  • 发布:2022-12-07 10:50
  • 更新:2022-12-07 11:05
  • 阅读:344

HBuilder3.6.5 mac 12.4 ios打包提示没安装根证书


ios打包提示没安装根证书, mac版本12.4,看过官网以及百度的很多方法 重启、证书重新添加到目录或者系统里 包括信任更改 都试了还是不行 下面是错误日志

[Info] begin copyFile files to ipa...
[Info] begin replace files to ipa...
[Info] begin update mobileprovision to ipa...
[Info] begin outPut t_entitlements_full plist file...
[Info] begin outPut outPutEntitlements plist file...
[Info] begin verifyPlistFiles
[Info] begin update files to ipa...
[Info] begin createKeychain...
[Info] begin unlockKeychain...
[Info] begin setListKeychains...
[Info] begin importAppleCerts...
[Info] 1 certificate imported.
[Info] 1 certificate imported.
[Info] 1 certificate imported.
[Info] begin importSecurity...
[Info] 1 identity imported.
[Info] begin setkeyPartitionList...
[Info] keychain: "/Users/wangguisen/Library/Keychains/HBuilderX.keychain-db"
[Info] version: 512
[Info] class: 0x00000010
[Info] attributes:
[Info] 0x00000000 <uint32>=0x00000010
[Info] 0x00000001 <blob>=0xE78E8BE8B4B5E6A3AE
[Info] 0x00000002 <blob>=<NULL>
[Info] 0x00000003 <uint32>=0x00000001
[Info] 0x00000004 <uint32>=0x00000000
[Info] 0x00000005 <uint32>=0x00000000
[Info] 0x00000006 <blob>=0x893F14C18F286EB799AC8FCC2EE272214716C277 "\211?\024\301\217(n\267\231\254\217\314.\342r!G\026\302w"
[Info] 0x00000007 <blob>=<NULL>
[Info] 0x00000008 <blob>=0x7B38373139316361322D306663392D313164342D383439612D3030303530326235323132327D00 "{87191ca2-0fc9-11d4-849a-000502b52122}\000"
[Info] 0x00000009 <uint32>=0x0000002A "\000\000\000*"
[Info] 0x0000000A <uint32>=0x00000800
[Info] 0x0000000B <uint32>=0x00000800
[Info] 0x0000000C <blob>=0x0000000000000000
[Info] 0x0000000D <blob>=0x0000000000000000
[Info] 0x0000000E <uint32>=0x00000001
[Info] 0x0000000F <uint32>=0x00000001
[Info] 0x00000010 <uint32>=0x00000001
[Info] 0x00000011 <uint32>=0x00000000
[Info] 0x00000012 <uint32>=0x00000001
[Info] 0x00000013 <uint32>=0x00000001
[Info] 0x00000014 <uint32>=0x00000001
[Info] 0x00000015 <uint32>=0x00000001
[Info] 0x00000016 <uint32>=0x00000001
[Info] 0x00000017 <uint32>=0x00000001
[Info] 0x00000018 <uint32>=0x00000001
[Info] 0x00000019 <uint32>=0x00000001
[Info] 0x0000001A <uint32>=0x00000001
[Info] begin getCertCName...
[Info] begin updatePlistInfo to ipa...
[Info] begin codesignApp to ipa...
[Error] HBuilder.xcarchive/Payload/HBuilder.app: replacing existing signature
[Error] Warning: unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer "iPhone Distribution: Shanghai Jinshan modern agricultural park management center (298UQ5ZVQR)"
[Error] HBuilder.xcarchive/Payload/HBuilder.app: errSecInternalComponent
[Info] begin importSecurity...
[Info] 1 identity imported.
[Error] HBuilder.xcarchive/Payload/HBuilder.app: replacing existing signature
[Error] Warning: unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer "iPhone Distribution: Shanghai Jinshan modern agricultural park management center (298UQ5ZVQR)"
[Error] HBuilder.xcarchive/Payload/HBuilder.app: errSecInternalComponent
[Info] begin importSecurity...
[Info] 1 identity imported.
[Error] codesignApp to ipa failed
[Info] Package make result:Failed. Reason:

2022-12-07 10:50 负责人:无 分享




  • 5***@qq.com (作者)

    试过了 不行

    2022-12-07 11:01

  • iOSDeveloper

    回复 5***@qq.com: 还没解决吗?

    2023-02-11 18:04

该问题目前已经被锁定, 无法添加新回复