"version" : "1",
"prompt" : "template",
"title" : "%privacy1%",
"message" : "%privacy2%",
"buttonAccept" : "%privacy3%",
"buttonRefuse" : "%privacy4%",
"hrefLoader" : "default",
"second" : {
"title" : "%privacy5%",
"message" : "%privacy6%",
"buttonAccept" : "%privacy7%",
"buttonRefuse" : "%privacy8%"
"disagreeMode" : {
"support" : false,
"loadNativePlugins" : false,
"visitorEntry" : false,
"showAlways" : true
"styles" : {
"backgroundColor" : "#F5FFFA",
"borderRadius" : "15px",
"title" : {
"color" : "#000"
"buttonAccept" : {
"color" : "#06D6A0"
"buttonRefuse" : {
"color" : "#ccc"
- 发布:2023-01-20 23:09
- 更新:2024-09-13 18:10
- 阅读:529
产品分类: uniapp/App
PC开发环境操作系统: Windows
PC开发环境操作系统版本号: W10
HBuilderX类型: 正式
HBuilderX版本号: 3.6.17
手机系统: Android
手机系统版本号: Android 12
手机厂商: 华为
手机机型: honor V8
页面类型: vue
vue版本: vue2
打包方式: 云端
项目创建方式: HBuilderX
系统变换英文版本 "message" 中依然是中文,没有切换
系统变换英文版本 "message" 中依然是中文,没有切换
androidPrivacy.json 文件,国际化的时候,系统变换英文版本 "message" 中依然是中文,没有切换;"second"中 "message" 正常;中文繁体切换正常。
"message": " 请你务必审慎阅读、充分理解“服务协议”和“隐私政策”各条款,包括但不限于:为了更好的向你提供服务,我们需要收集你的设备标识、操作日志等信息用于分析、优化应用性能。<br/> 你可阅读<a href=\"\">《服务协议》</a>和<a href=\"\">《隐私政策》</a>了解详细信息。如果你同意,请点击下面按钮开始接受我们的服务。",
"messageLocales": {
"en": "英文接受按钮文本",
"ja": "中文简体接受按钮文本"
"version": "1",
"prompt": "template",
"title": "服务协议和隐私政策",
"titleLocales": {
"en": "Service Agreement and Privacy Policy",
"zh-Hans": "服务协议和隐私政策",
"zh-Hant": "服務協議和隱私政策"
"message": " 请你务必审慎阅读、充分理解“服务协议”和“隐私政策”各条款,包括但不限于:为了更好的向你提供服务,我们需要收集你的设备标识、操作日志等信息用于分析、优化应用性能。<br/> 你可阅读<a href=\" \">《服务协议》</a>和<a href=\" \">《隐私政策》</a>了解详细信息。如果你同意,请点击下面按钮开始接受我们的服务。",
"messageLocales": {
"en": " Please be sure to carefully read and fully understand the terms of the “Service Agreement” and “Privacy Policy”, including but not limited to: In order to provide you with better services, we need to collect your device identification, operation logs and other information for analysis , Optimize application performance. <br/> you can read <a href=\" \">《Service Agreement》</a> and <a href=\" \">《Privacy Policy》</a> Learn more. If you agree, please click the button below to start accepting our services.",
"zh-Hans": " 请你务必审慎阅读、充分理解“服务协议”和“隐私政策”各条款,包括但不限于:为了更好的向你提供服务,我们需要收集你的设备标识、操作日志等信息用于分析、优化应用性能。<br/> 你可阅读<a href=\" \">《服务协议》</a>和<a href=\" \">《隐私政策》</a>了解详细信息。如果你同意,请点击下面按钮开始接受我们的服务。",
"zh-Hant": " 請你務必審慎閱讀、充分理解“服務協議”和“隱私政策”各條款,包括但不限於:為了更好的向你提供服務,我們需要收集你的設備標識、操作日誌等信息用於分析、優化應用性能。<br/> 你可閱讀<a href=\" \">《服務協議》</a>和<a href=\" \">《隱私政策》</a>了解詳細信息。如果你同意,請點擊下面按鈕開始接受我們的服務。"
"buttonAccept": "同意并接受",
"buttonAcceptLocales": {
