  • 发布:2023-02-11 17:26
  • 更新:2023-07-10 10:53
  • 阅读:1468



产品分类: uniapp/小程序/微信

PC开发环境操作系统: Windows

PC开发环境操作系统版本号: win10

第三方开发者工具版本号: 1.06.2301160win32-x64

基础库版本号: 2.30.0

项目创建方式: CLI

CLI版本号: 5.0.8









2023-02-11 17:26 负责人:无 分享




在 manifest.json 中的 mp-wexin 节点的 setting 中配置 "minified": true 然后再试试看









  • 蛋炒太阳 (作者)


    2023-02-13 11:28

  • DCloud_UNI_WZF

    回复 蛋炒太阳: 暂时可使用1.0真机调试

    老的uniapp项目 @dcloudio 对应依赖版本是多少

    2023-02-13 11:35

  • 蛋炒太阳 (作者)

    回复 DCloud_UNI_WZF: "dependencies": {

    "@dcloudio/uni-app-plus": "^2.0.0-29820201110001",

    "@dcloudio/uni-h5": "^2.0.0-29820201110001",

    "@dcloudio/uni-helper-json": "",

    "@dcloudio/uni-mp-360": "^2.0.0-29820201110001",

    "@dcloudio/uni-mp-alipay": "^2.0.0-29820201110001",

    "@dcloudio/uni-mp-baidu": "^2.0.0-29820201110001",

    "@dcloudio/uni-mp-qq": "^2.0.0-29820201110001",

    "@dcloudio/uni-mp-toutiao": "^2.0.0-29820201110001",

    "@dcloudio/uni-mp-vue": "^2.0.0-29820201110001",

    "@dcloudio/uni-mp-weixin": "^2.0.0-29820201110001",

    "@dcloudio/uni-quickapp-native": "^2.0.0-29820201110001",

    "@dcloudio/uni-quickapp-webview": "^2.0.0-29820201110001",

    "@dcloudio/uni-stat": "^2.0.0-29820201110001",

    "@dcloudio/uni-ui": "^1.4.20",

    "@vue/shared": "^3.0.0",

    "core-js": "^3.6.5",

    "decimal.js": "^10.2.1",

    "flyio": "^0.6.2",

    "moment": "^2.29.1",

    "regenerator-runtime": "^0.12.1",

    "vue": "^2.6.11",

    "vuex": "^3.2.0"


    "devDependencies": {

    "@dcloudio/types": "

    "@dcloudio/uni-automator": "^2.0.0-29820201110001",

    "@dcloudio/uni-cli-shared": "^2.0.0-29820201110001",

    "@dcloudio/uni-migration": "^2.0.0-29820201110001",

    "@dcloudio/uni-template-compiler": "^2.0.0-29820201110001",

    "@dcloudio/vue-cli-plugin-hbuilderx": "^2.0.0-29820201110001",

    "@dcloudio/vue-cli-plugin-uni": "^2.0.0-29820201110001",

    "@dcloudio/vue-cli-plugin-uni-optimize": "^2.0.0-29820201110001",

    "@dcloudio/webpack-uni-mp-loader": "^2.0.0-29820201110001",

    "@dcloudio/webpack-uni-pages-loader": "^2.0.0-29820201110001",

    "@vue/cli-plugin-babel": "~4.5.0",

    "@vue/cli-service": "~4.5.0",

    "babel-helper-vue-jsx-merge-props": "^2.0.3",

    "babel-plugin-import": "^1.11.0",

    "babel-plugin-syntax-jsx": "^6.18.0",

    "babel-plugin-transform-runtime": "^6.23.0",

    "babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx": "^3.7.0",

    "babel-preset-es2015": "^6.24.1",

    "cross-env": "^7.0.2",

    "jest": "^25.4.0",

    "mini-types": "",

    "miniprogram-api-typings": "

    "node-sass": "^7.0.3",

    "postcss-comment": "^2.0.0",

    "sass-loader": "^10.1.0",

    "vue-template-compiler": "^2.6.11"


    "browserslist": [

    "Android >= 4",

    "ios >= 8"


    2023-02-28 19:10

  • DCloud_UNI_WZF

    回复 蛋炒太阳: 测试 2.0.2-3061820230117002 版本未复现该问题,您这边有问题的依赖版本 微信小程序基础库请提供下,谢谢

    2023-02-28 21:38

  • 蛋炒太阳 (作者)

    回复 DCloud_UNI_WZF: 算了,现在问题越来越严重,vue cli创建的项目,运行Android app基座,各种模块报错,各种不支持

    2023-03-02 09:24

  • DCloud_UNI_WZF

    回复 蛋炒太阳: 报什么错,默认模板项目是否存在该问题?

