  • 发布:2024-10-29 16:58
  • 更新:2024-10-29 20:04
  • 阅读:415

鸿蒙集成uni sdk小程序,打开小程序闪退

10-29 16:57:21.364   21477-21477   C02c11/APPSPAWN                 pid-21477             E     [appspawn_common.c:509]no need set fd info 1, 0  
10-29 16:57:21.366   21477-21477   C02c11/APPSPAWN                 pid-21477             E     [sandbox_utils.cpp:280]errno is: 13, private mount to /mnt/sandbox/100/com.example.myapplication/data/service/el0/public/for-all-app failed  
10-29 16:57:21.366   21477-21477   C02c11/APPSPAWN                 pid-21477             E     [sandbox_utils.cpp:280]errno is: 13, private mount to /mnt/sandbox/100/com.example.myapplication/data/utd failed  
10-29 16:57:21.372   21477-21477   C02c11/APPSPAWN                 pid-21477             E     [sandbox_utils.cpp:267]mount /mnt/sandbox/100/com.example.myapplication/mnt/storage/Users/currentUser time 4860 us  
10-29 16:57:21.386   21477-21477   C02c11/APPSPAWN                 pid-21477             E     [sandbox_dec.c:188]open dec file fail.  
10-29 16:57:21.386   21477-21477   C02c11/APPSPAWN                 pid-21477             E     [appspawn_silk.c:118]Load silk library failed for configItems is NULL  
10-29 16:57:21.390   21477-21477   C02d33/HitraceMeter             pid-21477             E     pid[21477] first get g_tagsProperty: 5456538433256433664  
10-29 16:57:21.407   21477-21477   C01707/CONCUR                   pid-21477             E     [Interface] task 21488 apply qos failed, errno = 4  
10-29 16:57:21.409   21477-21489   C01719/ffrt                     pid-21477             E     3:MonitorMain:123 blockaware init fail, ret[22], key[0x0]  
10-29 16:57:21.409   21477-21490   C01719/ffrt                     pid-21477             E     4:operator():38 [1053707040] set priority failed ret[1] errno[0]  
10-29 16:57:21.485   21477-21477   C01336/AMS                      pid-21477             E     [main_thread.cpp:3322]emptye config  
10-29 16:57:21.495   21477-21477   C01317/AppKit                   pid-21477             E     [js_ability_stage.cpp:167]stage is nullptr  
10-29 16:57:21.495   21477-21477   C01356/Recovery                 pid-21477             E     [app_recovery.cpp:119]not enabled  
10-29 16:57:21.495   21477-21477   C03f00/ArkCompiler              pid-21477             E     [ecmascript] Can not open xpm proc file, do not check secure memory anymore.  
10-29 16:57:21.503   21477-21477   C03f00/ArkCompiler              pid-21477             E     [ecmascript] Secure memory check: xpm proc does not exist, do not check secure memory anymore.  
10-29 16:57:21.582   21477-21477   C01f10/CallManagerApi           pid-21477             E     [RegisterCallBack-(call_manager_proxy.cpp:162)] register callback to call manager service failed,result: 83886109  
10-29 16:57:21.582   21477-21477   C03f01/NAPI                     pid-21477             E     [(native_module_manager.cpp:854)(LoadModuleLibrary)] First attempt: load app module failed. Error loading shared library No such file or directory (needed by /data/storage/el1/bundle/libs/x86_64/  
10-29 16:57:21.582   21477-21477   C03f01/NAPI                     pid-21477             E     Second attempt: load module default/jsruntime failed. module path is empty  
10-29 16:57:21.583   21477-21477   C03f01/NAPI                     pid-21477             E     [(native_module_manager.cpp:917)(GetFileBuffer)]  is not existed.  
