• 发布:2019-09-16 11:11
  • 更新:2019-09-16 11:25
  • 阅读:1106

【报Bug】HBuilder2.2.6 点击调试 直接闪退


MAC HBuilder2.2.6 点击调试 直接闪退

2019-09-16 11:08:42.441 [WARNING:] QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.  
(Parent is QProcess(0x600001bd8b18), parent's thread is QThread(0x6000003181b0), current thread is WeexDebugThread(0x600001bd8b00)  
2019-09-16 11:08:42.441 [WARNING:] QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.  
(Parent is QProcess(0x600001bd8b18), parent's thread is QThread(0x6000003181b0), current thread is WeexDebugThread(0x600001bd8b00)  
2019-09-16 11:08:42.443 [WARNING:] QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.  
(Parent is QProcess(0x600001bd8b18), parent's thread is QThread(0x6000003181b0), current thread is WeexDebugThread(0x600001bd8b00)  
2019-09-16 11:08:42.443 [WARNING:] QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.  
(Parent is QProcess(0x600001bd8b18), parent's thread is QThread(0x6000003181b0), current thread is WeexDebugThread(0x600001bd8b00)  
2019-09-16 11:08:42.454 [WARNING:] QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.  
(Parent is QProcess(0x600001bd8b18), parent's thread is QThread(0x6000003181b0), current thread is WeexDebugThread(0x600001bd8b00)  
2019-09-16 11:08:42.857 [WARNING:] WebEngineContext used before QtWebEngine::initialize() or OpenGL context creation failed.  
2019-09-16 11:08:42.883 [WARNING:] QCocoaGLContext: Failed to create context.  
2019-09-16 11:08:42.884 [FATAL:] Failed to create OpenGL context for format QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags<QSurfaceFormat::FormatOption>(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior QSurfaceFormat::SwapBehavior(DefaultSwapBehavior), swapInterval 1, profile  QSurfaceFormat::OpenGLContextProfile(NoProfile))   
2019-09-16 11:08:42 [LanguageServerProcess] tasklist result:  PID   TT  STAT      TIME COMMAND  
2019-09-16 11:08:46.176 [INFO:] arguments:::::: "/Applications/HBuilderX.app/Contents/MacOS/HBuilderX"  
2019-09-16 11:08:46.177 [INFO:] apr_initialize.  
2019-09-16 11:08:46.177 [INFO:] apr_initialize end.  
2019-09-16 11:08:46.177 [INFO:] !SESSION_START ====================================  
2019-09-16 11:08:46.177 [INFO:] [main_start] :  180  
2019-09-16 11:08:46.177 [INFO:] print app info:  
2019-09-16 11:08:46.178 [INFO:] pwd ==== "/Applications/HBuilderX.app/Contents/HBuilderX"  
2019-09-16 11:08:46.178 [INFO:] QLibraryInfo::DataPath ====  "/Applications/HBuilderX.app/Contents"  
2019-09-16 11:08:46.178 [INFO:] QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath ====  "/Applications/HBuilderX.app/Contents/translations"  
2019-09-16 11:08:46.178 [INFO:] QLibraryInfo::LibraryExecutablesPath ====  "/Applications/HBuilderX.app/Contents/libexec"  
2019-09-16 11:08:46.178 [WARNING:] last session is crashed!  
2019-09-16 11:08:46.178 [INFO:] install i18n.  
2019-09-16 11:08:46.178 [INFO:] init services  
2019-09-16 11:08:46.179 [INFO:] init theme.  
2019-09-16 11:08:46.180 [INFO:] init workbenchwindow.  
2019-09-16 11:08:46.299 [WARNING:] QWidget::insertAction: Attempt to insert null action  
2019-09-16 11:08:46.300 [WARNING:] QObject::disconnect: Unexpected null parameter  
2019-09-16 11:08:46.300 [WARNING:] QObject::connect: invalid null parameter  
2019-09-16 11:08:46.477 [INFO:] restore uistate.  
2019-09-16 11:08:46.603 [WARNING:] QObject::connect: invalid null parameter  
2019-09-16 11:08:46.603 [WARNING:] QObject::connect: invalid null parameter  
2019-09-16 11:08:46.605 [WARNING:] QObject::connect: invalid null parameter  
2019-09-16 11:08:46.612 [INFO:] open workbenchwindow.  
2019-09-16 11:08:46.612 [INFO:] WorkbenchPage::onPreWindowOpen  
2019-09-16 11:08:48.271 [INFO:] Start Elapsed Time :  "2274"  
2019-09-16 11:08:48.271 [WARNING:] QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.  
(Parent is SingleApplication(0x7ffee76a8a18), parent's thread is QThread(0x600002484120), current thread is StartupThead(0x6000024e76f0)  
2019-09-16 11:08:48.273 [INFO:] [Update] do check update...  
2019-09-16 11:08:48.273 [INFO:] find Jre Path:  "/Applications/HBuilderX.app/Contents/HBuilderX/plugins/jre/Contents/Home/bin/java"  
2019-09-16 11:08:48.273 [INFO:] find Node.js Path:  "/Applications/HBuilderX.app/Contents/HBuilderX/plugins/node/node"  
2019-09-16 11:08:48.277 [WARNING:] plugin [ "etc" ] package.json is not exist!!!  
2019-09-16 11:08:48.314 [INFO:] enter main loop.  
2019-09-16 11:08:48.478 [INFO:] [LANGUAGESERVER]  begin start language server...  
2019-09-16 11:08:48.482 [WARNING:] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread  
2019-09-16 11:08:48.561 [WARNING:] [NodeHost]  "/var/folders/b6/s4jf61qn6rv7ywlqvlwgfngc0000gn/T/6104\n"  
2019-09-16 11:08:48.771 [WARNING:] QString::arg: 1 argument(s) missing in 无法解析%2中的符号“%2”:%3  
2019-09-16 11:08:48.771 [WARNING:] QString::arg: 1 argument(s) missing in 无法解析%2中的符号“%2”:%3  
2019-09-16 11:08:48.773 [WARNING:] QString::arg: 1 argument(s) missing in 无法解析%2中的符号“%2”:%3  
2019-09-16 11:08:49.037 [INFO:] Language Server Running on Port :  9191   

