  • 发布:2022-03-17 14:14
  • 更新:2022-07-07 17:51
  • 阅读:4234

关于谷歌商店(Google Play Store)应用因 不合规版本的华为移动服务 SDK 下架


谷歌商店应用收到通知说要下架,说APP 不合规版本的华为移动服务 SDK 要下架。原文如下:
Hi Developers at Lawrence Wong,
After a recent review, we found that your app Golden Master (com.huawei.sendTest) is not compliant with one or more of our Developer Program Policies. See below for more information about your app’s status and how to correct the issue.

Issue with your app
Your app contains content that doesn’t comply with the Device and Network Abuse policy. We found your app is using a non-compliant version of Huawei Mobile Services SDK which contains code to download or install applications from unknown sources outside of Google Play.

After 120 days, new app releases containing this non-compliant version of this SDK will be rejected. This SDK version violates Device & Network Abuse policy.

Given the nature of the SDK, we request that you remove it from the version of your app submitted to the Play Store.

About the Device and Network Abuse policy
An app distributed via Google Play may not modify, replace, or update itself using any method other than Google Play's update mechanism. Likewise, an app may not download executable code (e.g. dex, JAR, .so files) from a source other than Google Play. Please note that you are responsible for all aspects of your app; by using an SDK in your app, you are responsible for how that SDK behaves within your app.

Action required: Publish a new compliant version of your app within 120 days
Here’s what to do to help make sure that your app stays available on Google Play:

  1. Review the User Data and Device & Network Abuse policies for more details.
  2. Make appropriate changes to your app, and be sure to address the issue described above. In addition to your Production release, if you have other release types that you use for testing and/or quality assurance checks (for example, Internal test, Closed, Open), please make sure to update those tracks as well.
  3. Check that your app is compliant with all other Developer Program Policies. Additional enforcement could occur if there are further policy violations.
  4. Sign in to your Play Console, upload the modified policy compliant APK across all tracks, and deactivate the non-compliant APK(s).
  5. Click Manage track > Create new release
    • If the release with the violating app bundles / APKs are in a draft state, discard the release.
    • Otherwise, add the policy compliant version of app bundles / APKs.
    • Make sure the non-compliant version is under the "Not Included" section of this release.
    • Enter a release name and click Save. Once saved, click Review release, then proceed to roll out the release to 100%.
  6. If the non-compliant versions are released to multiple tracks, repeat step 5 in each track.
  7. Submit the update to your app.


2022-03-17 14:14 负责人:无 分享








  • z***@goldenmaster.com.hk (作者)


    2022-03-18 09:22

  • 从来知韵胜

    回复 z***@goldenmaster.com.hk: 不然代码里没有用任何跟华为有关系的东西呀。只有unipush中有关于华为推送的SDK,其他的我也猜不到原因了。

    2022-03-18 09:42

  • 从来知韵胜

    回复 z***@goldenmaster.com.hk: 另外就是app里面还自己写了检测版本升级,然后跳转到应用商店的代码。就这么点东西。

    2022-03-18 09:54

  • z***@goldenmaster.com.hk (作者)

    回复 从来知韵胜: 嗯,应该是云打包的时候 unipush 里集成了华为的SDK在里面。

    2022-03-18 14:54

  • 从来知韵胜

    回复 z***@goldenmaster.com.hk: 求教,有没有解决办法的?总不能吧unipush去掉吧。。去掉推送就没咯

    2022-03-18 23:44

  • z***@goldenmaster.com.hk (作者)

    回复 从来知韵胜: 我重新打包了,打包的时候 渠道包 只选了GoolgePlay(AAB). 现在暂时通过了谷歌的审核。但不知道有没有解决。还会不会通知下架。

    2022-03-21 09:55

  • 从来知韵胜

    回复 z***@goldenmaster.com.hk: 我一直是这么打包的。谷歌的只勾选谷歌。华为的只勾选华为,ios只勾选ios。

    2022-03-21 10:05

  • 一枚工程师

    回复 z***@goldenmaster.com.hk: 等待您的结果

    2022-03-21 10:51

  • 一枚工程师

    回复 z***@goldenmaster.com.hk: 您提交的版本审核过了吗?

    2022-03-28 09:40










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