- 在苹果开发者网站上生成push notification profile文件,
- 将push notification profile文件上传至dcloud uni-push(1.0) 消息推送 => 应用配置 => ios证书配置里
- 在HbuilderX上安心打包
产品分类: uniapp/App
PC开发环境操作系统: Mac
PC开发环境操作系统版本号: Macos 13.3
HBuilderX类型: 正式
HBuilderX版本号: 4.23
手机系统: iOS
手机系统版本号: iOS 16
手机厂商: 苹果
手机机型: iPhone 15pro
页面类型: vue
vue版本: vue2
打包方式: 云端
项目创建方式: HBuilderX
打包失败; 报错信息如下:
[Info] begin copyFile files to ipa...
[Info] begin replace files to ipa...
[Info] begin update mobileprovision to ipa...
[Info] begin outPut t_entitlements_full plist file...
[Info] begin outPut outPutEntitlements plist file...
[Info] begin verifyPlistFiles
[Error] Provisioning profile doesn't support the Push Notifications
[Error] Provisioning profile doesn't include the aps-environment
[Error] verifyPlistFiles failed
[Info] Package make result:Failed. Reason:
苹果开发者正式版证书打包的应用,一开始安心打包没问题的,后来在苹果开发者平台申请了 push notification ,并将生成的 push notification profile文件上传到了dcloud uni-push后台, 上传之后push是可用的,但是安心打包报错,传统打包是正常的;以下是安心打包的报错信息:
[Info] begin copyFile files to ipa...
[Info] begin replace files to ipa...
[Info] begin update mobileprovision to ipa...
[Info] begin outPut t_entitlements_full plist file...
[Info] begin outPut outPutEntitlements plist file...
[Info] begin verifyPlistFiles
[Error] Provisioning profile doesn't support the Push Notifications
[Error] Provisioning profile doesn't include the aps-environment
[Error] verifyPlistFiles failed
[Info] Package make result:Failed. Reason:
1 个回复
1***@qq.com - 一个不想敲代码的咸鱼