10-29 16:57:21.583   21477-21477   C03f01/NAPI                     pid-21477             E     [(native_module_manager.cpp:1016)(FindNativeModuleByDisk)] First attempt: load app module failed. Error loading shared library No such file or directory (needed by /data/storage/el1/bundle/libs/x86_64/  
10-29 16:57:21.583   21477-21477   C03f01/NAPI                     pid-21477             E     Second attempt: load module default/jsruntime failed. module path is empty  
10-29 16:57:21.583   21477-21477   C03f01/NAPI                     pid-21477             E     try to load abc file from  failed  
10-29 16:57:21.583   21477-21477   C03f00/ArkCompiler              pid-21477             E     [default] [LoadNativeModule:464] export objects of native so is undefined, so name is entry  
10-29 16:57:21.605   21477-21497   C03f00/ArkCompiler              pid-21477             E     ReferenceError: NativeCustomSpan is not defined  
10-29 16:57:21.605   21477-21497   C03f00/ArkCompiler              pid-21477             E         at func_main_0 (/usr1/hmos_for_system/src/increment/sourcecode/foundation/arkui/ace_engine/frameworks/bridge/declarative_frontend/engine/jsEnumStyle.js:3007:1)  
10-29 16:57:21.605   21477-21497   C03f00/ArkCompiler              pid-21477             E     [ecmascript] invalid size of the string cache table or the table has been registered.  
10-29 16:57:21.605   21477-21497   C03f00/ArkCompiler              pid-21477             E     [ecmascript] Currently, maximum size of the table is 150  
10-29 16:57:21.627   21477-21477   A00000/MapRender                pid-21477             E     ERROR <private>:<private> CreateXCompSurface: get xcomponent obj fail, state = 2, return !  
10-29 16:57:21.642   21477-21477   C02c02/PARAM                    pid-21477             E     [param_message.c:39]Failed to connect server /dev/unix/socket/paramservice 13  
10-29 16:57:21.642   21477-21477   C02c02/PARAM                    pid-21477             E     [param_request.c:196]connect param server failed!  
10-29 16:57:21.642   21477-21477   C02c0b/BEGET                    pid-21477             E     [param_request.c:217]SystemSetParameter failed! name is :web.flowbuffer.maxfd, the errNum is:114  
10-29 16:57:21.647   21477-21479   C04500/webadapter               pid-21477             E     [system_properties_adapter_impl.cpp:254] no observers in this key: web.debug.trace  
10-29 16:57:21.647   21477-21477   C04500/chromium                 pid-21477             E     [] /data/storage/el1/bundle/nweb/entry/resources/rawfile/icudtl.dat not exists.  
10-29 16:57:21.648   21477-21477   C01120/BMS                      pid-21477             E     GetParcelableInfo reply false  
10-29 16:57:21.648   21477-21477   C01120/BMS                      pid-21477             E     [bundle_mgr_proxy.cpp(GetHapModuleInfo:1548)]fail to GetHapModuleInfo from server  
10-29 16:57:21.650   21477-21477   C04500/chromium                 pid-21477             E     [] mkdir : No such file or directory (2)  
10-29 16:57:21.651   21477-21477   C01120/BMS                      pid-21477             E     GetParcelableInfo reply false  
10-29 16:57:21.651   21477-21477   C01120/BMS                      pid-21477             E     [bundle_mgr_proxy.cpp(GetHapModuleInfo:1548)]fail to GetHapModuleInfo from server  
10-29 16:57:21.651   21477-21477   C01120/BMS                      pid-21477             E     GetParcelableInfo reply false  
10-29 16:57:21.651   21477-21477   C01120/BMS                      pid-21477             E     [bundle_mgr_proxy.cpp(GetHapModuleInfo:1548)]fail to GetHapModuleInfo from server  
10-29 16:57:21.652   21477-21477   C01120/BMS                      pid-21477             E     GetParcelableInfo reply false  
10-29 16:57:21.652   21477-21477   C01120/BMS                      pid-21477             E     [bundle_mgr_proxy.cpp(GetHapModuleInfo:1548)]fail to GetHapModuleInfo from server  
10-29 16:57:21.652   21477-21477   C01120/BMS                      pid-21477             E     GetParcelableInfo reply false  
10-29 16:57:21.652   21477-21477   C01120/BMS                      pid-21477             E     [bundle_mgr_proxy.cpp(GetHapModuleInfo:1548)]fail to GetHapModuleInfo from server  
10-29 16:57:21.655   21477-21477   C02800/MMIClient                pid-21477             E     [][SetEventHandler:52] CHKPV(eventHandler) is null  
10-29 16:57:21.656   21477-21477   C02800/InputManagerImpl         pid-21477             E     [][PackEnhanceConfig:565] CHKPR(enhanceCfg_) is null, return value is -1  
10-29 16:57:21.656   21477-21477   C02800/InputManagerImpl         pid-21477             E     [][PrintEnhanceConfig:754] CHKPV(enhanceCfg_) is null  
10-29 16:57:21.661   21477-21477   C04500/webadapter               pid-21477             E     [net_connect_adapter_impl.cpp:41] register NetConnCallback failed, ret = 201.  
