用APPuploader上传ipa包 报错
[2020-07-21 14:06:23 CST] <Thread-104> INFO: Logging configured successfully.
[2020-07-21 14:06:23 CST] <Thread-104> INFO: iTMSTransporter : iTunes Store Transporter [1.9.8]
[2020-07-21 14:06:23 CST] <Thread-104> INFO: OS identifier: Windows 10 10.0 (amd64); jvm=25.251-b08; jre=1.8.0_251-b08
[2020-07-21 14:06:23 CST] <Thread-104> INFO: Memory: [JVM] 128M free, 195M total, 3623M max [System] (Physical) 8262M free, 16303M total (Swap) 23878M free, 35759M total
[2020-07-21 14:06:23 CST] <Thread-104> INFO: Upload mode selected.
[2020-07-21 14:06:23 CST] <Thread-104> INFO: Examining the package at: C:\Users\MrCat\AppData\Local\Temp\au\itmsp\1524278219.itmsp
[2020-07-21 14:06:23 CST] <Thread-104> INFO: Ensuring that package has well formed metadata file...
[2020-07-21 14:06:23 CST] <Thread-104> INFO: Gathering the list of valid files from the package ...
[2020-07-21 14:06:23 CST] <Thread-104> INFO: Finished gathering the list of valid files from the package.
[2020-07-21 14:06:23 CST] <Thread-104> INFO: Verify progress: Analyzing metadata (Step 2/?)
[2020-07-21 14:06:23 CST] <Thread-104> INFO: Performing authentication of package 1524278219.itmsp ...
[2020-07-21 14:06:23 CST] <Thread-104> INFO: Verify progress: Analyzing metadata (Step 3/2)
[2020-07-21 14:06:23 CST] <Thread-104> INFO: id = 20200721140623-660
[2020-07-21 14:06:24 CST] <Thread-104> ERROR: Communication error. Please use diagnostic mode to check connectivity. You need to have outbound access to TCP port 443.
[2020-07-21 14:06:24 CST] <Thread-104> ERROR: An exception has occurred: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
[2020-07-21 14:06:27 CST] <Thread-104> INFO: id = 20200721140627-957
[2020-07-21 14:06:28 CST] <Thread-104> ERROR: Communication error. Please use diagnostic mode to check connectivity. You need to have outbound access to TCP port 443.
[2020-07-21 14:06:28 CST] <Thread-104> ERROR: An exception has occurred: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
[2020-07-21 14:06:31 CST] <Thread-104> INFO: id = 20200721140631-328
[2020-07-21 14:06:32 CST] <Thread-104> ERROR: Communication error. Please use diagnostic mode to check connectivity. You need to have outbound access to TCP port 443.
[2020-07-21 14:06:32 CST] <Thread-104> ERROR: An exception has occurred: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
[2020-07-21 14:06:37 CST] <Thread-104> ERROR: Could not connect to Apple's web service.
[2020-07-21 14:06:39 CST] <Thread-104> INFO: id = 20200721140639-596
[2020-07-21 14:06:40 CST] <Thread-104> ERROR: Communication error. Please use diagnostic mode to check connectivity. You need to have outbound access to TCP port 443.
[2020-07-21 14:06:40 CST] <Thread-104> ERROR: An exception has occurred: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
[2020-07-21 14:06:44 CST] <Thread-104> INFO: id = 20200721140644-362
[2020-07-21 14:06:44 CST] <Thread-104> ERROR: Communication error. Please use diagnostic mode to check connectivity. You need to have outbound access to TCP port 443.
[2020-07-21 14:06:44 CST] <Thread-104> ERROR: An exception has occurred: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
[2020-07-21 14:06:49 CST] <Thread-104> ERROR: Could not connect to Apple's web service.
[2020-07-21 14:06:49 CST] <Thread-104> INFO: Verify progress: Operation failed (Step 2/2)
Package Summary:
1 package(s) were not uploaded because they had problems:
C:\Users\MrCat\AppData\Local\Temp\au\itmsp\1524278219.itmsp - Error Messages:
Communication error. Please use diagnostic mode to check connectivity. You need to have outbound access to TCP port 443.
An exception has occurred: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
Could not connect to Apple's web service.
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