"version": "1",
"prompt": "template",
"title": "服务协议和隐私政策",
"message": " 请你务必审慎阅读、充分理解“服务协议”和“隐私政策”各条款,包括但不限于:为了更好的向你提供服务,我们需要收集你的设备标识、操作日志等信息用于分析、优化应用性能。<br/> 你可阅读<a href=\"\">《服务协议》</a>和<a href=\"\">《隐私政策》</a>了解详细信息。如果你同意,请点击下面按钮开始接受我们的服务。",
"buttonAccept": "同意并接受",
"buttonRefuse": "暂不同意",
"second": {
"title": "确认提示",
"message": " 进入应用前,你需先同意<a href=\"\">《服务协议》</a>和<a href=\"\">《隐私政策》</a>,否则将退出应用。",
"buttonAccept": "同意并继续",
"buttonRefuse": "退出应用"
"styles": {
"backgroundColor": "#fff",
"title": {
"color": "#333"
"buttonAccept": {
"color": "#007aff"
"buttonRefuse": {
"color": "#333"
manigest.json 配置文件:
"locales": {
"en": { // 英文
"name": "HBuilder", // 应用名称
"android": {
"strings": { //Android平台自定义字符串
"dcloud_privacy_prompt_title" : "Privacy policy",
"dcloud_privacy_prompt_message" : "<![CDATA[ Please read carefully and fully understand the terms of the privacy policy, including but not limited to: in order to provide better services to you, we need to collect your device identification, location information, operation log and other information for analysis and optimization of application performance. <br /> you can read <a href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy-policy.html\"> Privacy Policy </a> for more information. If you agree, please click the button below to start receiving our service.]]>",
"dcloud_privacy_prompt_accept_button_text" : "Got it",
"dcloud_privacy_prompt_refuse_button_text" : "Disagree"
"ios": {
"privacyDescription": { //iOS平台隐私访问描述信息
"NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription": "access to the user’s photo library(read)",
"infoPlist": { //iOS平台自定义InfoPlist.strings
"zh": { // 中文(简体)
z*** (作者)
2021-12-28 11:05