17:32:15.146 安装鸿蒙工程的依赖 ...
17:32:16.141 ohpm INFO: MetaDataFetcher fetching meta info of package '@uni_modules/uni-payment-alipay' from https://ohpm.openharmony.cn/ohpm/
ohpm INFO: MetaDataFetcher fetching meta info of package '@dcloudio/uni-app-runtime' from https://ohpm.openharmony.cn/ohpm/
ohpm INFO: MetaDataFetcher fetching meta info of package '@ohos/hypium' from https://ohpm.openharmony.cn/ohpm/
ohpm ERROR: missing: @dcloudio/uts-harmony@E:\hongmeng\aihuihua\ai_painting\unpackage\debug\app-harmony-2f573459\entry\src\main\ets\uts, required by @
ohpm ERROR: Found exception: Error: Fetch local folder package error, E:\hongmeng\aihuihua\ai_painting\unpackage\debug\app-harmony-2f573459\entry\src\main\ets\uts does not exist., reached retry limit or non retryable error encountered.
ohpm ERROR: ERUNNING execute tasks failed, Error: Fetch local folder package error, E:\hongmeng\aihuihua\ai_painting\unpackage\debug\app-harmony-2f573459\entry\src\main\ets\uts does not exist.
ohpm ERROR: missing: @dcloudio/uni-app-harmony@E:\hongmeng\aihuihua\ai_painting\unpackage\debug\app-harmony-2f573459\entry\src\main\ets\uni-app-harmony, required by @
ohpm ERROR: Found exception: Error: Fetch local folder package error, E:\hongmeng\aihuihua\ai_painting\unpackage\debug\app-harmony-2f573459\entry\src\main\ets\uni-app-harmony does not exist., reached retry limit or non retryable error encountered.
ohpm ERROR: missing: @dcloudio/uni-app-harmony-framework@E:\hongmeng\aihuihua\ai_painting\unpackage\debug\app-harmony-2f573459\entry\src\main\resources\rawfile\uni-app, required by @
ohpm ERROR: Found exception: Error: Fetch local folder package error, E:\hongmeng\aihuihua\ai_painting\unpackage\debug\app-harmony-2f573459\entry\src\main\resources\rawfile\uni-app does not exist., reached retry limit or non retryable error encountered.
ohpm ERROR: Install failed, detail: Error: Fetch local folder package error, E:\hongmeng\aihuihua\ai_painting\unpackage\debug\app-harmony-2f573459\entry\src\main\ets\uts does not exist.
17:32:16.141 安装鸿蒙工程依赖失败
- 发布:2024-11-05 17:39
- 更新:2025-01-13 13:22
- 阅读:539
请删除 harmony-configs 目录里的 oh-package.json5 文件,再 unpackage 目录,然后重试。
最好能删除 harmony-configs 目录中所有不必要(没有自己定制内容)的文件。
14:58:04.426 开始制作运行包 .hap,请耐心等待 ....
14:58:06.309 > hvigor WARN: The current module 'app-harmony-26d8f534' has dependency which is not installed at its oh-package.json5.
hvigor WARN: The current module 'app-harmony-26d8f534' has dependency which is not installed at its oh-package.json5.
hvigor WARN: The current module 'app-harmony-26d8f534' has dependency which is not installed at its oh-package.json5.
hvigor WARN: The current module 'app-harmony-26d8f534' has dependency which is not installed at its oh-package.json5.
hvigor WARN: The current module 'app-harmony-26d8f534' has dependency which is not installed at its oh-package.json5.
hvigor WARN: The current module 'app-harmony-26d8f534' has dependency which is not installed at its oh-package.json5.
hvigor WARN: The current module 'app-harmony-26d8f534' has dependency which is not installed at its oh-package.json5.
hvigor WARN: The current module 'app-harmony-26d8f534' has dependency which is not installed at its oh-package.json5.
hvigor WARN: The current module 'app-harmony-26d8f534' has dependency which is not installed at its oh-package.json5.
hvigor WARN: The current module 'app-harmony-26d8f534' has dependency which is not installed at its oh-package.json5.
hvigor WARN: The current module 'app-harmony-26d8f534' has dependency which is not installed at its oh-package.json5.
hvigor WARN: The current module 'app-harmony-26d8f534' has dependency which is not installed at its oh-package.json5.
