14:29:08.868 easycom组件冲突:
14:29:08.868 components/uni-popup/uni-popup.vue,uni_modules/uni-popup/components/uni-popup/uni-popup.vue
14:29:08.868 components/uni-transition/uni-transition.vue,uni_modules/uni-transition/components/uni-transition/uni-transition.vue
14:29:47.894 项目 maximo-app-harmonyOs 编译成功。
14:29:47.947 ready in 52606ms.
14:29:48.167 打包生成 .hap .....................
14:31:08.079 > hvigor WARN: The current module 'app-harmony@1.3.7' has dependency which is not installed at its oh-package.json5.
14:31:08.079 > hvigor WARN: The current module 'app-harmony@1.3.7' has dependency which is not installed at its oh-package.json5.
14:31:08.079 > hvigor WARN: The current module 'app-harmony@1.3.7' has dependency which is not installed at its oh-package.json5.
14:31:08.081 > hvigor WARN: The current module 'app-harmony@1.3.7' has dependency which is not installed at its oh-package.json5.
14:31:08.081 > hvigor WARN: The current module 'app-harmony@1.3.7' has dependency which is not installed at its oh-package.json5.
14:31:08.081 > hvigor WARN: The current module 'app-harmony@1.3.7' has dependency which is not installed at its oh-package.json5.
14:31:08.081 > hvigor WARN: The current module 'app-harmony@1.3.7' has dependency which is not installed at its oh-package.json5.
14:31:08.081 > hvigor WARN: The current module 'app-harmony@1.3.7' has dependency which is not installed at its oh-package.json5.
14:31:08.081 > hvigor WARN: The current module 'app-harmony@1.3.7' has dependency which is not installed at its oh-package.json5.
14:31:08.081 > hvigor WARN: The current module 'app-harmony@1.3.7' has dependency which is not installed at its oh-package.json5.
14:31:08.081 > hvigor WARN: The current module 'app-harmony@1.3.7' has dependency which is not installed at its oh-package.json5.
14:31:08.081 > hvigor WARN: The current module 'app-harmony@1.3.7' has dependency which is not installed at its oh-package.json5.
14:31:08.081 > hvigor WARN: The current module 'app-harmony@1.3.7' has dependency which is not installed at its oh-package.json5.
14:31:08.082 > hvigor ERROR: Could not resolve "./libs/MpHtmlParser.js" from "14:31:08.084 "@/js_sdk/jyf-localDB/jyf-localDB.js" is imported by "14:31:08.084 打包失败
- 发布:2024-12-30 14:33
- 更新:2024-12-30 17:34
- 阅读:53
鸿蒙打包失败:提示:hvigor ERROR: Could not resolve "./libs/MpHtmlParser.js"
x***@163.com (作者)
2024-12-30 15:23
回复 x***@163.com: 没有引用关系,那你删除之后可以正常运行吗?可以提供一下这个这几个文件吗?
2024-12-30 15:25
x***@163.com (作者)
回复 DCloud_UNI_yuhe: 上面报错信息中出现的两个文件之间没有引用关系,但是这两个文件分别在其他文件中是有用到的、删除肯定是不行的 我可以提供部分的截图
2024-12-30 15:41
回复 x***@163.com: 您提供一下复现项目就好,复现项目能够在评论区底部上传附件中上传
2024-12-30 15:48
x***@163.com (作者)
回复 DCloud_UNI_yuhe: 全部的项目吗?这个可能不太方便
2024-12-30 16:39