10-29 16:57:21.661   21477-21477   C04500/chromium                 pid-21477             E     [] register ohos net connect callback failed.  
10-29 16:57:21.666   21477-21508   C03d00/utils_base               pid-21477             E     path (/vendor/lib64/chipsetsdk/ to realpath error: No such file or directory  
10-29 16:57:21.680   21477-21508   C03d00/utils_base               pid-21477             E     path (/vendor/lib64/chipsetsdk/ to realpath error: No such file or directory  
10-29 16:57:21.680   21477-21508   C03d00/utils_base               pid-21477             E     path (/vendor/lib64/chipsetsdk/ to realpath error: No such file or directory  
10-29 16:57:21.680   21477-21508   C03d00/utils_base               pid-21477             E     path (/vendor/lib64/chipsetsdk/ to realpath error: No such file or directory  
10-29 16:57:21.682   21477-21508   C01400/OpenGLWrapper            pid-21477             E     Failed to find system config path  
10-29 16:57:21.683   21477-21508   C01400/OpenGLWrapper            pid-21477             E     LoadLayers failed.  
10-29 16:57:21.683   21477-21508   C01400/OpenGLWrapper            pid-21477             E     EglWrapperLayer Init Failed.  
10-29 16:57:21.683   21477-21508   C01400/OpenGLWrapper            pid-21477             E     Failed to dlopen /system/lib/ error: Error loading shared library /system/lib/ No such file or directory.  
10-29 16:57:21.683   21477-21508   C01400/OpenGLWrapper            pid-21477             E     EglWrapperHookLayer init Failed!  
10-29 16:57:21.685   21477-21508   C01400/OpenGLWrapper            pid-21477             E     eglSetBlobCacheFuncsANDROID not found.  
10-29 16:57:21.716   21477-21477   C03f01/NAPI                     pid-21477             E     [(native_engine.cpp:693)(AddCleanupHook)] AddCleanupHook Failed.  
10-29 16:57:21.781   21477-21477   C03f01/NAPI                     pid-21477             E     [(native_engine.cpp:693)(AddCleanupHook)] AddCleanupHook Failed.  
10-29 16:57:21.962   21477-21477   C01707/CONCUR                   pid-21477             E     [Interface] task 21485 apply qos failed, errno = 4  
10-29 16:57:21.966   21477-21477   C01707/CONCUR                   pid-21477             E     [Interface] task 21486 apply qos failed, errno = 4  
10-29 16:57:21.970   21477-21477   C01707/CONCUR                   pid-21477             E     [Interface] task 21487 apply qos failed, errno = 4  
10-29 16:57:21.976   21477-21477   C04500/chromium                 pid-21477             E     [] There is no web inited callback to run.  
10-29 16:57:21.977   21477-21477   C01332/UIAbility                pid-21477             E     [ui_ability.cpp:493]appRecovery not recovery restart  
10-29 16:57:21.979   21477-21477   C01332/UIAbility                pid-21477             E     [ui_ability_impl.cpp:290]hasSaveData_: false  
10-29 16:57:21.981   21477-21477   C04200/WMS                      pid-21477             E     [window_session_impl.cpp] SetWindowType<1541>: set window type permission denied!  
10-29 16:57:21.988   21477-21477   C04200/SingletonContainer       pid-21477             E     <82>GetSingleton: can not get OHOS::Rosen::WindowInfoReporter  
10-29 16:57:21.990   21477-21477   C01332/UIAbility                pid-21477             E     [ui_ability.cpp:261]appRecovery not recovery restart  
10-29 16:57:22.007   21477-21477   C01706/ueaClient-RmeCoreSched   pid-21477             E     [Init]: do not enabled!ret: -1  
10-29 16:57:22.009   21477-21477   C01332/UIAbility                pid-21477             E     [ui_ability_impl.cpp:408]null applicationContext or lifecycleCallback  
10-29 16:57:22.027   21477-21477   C01d02/accessibility_asacfwk    pid-21477             E     [accessibility_system_ability_client_impl.cpp(AccessibilitySystemAbilityClientImpl:55)]accessibility service is ready.  
