同样遇到了 在纯nvue项目 使用uni.reLaunch 报错
[JS Framework] Failed to find taskCenter (36). ERROR
15:59:30.423 [JS Framework] Failed to find taskCenter (36). ERROR
15:59:30.455 [JS Framework] Failed to find taskCenter (36). ERROR
15:59:30.486 Unhandled promise rejection TypeError: t.getComponentRect is not a function. (In 't.getComponentRect(e,function(e){var t=e.size;n(t)})', 't.getComponentRect' is null) ERROR
15:59:30.517 Unhandled promise rejection TypeError: t.getComponentRect is not a function. (In 't.getComponentRect(e,function(e){var t=e.size;n(t)})', 't.getComponentRect' is null) ERROR
15:59:30.548 Unhandled promise rejection TypeError: t.getComponentRect is not a function. (In 't.getComponentRect(e,function(e){var t=e.size;n(t)})', 't.getComponentRect' is null) ERROR