
- 发布:2023-03-30 18:03
- 更新:2023-06-09 17:14
- 阅读:1025

- 提供下操作系统、HBuilderX版本号。
- 提供下运行日志(菜单【帮助 - 查看运行日志】,日志可以另存为txt,然后以附件形式上传到本帖)。运行日志,有助于我们分析问题。
- 或者发下QQ,我们加你,了解下详情。

回复 DCloud_HB_WDL:
操作系统:mac, 版本号:
错误日志:cannot load 'mdb_Open' (load command 0x80000034 is unknown)
QQ:3640693442023-04-11 15:57

2023-06-09 17:11:46.977 [WARNING:] QLayout: Cannot add a null widget to QVBoxLayout/
2023-06-09 17:11:46.978 [WARNING:] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to ExtFormDialog "", which already has a layout
2023-06-09 17:11:46.980 [WARNING:] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to ExtFormDialog "", which already has a layout
2023-06-09 17:11:54.420 [WARNING:] QLayout: Cannot add a null widget to QVBoxLayout/
2023-06-09 17:11:57.219 [WARNING:] [PluginHost] Unhandled Rejection at: Promise { <rejected> undefined } reason: undefined
2023-06-09 17:11:59.121 [WARNING:] [PluginHost] Error Code (PluginHost): -32603
2023-06-09 17:11:59.122 [WARNING:] [PluginHost] Error Stack (PluginHost):
2023-06-09 17:11:59.124 [WARNING:] [PluginHost] Request plugin/invokeApi failed unexpectedly without providing any details.
2023-06-09 17:11:59.185 [WARNING:] [PluginHost] refreshListData: QJsonValue(null)
2023-06-09 17:12:01.707 [WARNING:] uniapp compiled errorOccurred====== "进程已崩溃"
2023-06-09 17:12:07.392 [WARNING:] QLayout: Cannot add a null widget to QVBoxLayout/
2023-06-09 17:12:07.393 [WARNING:] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to ExtFormDialog "", which already has a layout
2023-06-09 17:12:07.394 [WARNING:] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to ExtFormDialog "", which already has a layout
2023-06-09 17:12:07.497 [WARNING:] [PluginHost] [xmldom warning] attribute "CFBundleIconFiles" missed value!! "CFBundleIconFiles" instead2!!
2023-06-09 17:12:07.501 [WARNING:] [PluginHost] [xmldom warning] attribute "CFBundleIconName�89:;\AppIcon20x20\AppIcon29x29\AppIcon40x40\AppIcon60x60WAppIcon" missed value!! "CFBundleIconName�89:;\AppIcon20x20\AppIcon29x29\AppIcon40x40\AppIcon60x60WAppIcon" instead2!!
2023-06-09 17:12:07.503 [WARNING:] [PluginHost] [xmldom error] element parse error: Error: invalid attribute:CFBundleIconName�89:;\AppIcon20x20\AppIcon29x29\AppIcon40x40\AppIcon60x60WAppIcon_
2023-06-09 17:12:12.621 [WARNING:] QLayout: Cannot add a null widget to QVBoxLayout/
2023-06-09 17:12:48.525 [WARNING:] [PluginHost] Unhandled Rejection at: Promise { <rejected> undefined } reason: undefined
2023-06-09 17:12:50.516 [WARNING:] [PluginHost] Error Code (PluginHost): -32603
2023-06-09 17:12:50.517 [WARNING:] [PluginHost] Error Stack (PluginHost):
2023-06-09 17:12:50.518 [WARNING:] [PluginHost] Request plugin/invokeApi failed unexpectedly without providing any details.
2023-06-09 17:12:50.647 [WARNING:] [PluginHost] refreshListData: QJsonValue(null)
我有同样问题,是什么问题?版本3.7.11 ,macos 10.14.6
2023-05-20 16:36:00.764 [WARNING:] QLayout: Cannot add a null widget to QVBoxLayout/
2023-05-20 16:36:00.765 [WARNING:] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to ExtFormDialog "", which already has a layout
2023-05-20 16:36:00.765 [WARNING:] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to ExtFormDialog "", which already has a layout
2023-05-20 16:36:00.822 [WARNING:] [PluginHost] Error: dyld: cannot load 'mdb_Open' (load command 0x80000034 is unknown)
2023-05-20 16:36:00.824 [WARNING:] [PluginHost] { bundleID: '', lastTime: '', ipaPath: '', runTimeVersion: '' }
2023-05-20 16:37:23.726 [WARNING:] QLayout: Cannot add a null widget to QVBoxLayout/
2023-05-20 16:38:22.751 [WARNING:] [PluginHost] Unhandled Rejection at: Promise { <rejected> undefined } reason: undefined
2023-05-20 16:38:24.043 [WARNING:] [PluginHost] Error Code (PluginHost): -32603
2023-05-20 16:38:24.043 [WARNING:] [PluginHost] Error Stack (PluginHost):
2023-05-20 16:38:24.043 [WARNING:] [PluginHost] Request plugin/invokeApi failed unexpectedly without providing any details.
2023-05-20 16:38:24.044 [WARNING:] [PluginHost] refreshListData: QJsonValue(null)
2023-05-20 16:44
2023-06-10 10:34