"en": "Agree and Accept",
"zh-Hans": "同意并接受",
"zh-Hant": "同意並接受"
"buttonRefuse": "暂不同意",
"buttonRefuseLocales": {
"en": "Do not Agree",
"zh-Hans": "暂不同意",
"zh-Hant": "暫不同意"
"hrefLoader": "system|default",
"second": {
"title": "确认提示",
"titleLocales": {
"en": "Confirmation Prompt",
"zh-Hans": "确认提示",
"zh-Hant": "確認提示"
"message": " 进入应用前,你需先同意<a href=\" \">《服务协议》</a>和<a href=\" \">《隐私政策》</a>,否则将退出应用。",
"messageLocales": {
"en": " Before entering the application, you need to agree<a href=\" \">《service agreement》</a>和<a href=\" \">《Privacy Policy》</a>, Otherwise the app will exit.",,
"zh-Hans": " 进入应用前,你需先同意<a href=\" \">《服务协议》</a>和<a href=\" \">《隐私政策》</a>,否则将退出应用。",
"zh-Hant": " 進入應用前,你需先同意<a href=\" \">《服務協議》</a>和<a href=\" \">《隱私政策》</a>,否則將退出應用。",
"buttonAccept": "同意并继续",
"buttonAcceptLocales": {
"en": "Agree and Continue",
"zh-Hans": "同意并继续",
"zh-Hant": "同意並繼續"
"buttonRefuse": "退出应用",
"buttonRefuseLocales": {
"en": "Exit Application",
"zh-Hans": "退出应用",
"zh-Hant": "退出應用"
"version": "1",
"prompt": "template",
"title": "隐私政策和使用条款",
"titleLocales": {
"en": "Agree and accept",
"zhHans": "隐私政策和使用条款"
"message": "请你务必审慎阅读、充分理解“隐私政策”和“使用条款”各条款,包括但不限于:为了更好的向你提供服务,我们需要收集你的设备标识、操作日志等信息用于分析、优化应用性能。<br/>你可阅读<a href=">《隐私政策》</a>和<a href=\">《使用条款》</a>了解详细信息。如果你同意,请点击下面按钮开始接受我们的服务。",
"messageLocales": {
"en": "Please be sure to carefully read and fully understand the terms of the 'Privacy Policy' and 'Terms of Use', including but not limited to: In order to better provide you with services, we need to collect your device ID, operation logs and other information for analysis and optimization of application performance.<br/> You can read <a href=\"https://www.cntravelapp.com/privacy\">《privacy policy》</a> and <a href=\"https://www.cntravelapp.com/terms\"> 《terms for usage 》</a> learn more. If you agree, please click the button below to start receiving our services. ",
"zhHans": "请你务必审慎阅读、充分理解“隐私政策”和“使用条款”各条款,包括但不限于:为了更好的向你提供服务,我们需要收集你的设备标识、操作日志等信息用于分析、优化应用性能。<br/>你可阅读<a href=\"\">《隐私政策》</a>和<a href=\"\">《使用条款》</a>了解详细信息。如果你同意,请点击下面按钮开始接受我们的服务。"
"buttonAccept": "同意并接受",
"buttonAcceptLocales": {
"en": "Agree and accept",
"zhHans": "同意并接受"
"buttonRefuse": "暂不同意",
"buttonRefuseLocales": {
"en": "Disagree temporarily",
"zhHans": "暂不同意"
"hrefLoader": "system",
"backToExit": "true",
"styles": {
"backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF",
"borderRadius": "5px",
"title": {
"color": "#000000"
"buttonAccept": {
"color": "#016DF4"
"buttonRefuse": {
"color": "#1C1C1C"
"buttonVisitor": {
"color": "#1C1C1C"
提供一下你的配置文件 我试试
2023-03-23 15:41