hvigor WARN: The current module 'app-harmony-26d8f534' has dependency which is not installed at its oh-package.json5.
hvigor WARN: The current module 'app-harmony-26d8f534' has dependency which is not installed at its oh-package.json5.
hvigor Finished :entry:clean... after 2 ms
hvigor Finished :entry:default@PreBuild... after 67 ms
hvigor Finished :entry:default@GenerateMetadata... after 2 ms
hvigor Finished :entry:default@ConfigureCmake... after 1 ms
hvigor Finished :entry:default@MergeProfile... after 7 ms
hvigor Finished :entry:default@CreateBuildProfile... after 1 ms
hvigor Finished :entry:default@PreCheckSyscap... after 1 ms
hvigor Finished :entry:default@GeneratePkgContextInfo... after 1 ms
hvigor Finished :entry:default@ProcessIntegratedHsp... after 1 ms
hvigor Finished :entry:default@BuildNativeWithCmake... after 1 ms
hvigor Finished :entry:default@MakePackInfo... after 3 ms
hvigor Finished :entry:default@ProcessProfile... after 60 ms
hvigor Finished :entry:default@SyscapTransform... after 1 ms
hvigor Finished :entry:default@ProcessRouterMap... after 2 ms
hvigor Finished :entry:default@BuildNativeWithNinja... after 1 ms
hvigor Finished :entry:default@ProcessResource... after 2 ms
hvigor ERROR: Bytecode HARs: [@uni_modules/uni-payment-alipay, @dcloudio/uni-app-runtime] not supported when useNormalizedOHMUrl is not true.
- Try the following:
Please check useNormalizedOHMUrl in the project-level build-profile.json5 file.
hvigor ERROR: Failed :entry:default@GenerateLoaderJson...
hvigor ERROR: BUILD FAILED in 1 s 263 ms
14:58:06.309 运行包制作失败
枭云 (作者)
2024-11-06 11:11
回复 x***@163.com: 看样子像是 harmony-configs/oh-package.json 里面包含了陈旧内容,可以尝试先把 harmony-configs 和 unpackage 都完全删除,然后执行【运行到鸿蒙】,后续再根据需要逐步在 harmony-configs 目录中添加文件内容。
2024-11-07 18:57
回复 x***@163.com: 另外,如果项目类型是 cli 项目的话,也有可能是跟项目关联的编译器版本(在项目依赖里面)太旧了,在控制台的日志信息里面应该有提示,可以尝试按照提示进行升级。
2024-11-07 19:00
回复 枭云: 我也遇到了这个问题
2024-11-20 13:19
16:24:07.264 ohpm ERROR: missing: @dcloudio/uni-app-runtime@F:\HbuilderX%20Projects\hxERP-v3\unpackage\debug\app-harmony-00b8bf5b\libs\UniAppRuntime.har, required by @
ohpm ERROR: Found exception: Error: Fetch local file package error, F:\HbuilderX%20Projects\hxERP-v3\unpackage\debug\app-harmony-00b8bf5b\libs\UniAppRuntime.har does not exist., reached retry limit or non retryable error encountered.
ohpm ERROR: ERUNNING execute tasks failed, Error: Fetch local file package error, F:\HbuilderX%20Projects\hxERP-v3\unpackage\debug\app-harmony-00b8bf5b\libs\UniAppRuntime.har does not exist.
ohpm ERROR: Install failed, detail: Error: Fetch local file package error, F:\HbuilderX%20Projects\hxERP-v3\unpackage\debug\app-harmony-00b8bf5b\libs\UniAppRuntime.har does not exist.
16:24:07.264 安装鸿蒙工程依赖失败
2024-11-20 16:25
回复 DCloud_云服务_MAQ: 把 harmony-configs 和 unpackage 都完全删除后,【运行到鸿蒙】后,生成的harmony-configs文件夹是空的,是什么原因。 我用的HX是4.33.2024111702-alpha版本, 用非alpha的29版本运行后就能生成。
2024-11-20 16:29
回复 honeyChen: 新版本的 HX 为了减少在版本升级的时候与开发者已有配置文件的冲突,调整了 harmony-configs 目录的使用策略,缺省不再生成配置文件,目录依然存在,开发者可以根据自己的需要在里面添加文件。
2024-11-22 13:42