  • 发布:2018-05-18 10:25
  • 更新:2018-05-18 14:05
  • 阅读:2279

iOS打包APP 上架审核回复被拒5.1.5

  1. 1.5 Legal: Privacy - Location Services
    Guideline 5.1.5 - Legal - Privacy - Location Services

Your app uses location services but does not clarify the purpose of its use in the location modal alert. Apps that collect, transmit, or use location data must notify and obtain the user’s consent prior to accessing this data.

Please see attached screenshots for details.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please specify why the app is requesting the user's location in the location permission modal alert.


For additional information and instructions on configuring and presenting an alert, please review the Requesting Permission section of the iOS Human Interface Guidelines and the Information Property List Key Reference. You may also want to review the Technical Q&A QA1937: Resolving the Privacy-Sensitive Data App Rejection page for details on how to provide a usage description for permission request alerts.

2018-05-18 10:25 负责人:无 分享

Sinea - www.sinea.cn


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