  • 发布:2015-09-23 16:30
  • 更新:2015-09-23 16:46
  • 阅读:1409

APP云端打包失败!warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set !!!




cd 安装包制作目录[BASE] && ant
Buildfile: 安装包制作目录build.xml

[echo] Copy app resource.
[echo] assets

[echo] Init output directory.....

[echo] Creating output directories if needed...
[mkdir] Created dir: 安装包制作目录bin/classes

[echo] Generating / from the resources...
[echo] outdir-r path: src
[echo] aapt path: SDK目录build-tools/android-4.4/aapt

[echo] Compiling aidl files into Java classes...

[echo] outdir-classes = bin/classes
[echo] android-jar = SDK目录platforms/android-19/android.jar
[echo] external = libs
[javac] 安装包制作目录build.xml:185: warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
[javac] Compiling 4 source files to 安装包制作目录bin/classes

[echo] Converting compiled files and external libraries into bin/classes.dex...
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] (com.iflytek.msc.c.b) that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] (com.iflytek.msc.c.d) that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] (com.iflytek.msc.c.e) that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] (com.iflytek.a.d) that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] (com.iflytek.speech.d) that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] (com.iflytek.speech.e) that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] (com.iflytek.speech.h) that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] (com.iflytek.speech.i) that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] (com.iflytek.ui.b) that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] (com.iflytek.ui.n) that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] (com.iflytek.ui.p) that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] (com.iflytek.ui.l) that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] (com.iflytek.ui.m) that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] (com.iflytek.ui.k) that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] (com.iflytek.ui.y) that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] (com.iflytek.ui.z) that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] (com.iflytek.ui.s) that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.
[apply] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
[apply] ( that doesn't come with an
[apply] associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
[apply] compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
[apply] solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
[apply] and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
[apply] this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
[apply] indicate that it is not an inner class.


[echo] Packaging resources and assets...

[echo] Packaging bin/MKey3G-unsigned.apk for release...
[echo] 安装包制作目录bin/MKey3G-unsigned.apk
[echo] 安装包制作目录bin/MSCAndroid.ap
[echo] 安装包制作目录bin/classes.dex
[echo] 安装包制作目录libs
[exec] THIS TOOL IS DEPRECATED. See --help for more information.
[echo] It will need to be signed with jarsigner before being published.

[echo] lalalal
[echo] 安装包制作目录bin/MSC_Android-signed-t.apk
[echo] 安装包制作目录bin/MKey3G-unsigned.apk
[echo] ./google-keystore.keystore
[echo] GreenBean
[signjar] Signing JAR: 安装包制作目录bin/MKey3G-unsigned.apk to 安装包制作目录bin/MSC_Android-signed-t.apk as GreenBean
[signjar] jarsigner error: java.lang.RuntimeException: keystore load: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect

安装包制作目录build.xml:359: jarsigner returned: 1

Total time: 18 seconds

2015-09-23 16:30 负责人:无 分享

BoredApe - 有问题就会有答案。



  • supposer (作者)


    2015-09-23 16:55

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