10-29 16:57:22.030   21477-21477   C03900/Ace                      pid-21477             E     [(100000:100000:scope)] ERROR EACCES  
10-29 16:57:22.030   21477-21477   C03900/Ace                      pid-21477             E     [(100000:100000:scope)] ERROR EACCES  
10-29 16:57:22.038   21477-21477   C02d33/HitraceMeter             pid-21477             E     pid[21477] first get g_tagsProperty: 5456538433256433664  
10-29 16:57:23.686   21477-21514   C057c2/IPCObjectProxy           com.examp...lication  E     SendRequest 152: failed, handle:0 error:7 desc:*.accessToken proxy:10614896 time:4014832561617  
10-29 16:57:23.686   21477-21514   C0470a/GameServicePerf          com.examp...lication  E     [(HandleBufferData:64)]GameService-graphics: game opt disable  
10-29 16:57:25.867   21477-21477   C04200/WindowSessionImpl        com.examp...lication  E     <1805>GetDecorHeight: Get app window decor height failed  
10-29 16:57:25.939   21477-21477   C01e00/ResourceManager          com.examp...lication  E     the rawfile file resources/rawfile/apps/__UNI__53B7173/www is not exist in /data/storage/el1/bundle/entry.hap  
10-29 16:57:25.939   21477-21477   C01e00/ResourceManagerJs        com.examp...lication  E     Failed to determine the raw file is directory by apps/__UNI__53B7173/www  
10-29 16:57:25.941   21477-21477   C04200/WMS                      com.examp...lication  E     [window_session_impl.cpp] SetWindowType<1541>: set window type permission denied!  
10-29 16:57:25.952   21477-21477   C02c03/PARAM_WATCHER            com.examp...lication  E     [watcher_manager_kits.cpp:166]Failed to add callback for persist.sys.arkui.animationscale   
10-29 16:57:25.952   21477-21477   C02c03/PARAM_WATCHER            com.examp...lication  E     [watcher_manager_kits.cpp:345]SystemWatchParameter is failed! keyPrefix is:persist.sys.arkui.animationscale, errNum is:110  
10-29 16:57:25.952   21477-21477   C02c0b/BEGET                    com.examp...lication  E     [service_watcher.c:83]WatchParameter failed! the errNum is 110  
10-29 16:57:25.960   21477-21477   C03900/Ace                      com.examp...lication  E     [(100001:100001:scope)] ERROR EACCES  
10-29 16:57:25.960   21477-21477   C03900/Ace                      com.examp...lication  E     [(100001:100001:scope)] ERROR EACCES  
10-29 16:57:25.965   21477-21477   C01e00/ResourceManager          com.examp...lication  E     the rawfile file resources/rawfile/apps/__UNI__53B7173/www is not exist in /data/storage/el1/bundle/entry.hap  
10-29 16:57:25.965   21477-21477   C01e00/ResourceManagerJs        com.examp...lication  E     Failed to determine the raw file is directory by apps/__UNI__53B7173/www  
10-29 16:57:25.965   21477-21477   C04500/chromium                 com.examp...lication  E     [] fail to find a valid nweb with -1  
10-29 16:57:25.987   21477-21477   C01c01/PBC                      com.examp...lication  E     GetPasteboardService# Get PasteboardServiceProxy succeed.  
10-29 16:57:25.988   21477-21477   C01120/BMS                      com.examp...lication  E     GetParcelableInfo reply false  
10-29 16:57:25.988   21477-21477   C01120/BMS                      com.examp...lication  E     [bundle_mgr_proxy.cpp(GetHapModuleInfo:1548)]fail to GetHapModuleInfo from server  
10-29 16:57:25.988   21477-21477   C04500/cef                      com.examp...lication  E     [] CefBrowserHostBase::UpdateLocale no need to update locale  
10-29 16:57:25.992   21477-21477   C04500/chromium                 com.examp...lication  E     [] NativeArkWeb valid callback is nullptr  
10-29 16:57:25.992   21477-21477   C04500/webview                  com.examp...lication  E     [nweb_helper.cpp:142] LoadNWebSDK had loaded.  
