[JS Framework] Failed to invoke the event handler of "click" on view (3924):
ReferenceError: uniConfig is not defined
reportJSException >>>> exception function:WEEX_CALL_JAVASCRIPT, exception:JavaScript execute error!Uncaught ReferenceError: uniConfig is not defined
at Jt (uni-jsframework.js:2:7574)
at Ie (uni-jsframework.js:2:40215)
at He (uni-jsframework.js:2:41065)
at _t (uni-jsframework.js:2:41094)
at Ht (uni-jsframework.js:6:1762)
at In (uni-jsframework.js:6:1849)
at h (uni-jsframework.js:16:15431)
at fireEvent (uni-jsframework.js:18:11179)
at fireEvent (uni-jsframework.js:32:248565)
at PN (uni-jsframework.js:19:3873)

- 发布:2023-03-23 16:05
- 更新:2023-04-03 11:01
- 阅读:359
产品分类: uniapp/App
PC开发环境操作系统: Windows
PC开发环境操作系统版本号: win11
HBuilderX类型: 正式
HBuilderX版本号: 3.7.8
手机系统: Android
手机系统版本号: Android 7.0
手机厂商: 模拟器
手机机型: bluestacks
页面类型: nvue
vue版本: vue3
打包方式: 离线
项目创建方式: HBuilderX
[JS Framework] Failed to invoke the event handler of "click" on view (3924):
ReferenceError: uniConfig is not defined
reportJSException >>>> exception function:WEEX_CALL_JAVASCRIPT, exception:JavaScript execute error!Uncaught ReferenceError: uniConfig is not defined
at Jt (uni-jsframework.js:2:7574)
at Ie (uni-jsframework.js:2:40215)
at He (uni-jsframework.js:2:41065)
at _t (uni-jsframework.js:2:41094)
at Ht (uni-jsframework.js:6:1762)
at In (uni-jsframework.js:6:1849)
at h (uni-jsframework.js:16:15431)
at fireEvent (uni-jsframework.js:18:11179)
at fireEvent (uni-jsframework.js:32:248565)
at PN (uni-jsframework.js:19:3873)
[JS Framework] Failed to invoke the event handler of "click" on view (3924):
ReferenceError: uniConfig is not defined
reportJSException >>>> exception function:WEEX_CALL_JAVASCRIPT, exception:JavaScript execute error!Uncaught ReferenceError: uniConfig is not defined
at Jt (uni-jsframework.js:2:7574)
at Ie (uni-jsframework.js:2:40215)
at He (uni-jsframework.js:2:41065)
at _t (uni-jsframework.js:2:41094)
at Ht (uni-jsframework.js:6:1762)
at In (uni-jsframework.js:6:1849)
at h (uni-jsframework.js:16:15431)
at fireEvent (uni-jsframework.js:18:11179)
at fireEvent (uni-jsframework.js:32:248565)
at PN (uni-jsframework.js:19:3873)
[JS Framework] Failed to invoke the event handler of "click" on view (3924):
ReferenceError: uniConfig is not defined
reportJSException >>>> exception function:WEEX_CALL_JAVASCRIPT, exception:JavaScript execute error!Uncaught ReferenceError: uniConfig is not defined
at Jt (uni-jsframework.js:2:7574)
at Ie (uni-jsframework.js:2:40215)
at He (uni-jsframework.js:2:41065)
at _t (uni-jsframework.js:2:41094)
at Ht (uni-jsframework.js:6:1762)
at In (uni-jsframework.js:6:1849)
at h (uni-jsframework.js:16:15431)
at fireEvent (uni-jsframework.js:18:11179)
at fireEvent (uni-jsframework.js:32:248565)
at PN (uni-jsframework.js:19:3873)
[JS Framework] Failed to invoke the event handler of "click" on view (3924):
ReferenceError: uniConfig is not defined
reportJSException >>>> exception function:WEEX_CALL_JAVASCRIPT, exception:JavaScript execute error!Uncaught ReferenceError: uniConfig is not defined
at Jt (uni-jsframework.js:2:7574)
at Ie (uni-jsframework.js:2:40215)
at He (uni-jsframework.js:2:41065)
at _t (uni-jsframework.js:2:41094)
at Ht (uni-jsframework.js:6:1762)
at In (uni-jsframework.js:6:1849)
at h (uni-jsframework.js:16:15431)
at fireEvent (uni-jsframework.js:18:11179)
at fireEvent (uni-jsframework.js:32:248565)
at PN (uni-jsframework.js:19:3873)
[JS Framework] Failed to invoke the event handler of "click" on view (3924):
ReferenceError: uniConfig is not defined
reportJSException >>>> exception function:WEEX_CALL_JAVASCRIPT, exception:JavaScript execute error!Uncaught ReferenceError: uniConfig is not defined
at Jt (uni-jsframework.js:2:7574)
at Ie (uni-jsframework.js:2:40215)
at He (uni-jsframework.js:2:41065)
at _t (uni-jsframework.js:2:41094)
at Ht (uni-jsframework.js:6:1762)
at In (uni-jsframework.js:6:1849)
at h (uni-jsframework.js:16:15431)
at fireEvent (uni-jsframework.js:18:11179)
at fireEvent (uni-jsframework.js:32:248565)
at PN (uni-jsframework.js:19:3873)
2 个回复
已确认问题,后续会修复 https://ask.dcloud.net.cn/question/165360
HBuilderX 已修复。