    2023-03-02 09:40

  • 蛋炒太阳 (作者)

    Module build failed (from ./node_modules/@dcloudio/vue-cli-plugin-hbuilderx/packages/webpack-uni-nvue-loader/lib/style.js):

    09:53:25.225 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'replace')

    09:53:25.225 at font (E:\Essen\test\my-project\node_modules\@dcloudio\vue-cli-plugin-hbuilderx\packages\weex-styler\lib\shorthand-parser.js:186:57)

    09:53:25.225 at E:\Essen\test\my-project\node_modules\@dcloudio\vue-cli-plugin-hbuilderx\packages\weex-styler\lib\shorthand-parser.js:227:28

    09:53:25.240 at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)

    09:53:25.240 at E:\Essen\test\my-project\node_modules\@dcloudio\vue-cli-plugin-hbuilderx\packages\weex-styler\lib\shorthand-parser.js:224:23

    09:53:25.240 at E:\Essen\test\my-project\node_modules\@dcloudio\vue-cli-plugin-hbuilderx\packages\weex-styler\index.js:67:31

    09:53:25.240 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)

    09:53:25.240 at Object.parse (E:\Essen\test\my-project\node_modules\@dcloudio\vue-cli-plugin-hbuilderx\packages\weex-styler\index.js:60:26)

    09:53:25.256 at genStyleString (E:\Essen\test\my-project\node_modules\@dcloudio\vue-cli-plugin-hbuilderx\packages\webpack-uni-nvue-loader\lib\style.js:37:10)

    09:53:25.256 at Object.<anonymous> (E:\Essen\test\my-project\node_modules\@dcloudio\vue-cli-plugin-hbuilderx\packages\webpack-uni-nvue-loader\lib\style.js:8:45)

    09:53:25.256 ERROR Build failed with errors.

    2023-03-02 09:53

  • 蛋炒太阳 (作者)

    回复 DCloud_UNI_WZF: [广告] 09:55:42.181 DCloud 2023新春招聘开启,欢迎前端、Android、C++/QT来投简历! 详情点击

    09:55:42.212 项目 'my-project' 开始编译...

    09:55:44.492 3.7.3

    09:55:44.492 请注意运行模式下,因日志输出、sourcemap以及未压缩源码等原因,性能和包体积,均不及发行模式。

    09:55:44.492 正在编译中...

    09:55:44.492 ​当前应用未配置uni统计版本,默认使用1.0版本;建议使用uni统计2.0版本,私有部署数据更安全,代码开源可定制。详情:https://uniapp.dcloud.io/uni-stat-v2.html​

    09:55:49.062 项目 'my-project' 编译成功。

    09:55:49.062 项目 'my-project' 编译成功。

    09:55:49.156 项目 'my-project' 编译成功。

    09:55:49.239 正在建立手机连接...

    09:55:50.041 手机端调试基座版本号为3.7.3, 版本号相同,跳过基座更新

    09:55:51.759 正在同步手机端程序文件...

    09:55:51.979 同步手机端程序文件完成

    09:55:53.220 正在启动HBuilder调试基座...

    09:55:54.005 App Launch at App.vue:4

    09:55:54.020 App Show at App.vue:7

    09:55:54.303 应用【】已启动。注意编译阶段有报错,可能部分模块无法使用。


    vue cli 安得最新的,hbuildx也是最新的,我初始一个新项目,一共没几行代码,就嗷嗷报错

    2023-03-02 09:57

  • 蛋炒太阳 (作者)

    回复 DCloud_UNI_WZF:


    <view class="index">

    <view>{{ viewTitle }}</view>

    <view class="main">

    <view class="main-bgc"></view>

    <view class="main-content">

    <view class="main-row">

    <view class="card">1</view>

    <view class="card">2</view>


    <view class="main-row">

    <view @click="eventQR" class="card">3</view>

    <view @click="eventNFC" class="card">4</view>




    <view class="inspection-results">

    <view class="card">

    <view class="card-head">

    <view class="title">巡检情况</view>


    <view class="card-body">

    <view class="total">

    <view class="padding-h-32">

    <view class="label">巡检次数</view>

    <view class="value">8</view>

    <view class="unit">当月</view>


    <view class="padding-h-32">

    <view class="label">巡检任务</view>

    <view class="value">1</view>

    <view class="unit">当日</view>









    export default {

    name: 'index',

    data() {

    return {

    customNavigationBar: false,

    authData: null,

    viewTitle: '',

            //>>>  NFC & Equipment  <<<//  
    nfc: null,
    code: null

    methods: {
    eventQR() {
    eventNFC() {
    onLoad() {
    onUnload() {





    .index {

    width: 100%;

    height: 100%;

    background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #E2E9FB, #FAFDFF);




