  • 发布:2023-05-20 15:30
  • 更新:2024-07-25 09:15
  • 阅读:933

Execution failed for task ':androidDependencies'


uni_module [uni-animation-view] Error:
15:08:26.879 FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
15:08:26.882 What went wrong:
15:08:26.882 Execution failed for task ':androidDependencies'.
15:08:26.885 > Failed to notify dependency resolution listener.
15:08:26.885 > Failed to notify dependency resolution listener.
15:08:26.890 > 'void org.gradle.api.artifacts.DependencySubstitutions$Substitution.with(org.gradle.api.artifacts.component.ComponentSelector)'
15:08:26.893 > 'void org.gradle.api.artifacts.DependencySubstitutions$Substitution.with(org.gradle.api.artifacts.component.ComponentSelector)'
15:08:26.895 > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
15:08:26.896 > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
15:08:26.899 > Run with --scan to get full insights.
15:08:26.901 Get more help at https://help.gradle.org
15:08:26.912 BUILD FAILED in 12s
15:08:26.912 Error:
15:08:26.915 FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
What went wrong:
15:08:26.917 Execution failed for task ':androidDependencies'.
15:08:26.918 > Failed to notify dependency resolution listener.
15:08:26.921 > Failed to notify dependency resolution listener.
15:08:26.921 > 'void org.gradle.api.artifacts.DependencySubstitutions$Substitution.with(org.gradle.api.artifacts.component.ComponentSelector)'
15:08:26.925 > 'void org.gradle.api.artifacts.DependencySubstitutions$Substitution.with(org.gradle.api.artifacts.component.ComponentSelector)'
15:08:26.926 Try:
15:08:26.929 > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
15:08:26.931 > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
15:08:26.934 > Run with --scan to get full insights.
Get more help at https://help.gradle.org
15:08:26.943 BUILD FAILED in 12s
15:08:26.946 at F:\HBuilderX\plugins\uts-development-android\out\external.js:20:23099
15:08:26.947 at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
15:08:26.950 at F:\HBuilderX\plugins\uts-development-android\out\external.js:20:19692
15:08:26.950 at new Promise (<anonymous>)
15:08:26.953 at F:\HBuilderX\plugins\uts-development-android\out\external.js:20:19437
15:08:26.957 at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (F:\HBuilderX\plugins\uts-development-android\out\external.js:20:22920)
15:08:26.957 at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:513:28)
15:08:26.960 at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:291:12)
15:08:32.210 ‌error: Unresolved reference: airbnb‌
15:08:32.211 at uni_modules/uni-animation-view/utssdk/app-android/index.vue:10:36
15:08:32.213 8 | import TextUtils from 'android.text.TextUtils'
15:08:32.214 9 | import View from 'android.view.View'
15:08:32.216 10 | import LottieAnimationView from 'com.airbnb.lottie.LottieAnimationView'
15:08:32.219 | ^
15:08:32.221 11 | import LottieDrawable from 'com.airbnb.lottie.LottieDrawable'
15:08:32.228 12 | import FileInputStream from 'java.io.FileInputStream'
15:08:32.228 ‌error: Unresolved reference: airbnb‌
15:08:32.231 at uni_modules/uni-animation-view/utssdk/app-android/index.vue:11:31
15:08:32.231 9 | import View from 'android.view.View'
15:08:32.233 10 | import LottieAnimationView from 'com.airbnb.lottie.LottieAnimationView'
15:08:32.236 11 | import LottieDrawable from 'com.airbnb.lottie.LottieDrawable'
15:08:32.237 | ^
15:08:32.243 12 | import FileInputStream from 'java.io.FileInputStream'
15:08:32.244 13 | import { UTSAndroid } from "io.dcloud.uts";
15:08:32.246 ‌error: Unresolved reference: LottieAnimationView‌
15:08:32.246 at uni_modules/uni-animation-view/utssdk/app-android/index.vue:17:29
15:08:32.248 15 | class CustomAnimListener extends Animator.AnimatorListener {
15:08:32.251 16 |
15:08:32.258 17 | comp: UTSComponent < LottieAnimationView >
15:08:32.258 | ^
15:08:32.261 18 | constructor(com: UTSComponent < LottieAnimationView > ) {
15:08:32.261 19 | super();
15:08:32.263 ‌error: Unresolved reference: LottieAnimationView‌
15:08:32.267 at uni_modules/uni-animation-view/utssdk/app-android/index.vue:18:44
15:08:32.274 16 |
15:08:32.274 17 | comp: UTSComponent < LottieAnimationView >
15:08:32.277 18 | constructor(com: UTSComponent < LottieAnimationView > ) {
15:08:32.277 | ^
15:08:32.279 19 | super();
15:08:32.279 20 | this.comp = com
15:08:32.281 ‌error: Unresolved reference: LottieAnimationView‌
15:08:32.284 at uni_modules/uni-animation-view/utssdk/app-android/index.vue:189:18
15:08:32.292 187| },
15:08:32.292 188|
15:08:32.294 189| NVLoad(): LottieAnimationView {
15:08:32.295 | ^
15:08:32.297 190| let lottieAnimationView = new LottieAnimationView($androidContext)
15:08:32.297 191| return lottieAnimationView

2023-05-20 15:30 负责人:无 分享

wingkay - 90后IT男