10-29 16:57:25.992   21477-21477   C04500/chromium                 com.examp...lication  E     [] scheme_handler SetSchemeHandler for arkweb:0  
10-29 16:57:25.992   21477-21477   C04500/chromium                 com.examp...lication  E     [] scheme_handler SetSchemeHandler for arkweb:0  
10-29 16:57:25.992   21477-21477   C03f00/ArkCompiler              com.examp...lication  E     [default] [Call:3517] occur exception need return  
10-29 16:57:25.992   21477-21477   C03f00/ArkCompiler              com.examp...lication  E     [ecmascript] Pending exception before ExecutePendingJob called, in line:5297, exception details as follows:  
10-29 16:57:25.992   21477-21477   C03f00/ArkCompiler              com.examp...lication  E     TypeError: Cannot read property create of undefined  
10-29 16:57:25.992   21477-21477   C03f00/ArkCompiler              com.examp...lication  E         at Runtime (oh_modules/.ohpm/@dcloudio+uni-app-runtime@2.3.7/oh_modules/@dcloudio/uni-app-runtime/src/main/ets/uni-mp-sdk/sdk.js:1913:1)  
10-29 16:57:25.992   21477-21477   C03f00/ArkCompiler              com.examp...lication  E         at anonymous (oh_modules/.ohpm/@dcloudio+uni-app-runtime@2.3.7/oh_modules/@dcloudio/uni-app-runtime/src/main/ets/uni-mp-sdk/sdk.js:2309:1)  
10-29 16:57:25.992   21477-21477   C03f00/ArkCompiler              com.examp...lication  E         at emit (oh_modules/.ohpm/@dcloudio+uni-app-runtime@2.3.7/oh_modules/@dcloudio/uni-app-runtime/src/main/ets/uni-mp-sdk/sdk.js:61:1)  
10-29 16:57:25.992   21477-21477   C03f00/ArkCompiler              com.examp...lication  E         at onControllerAttached (oh_modules/.ohpm/@dcloudio+uni-app-runtime@2.3.7/oh_modules/@dcloudio/uni-app-runtime/src/main/ets/uni-mp-sdk/sdk.js:1032:1)  
10-29 16:57:25.993   21477-21477   C01317/AppKit                   com.examp...lication  E     [main_thread.cpp:1551]  
10-29 16:57:25.993   21477-21477   C01317/AppKit                   com.examp...lication  E     com.example.myapplication is about to exit due to RuntimeError  
10-29 16:57:25.993   21477-21477   C01317/AppKit                   com.examp...lication  E     Error type:TypeError  
10-29 16:57:25.993   21477-21477   C01317/AppKit                   com.examp...lication  E     Error name:TypeError  
10-29 16:57:25.993   21477-21477   C01317/AppKit                   com.examp...lication  E     Error message:Cannot read property create of undefined  
10-29 16:57:25.993   21477-21477   C01317/AppKit                   com.examp...lication  E     Stacktrace:  
10-29 16:57:25.993   21477-21477   C01317/AppKit                   com.examp...lication  E         at Runtime (oh_modules/.ohpm/@dcloudio+uni-app-runtime@2.3.7/oh_modules/@dcloudio/uni-app-runtime/src/main/ets/uni-mp-sdk/sdk.js:1913:1)  
10-29 16:57:25.993   21477-21477   C01317/AppKit                   com.examp...lication  E         at anonymous (oh_modules/.ohpm/@dcloudio+uni-app-runtime@2.3.7/oh_modules/@dcloudio/uni-app-runtime/src/main/ets/uni-mp-sdk/sdk.js:2309:1)  
10-29 16:57:25.993   21477-21477   C01317/AppKit                   com.examp...lication  E         at emit (oh_modules/.ohpm/@dcloudio+uni-app-runtime@2.3.7/oh_modules/@dcloudio/uni-app-runtime/src/main/ets/uni-mp-sdk/sdk.js:61:1)  
10-29 16:57:25.993   21477-21477   C01317/AppKit                   com.examp...lication  E         at onControllerAttached (oh_modules/.ohpm/@dcloudio+uni-app-runtime@2.3.7/oh_modules/@dcloudio/uni-app-runtime/src/main/ets/uni-mp-sdk/sdk.js:1032:1)  


2024-10-29 16:58 负责人:无 分享


什么版本的 DevEco?900吗?升级到906试试看,如果906不行,则降级到 806