    2023-03-02 09:58

  • 蛋炒太阳 (作者)

    回复 DCloud_UNI_WZF:


    "name": "",

    "appid": "",

    "description": "",

    "versionName": "1.0.0",

    "versionCode": "100",

    "transformPx": false,

    "app-plus": { / 5+App特有相关 /

    "runmode" : "liberate",

    "compatible" : {

    "ignoreVersion" : true


    "usingComponents" : true,

    "nvueStyleCompiler": "uni-app",

    "compilerVersion" : 3,

    "splashscreen" : {

    "alwaysShowBeforeRender" : true,

    "waiting" : true,

    "autoclose" : true,

    "delay" : 0


    "modules" : {},

    "distribute" : {

    "android" : {

    "permissions" : [

    "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE\"/>",

    "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS\"/>",

    "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.READ_CONTACTS\"/>",

    "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.VIBRATE\"/>",

    "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.READ_LOGS\"/>",

    "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE\"/>",

    "<uses-feature android:name=\"android.hardware.camera.autofocus\"/>",

    "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS\"/>",

    "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE\"/>",

    "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.CAMERA\"/>",

    "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO\"/>",

    "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS\"/>",

    "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS\"/>",

    "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE\"/>",

    "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE\"/>",

    "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.WAKE_LOCK\"/>",

    "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.CALL_PHONE\"/>",

    "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.FLASHLIGHT\"/>",

    "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION\"/>",

    "<uses-feature android:name=\"android.hardware.camera\"/>",

    "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION\"/>",

    "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS\"/>"



    "ios" : {},

    "sdkConfigs" : {}


    "uniStatistics" : {

    "enable" : true



    "quickapp": { / 快应用特有相关 /

    "mp-weixin": { /* 微信小程序特有相关 */
    "appid": "",
    "setting": {
    "urlCheck": false
    "usingComponents": true
    "mp-alipay" : {
    "usingComponents" : true
    "mp-baidu" : {
    "usingComponents" : true
    "mp-toutiao" : {
    "usingComponents" : true
    "mp-qq" : {
    "usingComponents" : true



    2023-03-02 09:59



vue2 cli 依赖版本 2.0.2-3070320230222001 HBuilderX 3.7.3 copy 你的文件替换编译及运行正常

  • 蛋炒太阳 (作者)



    page {

    font-size: 28rpx;



    body {

    font-size: 0.875rem;



    10:27:51.119 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] ERROR: Selector body is not supported. nvue only support classname selector

    10:27:51.119 387| pointer-events: fill;

    10:27:51.119 388| }

    10:27:51.119 389| body {

    10:27:51.134 | ^

    10:27:51.134 390| font-size: 28rpx;

    10:27:51.134 391| }

    2023-03-02 10:31

  • 蛋炒太阳 (作者)

    10:27:51.025 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: float is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:51.025 379| }

    10:27:51.040 380| .float-left {

    10:27:51.040 381| float: left;

    10:27:51.040 | ^

    10:27:51.040 382| }

    2023-03-02 10:31

  • 蛋炒太阳 (作者)

    10:27:51.165 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] ERROR: property value block is not supported for display (supported values are: flex)

    10:27:51.181 413| position: relative;

    10:27:51.181 414| top: 1rpx;

    10:27:51.181 415| display: block;

    10:27:51.181 | ^

    10:27:51.181 416| width: 12rpx;

    10:27:51.197 417| height: 36rpx;

    2023-03-02 10:32

  • 蛋炒太阳 (作者)

    10:27:49.008 31 | .icon {

    10:27:49.024 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.024 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: -webkit-font-smoothing is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.024 32 | font-family: "icon", sans-serif !important;

    10:27:49.024 33 | font-style: normal;

    10:27:49.039 34 | -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;

    10:27:49.039 | ^

    10:27:49.055 35 | -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;

    10:27:49.055 36 | }

    10:27:49.055 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.055 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: -moz-osx-font-smoothing is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.071 33 | font-style: normal;

    10:27:49.071 34 | -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;

    10:27:49.071 35 | -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;

