hvigor ERROR: Unsupported state or unable to authenticate data
Detail: Signing failed. Reconfigure the signature or clear the /Users/ folder and perform signing again.
at /Users//build-profile.json5
hvigor ERROR: Unsupported state or unable to authenticate data
Detail: Signing failed. Reconfigure the signature or clear the /Users/ folder and perform signing again.
at /Users//build-profile.json5
6***@qq.com (作者)
你好,我已经重新签名了3次。 还是报这个错误。。一样的问题
2024-10-10 16:02
如果是运行调试,则用DevEco Studio里自动生成的证书即可,如果是发布到应用市场,参考鸿蒙文档生成正式证书https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/app/agc-help-releaseharmony-0000001933963166
2024-10-10 16:25
6***@qq.com (作者)
回复 DCloud_uniCloud_VK: 已解决
2024-10-10 16:38