  • 发布:2024-04-09 10:45
  • 更新:2024-04-09 10:45
  • 阅读:67

HBuildrX4.11.2024040401-alpja uts uni.downloadFile

分类:uni-app x

0:38:22.528 请注意运行模式下,因日志输出、sourcemap 以及未压缩源码等原因,性能和包体积,均不及发行模式。
10:38:22.532 编译器版本:4.11(vue3)
10:38:22.533 正在编译中...
10:38:28.139 开始编译插件 dc-nl-plugin-core
10:38:30.549 error: uni_modules/dc-nl-plugin-core/utssdk/app-ios/src/index.swift:3:31: error: module 'DCloudUTSExtAPI' has no member named 'downloadFile'
10:38:30.553 cannot find 'DownloadFileOptions' in scope
10:38:30.555 at uni_modules/dc-nl-plugin-core/utssdk/app-ios/index.uts:4:1
10:38:30.558 2 |
10:38:30.559 3 | export const loadFile : Downloader = (url : string, fileName : string, headers : UTSJSONObject, resolve : (result : DownLoadResult) => void) : void => {
10:38:30.562 4 | uni.downloadFile({
10:38:30.563 | ^
10:38:30.565 5 | url,
10:38:30.569 6 | header: headers,
10:38:30.573 cannot find type 'DownloadFileSuccess' in scope
10:38:30.577 at uni_modules/dc-nl-plugin-core/utssdk/app-ios/index.uts:8:18
10:38:30.580 6 | header: headers,
10:38:30.583 7 | filePath: cache/${fileName},
10:38:30.584 8 | success: (res : DownloadFileSuccess) => {
10:38:30.587 | ^
10:38:30.588 9 | console.log(res);
10:38:30.591 10 | resolve({
10:38:30.592 cannot find type 'DownloadFileFail' in scope
10:38:30.595 at uni_modules/dc-nl-plugin-core/utssdk/app-ios/index.uts:15:15
10:38:30.599 13 | } as DownLoadResult);
10:38:30.603 14 | },
10:38:30.605 15 | fail: (res : DownloadFileFail) => {
10:38:30.609 | ^
10:38:30.610 16 | console.log(res);
10:38:30.614 17 | resolve({
10:38:30.615 uni_modules/dc-nl-plugin-core/utssdk/app-ios/src/index.swift:3:31: error: module 'DCloudUTSExtAPI' has no member named 'downloadFile'
10:38:30.618 cannot find 'DownloadFileOptions' in scope
10:38:30.621 at uni_modules/dc-nl-plugin-core/utssdk/app-ios/index.uts:4:1
10:38:30.624 2 |
10:38:30.628 3 | export const loadFile : Downloader = (url : string, fileName : string, headers : UTSJSONObject, resolve : (result : DownLoadResult) => void) : void => {
10:38:30.629 4 | uni.downloadFile({
10:38:30.632 | ^
10:38:30.636 5 | url,
10:38:30.637 6 | header: headers,
10:38:30.641 cannot find type 'DownloadFileSuccess' in scope
10:38:30.645 at uni_modules/dc-nl-plugin-core/utssdk/app-ios/index.uts:8:18
10:38:30.647 6 | header: headers,
10:38:30.650 7 | filePath: cache/${fileName},
10:38:30.653 8 | success: (res : DownloadFileSuccess) => {
10:38:30.654 | ^
10:38:30.657 9 | console.log(res);
10:38:30.658 10 | resolve({
10:38:30.661 cannot find type 'DownloadFileFail' in scope
10:38:30.662 at uni_modules/dc-nl-plugin-core/utssdk/app-ios/index.uts:15:15
10:38:30.666 13 | } as DownLoadResult);
10:38:30.670 14 | },
10:38:30.671 15 | fail: (res : DownloadFileFail) => {
10:38:30.675 | ^
10:38:30.678 16 | console.log(res);
10:38:30.681 17 | resolve({
10:38:30.802 开始编译插件 dc-plugin-media
10:38:33.951 ​../../../../../../Users/admin/Desktop/nuanliu-saas-mobile-app/uni_modules/nl-form/components/datasource.js (37:12) Use of eval in "../../../../../../Users/admin/Desktop/nuanliu-saas-mobile-app/uni_modules/nl-form/components/datasource.js" is strongly discouraged as it poses security risks and may cause issues with minification.​
10:38:35.548 项目 'nuanliu-saas-mobile-app' 编译成功。

2024-04-09 10:45 负责人:无 分享