    10:27:49.086 | ^

    10:27:49.086 36 | }

    10:27:49.086 37 | .icn-basic-lock:before {

    10:27:49.102 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.102 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.102 36 | }

    10:27:49.117 37 | .icn-basic-lock:before {

    10:27:49.117 38 | content: "\e6d1";

    10:27:49.117 | ^

    10:27:49.117 39 | }

    10:27:49.117 40 | .icn-basic-pause:before {

    10:27:49.133 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.133 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.133 39 | }

    10:27:49.133 40 | .icn-basic-pause:before {

    10:27:49.149 41 | content: "\e6d2";

    10:27:49.149 | ^

    10:27:49.149 42 | }

    10:27:49.164 43 | .icn-basic-play:before {

    10:27:49.164 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.164 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.164 42 | }

    10:27:49.164 43 | .icn-basic-play:before {

    10:27:49.180 44 | content: "\e6d3";

    10:27:49.180 | ^

    10:27:49.180 45 | }

    10:27:49.180 46 | .icn-audio:before {

    10:27:49.180 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.196 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.196 45 | }

    10:27:49.196 46 | .icn-audio:before {

    10:27:49.211 47 | content: "\e6ce";

    10:27:49.211 | ^

    10:27:49.211 48 | }

    10:27:49.211 49 | .icn-full-screen:before {

    10:27:49.211 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.211 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.227 48 | }

    10:27:49.227 49 | .icn-full-screen:before {

    10:27:49.227 50 | content: "\e6cf";

    10:27:49.227 | ^

    10:27:49.242 51 | }

    10:27:49.242 52 | .icn-position:before {

    10:27:49.242 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.242 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.258 51 | }

    10:27:49.258 52 | .icn-position:before {

    10:27:49.258 53 | content: "\e6d0";

    10:27:49.258 | ^

    10:27:49.258 54 | }

    10:27:49.258 55 | .icn-pause-a:before {

    10:27:49.274 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.274 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.274 54 | }

    10:27:49.274 55 | .icn-pause-a:before {

    10:27:49.289 56 | content: "\e6ca";

    10:27:49.289 | ^

    10:27:49.289 57 | }

    10:27:49.289 58 | .icn-video:before {

    10:27:49.289 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.305 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.305 57 | }

    10:27:49.305 58 | .icn-video:before {

    10:27:49.321 59 | content: "\e6cb";

    10:27:49.321 | ^

    10:27:49.321 60 | }

    10:27:49.321 61 | .icn-magnifier:before {

    10:27:49.336 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.336 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.336 60 | }

    10:27:49.336 61 | .icn-magnifier:before {

    10:27:49.336 62 | content: "\e6cc";

    10:27:49.352 | ^

    10:27:49.352 63 | }

    10:27:49.352 64 | .icn-down:before {

    10:27:49.367 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.367 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.367 63 | }

    10:27:49.367 64 | .icn-down:before {

    10:27:49.367 65 | content: "\e6cd";

    10:27:49.383 | ^

    10:27:49.383 66 | }

    10:27:49.383 67 | .icn-feedback:before {

    10:27:49.383 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.399 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.399 66 | }

    10:27:49.399 67 | .icn-feedback:before {

    10:27:49.399 68 | content: "\e6c6";

    10:27:49.414 | ^

    10:27:49.414 69 | }

    10:27:49.414 70 | .icn-play-fill:before {

    10:27:49.414 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.414 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.430 69 | }

    10:27:49.430 70 | .icn-play-fill:before {

    10:27:49.430 71 | content: "\e6c7";

    10:27:49.430 | ^

    10:27:49.430 72 | }

    10:27:49.446 73 | .icn-off:before {

    10:27:49.446 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.446 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.446 72 | }

    10:27:49.461 73 | .icn-off:before {

    10:27:49.461 74 | content: "\e6c2";

    10:27:49.461 | ^

    10:27:49.461 75 | }

    10:27:49.461 76 | .icn-on:before {

    10:27:49.477 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.477 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.477 75 | }

    10:27:49.492 76 | .icn-on:before {

    10:27:49.492 77 | content: "\e6c3";

    10:27:49.492 | ^

    10:27:49.492 78 | }

    10:27:49.492 79 | .icn-lock:before {

    10:27:49.492 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.508 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.508 78 | }

    10:27:49.508 79 | .icn-lock:before {

    10:27:49.508 80 | content: "\e6c4";

    10:27:49.524 | ^

    10:27:49.524 81 | }

    10:27:49.524 82 | .icn-palette:before {

    10:27:49.524 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.539 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.539 81 | }

