ERROR Failed to compile with 3 errors 5:28:16 PM
error in ./src/pages/dialogModeBI/dialogModeBI.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&id=da8c0ebc&lang=scss&scoped=true&
Syntax Error: SassError: "+" and "-" must be surrounded by whitespace in calculations.
910 │ max-width: calc(100%- 129rpx - 129rpx);
│ ^
/root/.jenkins/workspace/uniapp-compile/src/pages/dialogModeBI/dialogModeBI.vue 910:27 root stylesheet
error in ./src/pages/home/home.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&id=1000a768&lang=scss&scoped=true&
Syntax Error: SassError: expected selector.
334 │ min-height: 1500rpx;
│ ^
/root/.jenkins/workspace/uniapp-compile/src/pages/home/home.vue 334:23 root stylesheet
error in ./src/pages/manage/manage.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&id=79cd867d&lang=scss&scoped=true&
Syntax Error: SassError: expected selector.
1729 │ / 基础样式 /
│ ^
/root/.jenkins/workspace/uniapp-compile/src/pages/manage/manage.vue 1729:16 root stylesheet
INFO Build optimizing...
ERROR Build failed with errors.
1 个回复
DCloud_UNI_OttoJi - 日常回复 uni-app/x 问题,如果艾特我没看到,请主动私信
css 规范中明确说了,clac 中的参数需要使用空格 SassError: " " and "-" must be surrounded by whitespace in calculations.