 07:54:14.929 27976 28052 E WeexCore: weex_js_connection.cpp:142,WeexJSConnection g_crashFileName: /data/user/0/com.x.x/app_crash/crash_dump.log
19408-17 07:54:14.933 27976 28052 E WeexCore: weex_js_connection.cpp:262,startupPie :1
19508-17 07:54:15.279 21788 21788 E libcrashpad_handler_trampoline.huawei.so: open file error
19608-17 07:54:15.289 21788 21788 E libcrashpad_handler_trampoline.huawei.so: open libged_kpi.so failed

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