    10:27:49.539 82 | .icn-palette:before {

    10:27:49.539 83 | content: "\e6c5";

    10:27:49.539 | ^

    10:27:49.555 84 | }

    10:27:49.555 85 | .icn-play-a:before {

    10:27:49.555 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.555 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.570 84 | }

    10:27:49.570 85 | .icn-play-a:before {

    10:27:49.570 86 | content: "\e6c1";

    10:27:49.570 | ^

    10:27:49.570 87 | }

    10:27:49.586 88 | .icn-remove:before {

    10:27:49.586 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.586 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.586 87 | }

    10:27:49.602 88 | .icn-remove:before {

    10:27:49.602 89 | content: "\e6c0";

    10:27:49.602 | ^

    10:27:49.602 90 | }

    10:27:49.617 91 | .icn-collect:before {

    10:27:49.617 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.617 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.617 90 | }

    10:27:49.617 91 | .icn-collect:before {

    10:27:49.633 92 | content: "\e6bd";

    10:27:49.633 | ^

    10:27:49.633 93 | }

    10:27:49.633 94 | .icn-media:before {

    10:27:49.633 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.633 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.649 93 | }

    10:27:49.649 94 | .icn-media:before {

    10:27:49.649 95 | content: "\e6be";

    10:27:49.649 | ^

    10:27:49.649 96 | }

    10:27:49.664 97 | .icn-me:before {

    10:27:49.664 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.664 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.680 96 | }

    10:27:49.680 97 | .icn-me:before {

    10:27:49.680 98 | content: "\e6bf";

    10:27:49.680 | ^

    10:27:49.680 99 | }

    10:27:49.680 100| .icn-location:before {

    10:27:49.695 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.695 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.695 99 | }

    10:27:49.695 100| .icn-location:before {

    10:27:49.711 101| content: "\e6b9";

    10:27:49.711 | ^

    10:27:49.711 102| }

    10:27:49.711 103| .icn-map:before {

    10:27:49.711 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.727 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.727 102| }

    10:27:49.727 103| .icn-map:before {

    10:27:49.727 104| content: "\e6bb";

    10:27:49.727 | ^

    10:27:49.742 105| }

    10:27:49.742 106| .icn-proceed:before {

    10:27:49.742 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.742 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.742 105| }

    10:27:49.742 106| .icn-proceed:before {

    10:27:49.758 107| content: "\e6bc";

    10:27:49.758 | ^

    10:27:49.758 108| }

    10:27:49.774 109| .icn-fast:before {

    10:27:49.774 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.774 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.774 108| }

    10:27:49.774 109| .icn-fast:before {

    10:27:49.789 110| content: "\e6b6";

    10:27:49.789 | ^

    10:27:49.789 111| }

    10:27:49.789 112| .icn-arrow-right:before {

    10:27:49.805 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.805 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.805 111| }

    10:27:49.805 112| .icn-arrow-right:before {

    10:27:49.820 113| content: "\e65f";

    10:27:49.820 | ^

    10:27:49.820 114| }

    10:27:49.820 115| .icn-rmb:before {

    10:27:49.820 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.837 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.837 114| }

    10:27:49.837 115| .icn-rmb:before {

    10:27:49.837 116| content: "\eb1e";

    10:27:49.852 | ^

    10:27:49.852 117| }

    10:27:49.852 118| .icn-collect-fill:before {

    10:27:49.852 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.852 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:49.868 117| }

    10:27:49.868 118| .icn-collect-fill:before {

    10:27:49.868 119| content: "\e8c6";

    10:27:49.868 | ^

    10:27:49.868 120| }

    10:27:49.883 121| /--------------------------------------------------

    10:27:49.883 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.883 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] ERROR: property value none is not supported for display (supported values are: flex)

    10:27:49.899 123| ==================================================

    10:27:49.899 124| .d-none {

    10:27:49.899 125| display: none;

    10:27:49.899 | ^

    10:27:49.899 126| }

    10:27:49.899 127| .d-inline {

    10:27:49.914 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.914 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] ERROR: property value inline is not supported for display (supported values are: flex)

    10:27:49.914 126| }

    10:27:49.914 127| .d-inline {

    10:27:49.914 128| display: inline;

    10:27:49.930 | ^

    10:27:49.930 129| }

    10:27:49.930 130| .d-inline-block {

    10:27:49.930 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.946 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] ERROR: property value inline-block is not supported for display (supported values are: flex)

    10:27:49.946 129| }

    10:27:49.946 130| .d-inline-block {

    10:27:49.946 131| display: inline-block;

