新建一个 uni-admin 项目
- 发布:2023-06-03 17:32
- 更新:2024-03-19 17:48
- 阅读:631
【报Bug】3.8.4,uni-admin 运行 h5 失败(Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT keypress.js:1)
产品分类: HbuilderX
PC开发环境操作系统: Windows
PC开发环境操作系统版本号: windows11
HBuilderX版本号: 3.8.4
uni-admin 白屏
2023-06-03 17:17:17.720 [WARNING:] QLayout: Cannot add a null widget to QVBoxLayout/
2023-06-03 17:17:17.720 [WARNING:] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to RelateCloudSpaceDialog "", which already has a layout
2023-06-03 17:17:17.720 [WARNING:] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to RelateCloudSpaceDialog "", which already has a layout
2023-06-03 17:17:17.720 [WARNING:] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to RelateCloudSpaceDialog "", which already has a layout
2023-06-03 17:17:22.185 [WARNING:] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to MsgItemWidget "MsgItem", which already has a layout
2023-06-03 17:17:32.373 [WARNING:] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QWidget "", which already has a layout
2023-06-03 17:17:32.373 [WARNING:] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QWidget "", which already has a layout
2023-06-03 17:17:33.755 [WARNING:] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QWidget "", which already has a layout
2023-06-03 17:17:33.755 [WARNING:] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QWidget "", which already has a layout
2023-06-03 17:17:34.846 [INFO:] node "D:/Program Files (x86)/HBuilderX/plugins/node/node.exe"
2023-06-03 17:17:34.846 [INFO:] args ("--max-old-space-size=2048", "--no-warnings", "D:/Program Files (x86)/HBuilderX/plugins/uniapp-cli-vite/node_modules/@dcloudio/vite-plugin-uni/bin/uni.js")
2023-06-03 17:24:24.524 [WARNING:] uniapp compiled errorOccurred====== "进程已崩溃"
2023-06-03 17:24:36.252 [WARNING:] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QWidget "", which already has a layout
2023-06-03 17:24:36.252 [WARNING:] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QWidget "", which already has a layout
2023-06-03 17:24:36.991 [WARNING:] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QWidget "", which already has a layout
2023-06-03 17:24:36.991 [WARNING:] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QWidget "", which already has a layout
2023-06-03 17:24:37.911 [INFO:] node "D:/Program Files (x86)/HBuilderX/plugins/node/node.exe"
2023-06-03 17:24:37.911 [INFO:] args ("--max-old-space-size=2048", "--no-warnings", "D:/Program Files (x86)/HBuilderX/plugins/uniapp-cli-vite/node_modules/@dcloudio/vite-plugin-uni/bin/uni.js")