  • 发布:2018-05-05 16:37
  • 更新:2018-05-05 16:37
  • 阅读:1209

app store审核。访问相册、相册的提示,如何自定义?


For 5.1.1, it would be appropriate to add the reason for requesting access to camera and photos in the modal alerts. We’ve attached screenshots to show you where the proper explanation should be included in the modal alerts (where your app current only list ‘camera’ and ‘gallery’ without providing explanation). As a reminder, please specify why your app requests access to camera and photos. For example, let users know why and / or what feature in your app that needs to take photo. If it is avatar photo that the camera access is used for, then please explicitly explain that in the modal alert to the users.


2018-05-05 16:37 1 条评论 负责人:无 分享

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