    10:27:49.946 | ^

    10:27:49.962 132| }

    10:27:49.962 133| .d-block {

    10:27:49.962 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.962 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] ERROR: property value block is not supported for display (supported values are: flex)

    10:27:49.962 132| }

    10:27:49.977 133| .d-block {

    10:27:49.977 134| display: block;

    10:27:49.977 | ^

    10:27:49.977 135| }

    10:27:49.977 136| .d-table {

    10:27:49.993 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:49.993 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] ERROR: property value table is not supported for display (supported values are: flex)

    10:27:49.993 135| }

    10:27:49.993 136| .d-table {

    10:27:49.993 137| display: table;

    10:27:49.993 | ^

    10:27:50.009 138| }

    10:27:50.009 139| .d-table-row {

    10:27:50.009 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.009 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] ERROR: property value table-row is not supported for display (supported values are: flex)

    10:27:50.009 138| }

    10:27:50.024 139| .d-table-row {

    10:27:50.024 140| display: table-row;

    10:27:50.024 | ^

    10:27:50.024 141| }

    10:27:50.040 142| .d-table-cell {

    10:27:50.040 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.040 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] ERROR: property value table-cell is not supported for display (supported values are: flex)

    10:27:50.040 141| }

    10:27:50.055 142| .d-table-cell {

    10:27:50.055 143| display: table-cell;

    10:27:50.055 | ^

    10:27:50.055 144| }

    10:27:50.055 145| .d-flex {

    10:27:50.055 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.071 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] ERROR: property value inline-flex is not supported for display (supported values are: flex)

    10:27:50.071 147| }

    10:27:50.071 148| .d-inline-flex {

    10:27:50.087 149| display: inline-flex;

    10:27:50.087 | ^

    10:27:50.087 150| }

    10:27:50.087 151| .flex-row {

    10:27:50.087 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.087 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] ERROR: property value 1 1 auto is not supported for flex (only number is supported)

    10:27:50.102 171| }

    10:27:50.102 172| .flex-fill {

    10:27:50.102 173| flex: 1 1 auto;

    10:27:50.118 | ^

    10:27:50.118 174| }

    10:27:50.118 175| .flex-grow-0 {

    10:27:50.118 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.118 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: flex-grow is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.134 174| }

    10:27:50.134 175| .flex-grow-0 {

    10:27:50.134 176| flex-grow: 0;

    10:27:50.134 | ^

    10:27:50.149 177| }

    10:27:50.149 178| .flex-grow-1 {

    10:27:50.149 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.149 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: flex-grow is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.149 177| }

    10:27:50.149 178| .flex-grow-1 {

    10:27:50.165 179| flex-grow: 1;

    10:27:50.165 | ^

    10:27:50.165 180| }

    10:27:50.165 181| .flex-shrink-0 {

    10:27:50.180 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.180 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: flex-shrink is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.180 180| }

    10:27:50.196 181| .flex-shrink-0 {

    10:27:50.196 182| flex-shrink: 0;

    10:27:50.196 | ^

    10:27:50.196 183| }

    10:27:50.196 184| .flex-shrink-1 {

    10:27:50.196 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.212 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: flex-shrink is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.212 183| }

    10:27:50.212 184| .flex-shrink-1 {

    10:27:50.212 185| flex-shrink: 1;

    10:27:50.227 | ^

    10:27:50.227 186| }

    10:27:50.227 187| .justify-content-start {

    10:27:50.227 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.243 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] ERROR: property value baseline is not supported for align-items (supported values are: stretch|flex-start|flex-end|center)

    10:27:50.243 210| }

    10:27:50.243 211| .align-items-baseline {

    10:27:50.243 212| align-items: baseline;

    10:27:50.259 | ^

    10:27:50.259 213| }

    10:27:50.259 214| .align-items-stretch {

    10:27:50.259 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.274 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: align-content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.274 216| }

    10:27:50.274 217| .align-content-start {

    10:27:50.274 218| align-content: flex-start;

    10:27:50.290 | ^

    10:27:50.290 219| }

    10:27:50.290 220| .align-content-end {

    10:27:50.290 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.290 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: align-content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.305 219| }

    10:27:50.305 220| .align-content-end {

    10:27:50.305 221| align-content: flex-end;

    10:27:50.305 | ^

    10:27:50.321 222| }

    10:27:50.321 223| .align-content-center {

    10:27:50.321 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.321 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: align-content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.337 222| }

    10:27:50.337 223| .align-content-center {

    10:27:50.337 224| align-content: center;