2019-09-16 11:08:49.565 [INFO:] start loadSnippets  
2019-09-16 11:08:49.849 [INFO:] [Update] No update.  
2019-09-16 11:08:50.617 [INFO:] User: [ "270315475@qq.com" ] logged in  
2019-09-16 11:08:51 [LanguageServerProcess] file:/Users/hanye/Library/Application%20Support/HBuilder%20X/.log==>js序列化文件不存在。  
2019-09-16 11:08:53.277 [INFO:] Local Mac:  "A4:5E:60:F3:17:3D,06:5E:60:F3:17:3D,DA:E1:0C:4F:E7:B9,6A:00:00:7F:2B:A0,6A:00:00:7F:2B:A1,6A:00:00:7F:2B:A1,"  
2019-09-16 11:08:53.379 [WARNING:] server json is error:  "illegal value"  
2019-09-16 11:09:01.269 [WARNING:] server json is error:  "illegal value"
2019-09-16 11:11 负责人:无 分享



  • 270315475 (作者)

    ios android 都点调试都闪退

    2019-09-16 14:05



必现吗? 上个版本正常吗?

  • 270315475 (作者)

    必现 点击调试就闪退 上个版本也闪退我就没用 这更新了新版本也还是这样 忍不了了才提bug

    2019-09-16 14:07

  • o***@163.com

    回复 270315475: 解决了么 兄弟

    2021-01-15 19:55

  • 270315475 (作者)

    回复 o***@163.com: 重下的新版本可以了

    2021-02-24 09:13

该问题目前已经被锁定, 无法添加新回复