    10:27:50.337 | ^

    10:27:50.337 225| }

    10:27:50.352 226| .align-content-between {

    10:27:50.352 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.352 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: align-content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.352 225| }

    10:27:50.352 226| .align-content-between {

    10:27:50.368 227| align-content: space-between;

    10:27:50.368 | ^

    10:27:50.368 228| }

    10:27:50.368 229| .align-content-around {

    10:27:50.368 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.368 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: align-content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.383 228| }

    10:27:50.383 229| .align-content-around {

    10:27:50.383 230| align-content: space-around;

    10:27:50.383 | ^

    10:27:50.399 231| }

    10:27:50.399 232| .align-content-stretch {

    10:27:50.399 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.399 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: align-content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.415 231| }

    10:27:50.415 232| .align-content-stretch {

    10:27:50.415 233| align-content: stretch;

    10:27:50.415 | ^

    10:27:50.415 234| }

    10:27:50.430 235| .align-self-auto {

    10:27:50.430 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.430 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: align-self is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.446 234| }

    10:27:50.446 235| .align-self-auto {

    10:27:50.446 236| align-self: auto;

    10:27:50.446 | ^

    10:27:50.446 237| }

    10:27:50.462 238| .align-self-start {

    10:27:50.462 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.462 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: align-self is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.462 237| }

    10:27:50.462 238| .align-self-start {

    10:27:50.462 239| align-self: flex-start;

    10:27:50.477 | ^

    10:27:50.477 240| }

    10:27:50.477 241| .align-self-end {

    10:27:50.477 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.493 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: align-self is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.493 240| }

    10:27:50.493 241| .align-self-end {

    10:27:50.493 242| align-self: flex-end;

    10:27:50.508 | ^

    10:27:50.508 243| }

    10:27:50.508 244| .align-self-center {

    10:27:50.508 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.524 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: align-self is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.524 243| }

    10:27:50.524 244| .align-self-center {

    10:27:50.524 245| align-self: center;

    10:27:50.540 | ^

    10:27:50.540 246| }

    10:27:50.540 247| .align-self-baseline {

    10:27:50.540 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.555 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: align-self is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.555 246| }

    10:27:50.555 247| .align-self-baseline {

    10:27:50.555 248| align-self: baseline;

    10:27:50.571 | ^

    10:27:50.571 249| }

    10:27:50.571 250| .align-self-stretch {

    10:27:50.571 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.571 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: align-self is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.587 249| }

    10:27:50.587 250| .align-self-stretch {

    10:27:50.587 251| align-self: stretch;

    10:27:50.602 | ^

    10:27:50.602 252| }

    10:27:50.602 253| .flex-1 {

    10:27:50.602 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.602 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: box-sizing is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.618 255| }

    10:27:50.618 256| .border-box {

    10:27:50.618 257| box-sizing: border-box;

    10:27:50.618 | ^

    10:27:50.618 258| }

    10:27:50.633 259| .width-none {

    10:27:50.633 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.633 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: overflow-x is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.633 279| }

    10:27:50.649 280| .over-x-hidden {

    10:27:50.649 281| overflow-x: hidden;

    10:27:50.649 | ^

    10:27:50.649 282| }

    10:27:50.649 283| .over-y-hidden {

    10:27:50.665 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.665 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: overflow-y is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.665 282| }

    10:27:50.665 283| .over-y-hidden {

    10:27:50.680 284| overflow-y: hidden;

    10:27:50.680 | ^

    10:27:50.680 285| }

    10:27:50.680 286| .over-auto {

    10:27:50.680 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.696 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] ERROR: property value auto is not supported for overflow (supported values are: hidden)

    10:27:50.696 285| }

    10:27:50.696 286| .over-auto {

    10:27:50.696 287| overflow: auto;

    10:27:50.696 | ^

    10:27:50.712 288| }

    10:27:50.712 289| .over-x-auto {

    10:27:50.712 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.712 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: overflow-x is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.727 288| }

    10:27:50.727 289| .over-x-auto {

    10:27:50.727 290| overflow-x: auto;

    10:27:50.727 | ^

    10:27:50.743 291| }

    10:27:50.743 292| .over-y-auto {

    10:27:50.743 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.743 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: overflow-y is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.743 291| }

    10:27:50.758 292| .over-y-auto {

    10:27:50.758 293| overflow-y: auto;

    10:27:50.758 | ^

    10:27:50.758 294| }

    10:27:50.774 295| .background-white {

    10:27:50.774 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.774 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: cursor is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.774 309| }

    10:27:50.774 310| .cursor-default {

    10:27:50.790 311| cursor: default;

    10:27:50.790 | ^

    10:27:50.790 312| }

    10:27:50.805 313| .cursor-pointer {

    10:27:50.805 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.805 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: cursor is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.805 312| }

    10:27:50.805 313| .cursor-pointer {

    10:27:50.821 314| cursor: pointer;

    10:27:50.821 | ^

    10:27:50.821 315| }

    10:27:50.821 316| .cursor-not-allowed {

    10:27:50.836 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.836 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: cursor is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.836 315| }

    10:27:50.854 316| .cursor-not-allowed {

    10:27:50.855 317| cursor: not-allowed;

    10:27:50.859 | ^

    10:27:50.862 318| }

    10:27:50.864 319| .text-right {

    10:27:50.868 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.868 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: vertical-align is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.868 327| }

    10:27:50.868 328| .text-baseline {

    10:27:50.884 329| vertical-align: baseline;

    10:27:50.884 | ^

    10:27:50.884 330| }

    10:27:50.884 331| .text-nowrap {

    10:27:50.884 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.899 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: white-space is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.899 330| }

    10:27:50.899 331| .text-nowrap {

    10:27:50.899 332| white-space: nowrap;

    10:27:50.915 | ^

    10:27:50.915 333| }

    10:27:50.915 334| .text-white {

    10:27:50.915 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.931 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: word-wrap is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.931 345| }

    10:27:50.931 346| .text-break {

    10:27:50.931 347| word-wrap: break-word;

    10:27:50.931 | ^

    10:27:50.947 348| white-space: pre-wrap;

    10:27:50.947 349| }

    10:27:50.947 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.947 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: white-space is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.947 346| .text-break {

    10:27:50.962 347| word-wrap: break-word;

    10:27:50.962 348| white-space: pre-wrap;

    10:27:50.962 | ^

    10:27:50.978 349| }

    10:27:50.978 350| .text-underline {

    10:27:50.978 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:50.978 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: float is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:50.978 373| }

    10:27:50.994 374| .float-none {

    10:27:50.994 375| float: none;

    10:27:50.994 | ^

    10:27:50.994 376| }

    10:27:50.994 377| .float-right {

    10:27:51.009 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:51.009 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: float is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:51.009 376| }

    10:27:51.009 377| .float-right {

    10:27:51.009 378| float: right;

    10:27:51.025 | ^

    10:27:51.025 379| }

    10:27:51.025 380| .float-left {

    10:27:51.025 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:51.025 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: float is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:51.025 379| }

    10:27:51.040 380| .float-left {

    10:27:51.040 381| float: left;

    10:27:51.040 | ^

    10:27:51.040 382| }

    10:27:51.040 383| .pointer-events-none {

    10:27:51.056 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:51.056 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: pointer-events is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:51.056 382| }

    10:27:51.072 383| .pointer-events-none {

    10:27:51.072 384| pointer-events: none;

    10:27:51.072 | ^

    10:27:51.072 385| }

    10:27:51.072 386| .pointer-events-fill {

    10:27:51.087 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:51.087 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: pointer-events is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:51.087 385| }

    10:27:51.087 386| .pointer-events-fill {

    10:27:51.087 387| pointer-events: fill;

    10:27:51.087 | ^

    10:27:51.103 388| }

    10:27:51.103 389| body {

    10:27:51.103 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:51.119 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] ERROR: Selector body is not supported. nvue only support classname selector

    10:27:51.119 387| pointer-events: fill;

    10:27:51.119 388| }

    10:27:51.119 389| body {

    10:27:51.134 | ^

    10:27:51.134 390| font-size: 28rpx;

    10:27:51.134 391| }

    10:27:51.134 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:51.150 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] WARNING: content is not a standard property name (may not be supported)

    10:27:51.150 410| }

    10:27:51.150 411| .card .card-head .title:before {

    10:27:51.150 412| content: "";

    10:27:51.165 | ^

    10:27:51.165 413| position: relative;

    10:27:51.165 414| top: 1rpx;

    10:27:51.165 at App.vue:1:0​

    10:27:51.165 ​[plugin:vite:nvue-css] ERROR: property value block is not supported for display (supported values are: flex)

    10:27:51.181 413| position: relative;

    10:27:51.181 414| top: 1rpx;

    10:27:51.181 415| display: block;

    10:27:51.181 | ^

    10:27:51.181 416| width: 12rpx;

    10:27:51.197 417| height: 36rpx;

    2023-03-02 10:33
