  • 发布:2021-03-10 12:47
  • 更新:2021-03-10 14:32
  • 阅读:3191



[广告] 12:44:00.989 开源不易,需要鼓励。去给 uni-app 项目 点个 star 吧 [不再提示]
[广告] 12:44:00.989 DCloud 2021新春招聘开启,欢迎前端、Android、C++/QT来投简历! 详情点击
12:44:01.007 项目 'new-hst-app' 开始编译...
12:44:03.191 编译器版本:3.1.4(v3)详见:https://ask.dcloud.net.cn/article/36599。
12:44:03.194 请注意运行模式下,因日志输出、sourcemap以及未压缩源码等原因,性能和包体积,均不及发行模式。
12:44:03.194 正在编译中...
12:44:07.466 nvue中不支持如下css。如全局或公共样式受影响,建议将告警样式写在ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE的条件编译中,详情如下:
12:44:07.466 ERROR: property value none is not valid for border-color at components/titleAlert/alertBox.nvue:104
12:44:07.472 ERROR: property value auto is not supported for margin-right (only number and pixel values are supported) at components/empty/empty.vue:42
12:44:07.473 ERROR: property value auto is not supported for margin-left (only number and pixel values are supported) at components/empty/empty.vue:42
12:44:07.477 WARNING: display is not a standard property name (may not be supported) at components/empty/empty.vue:43
12:44:07.632 WARNING: max-width is not a standard property name (may not be supported) at pages/SearchPage/search_new.nvue:85
12:44:07.633 WARNING: white-space is not a standard property name (may not be supported) at pages/SearchPage/search_new.nvue:86
12:44:07.638 WARNING: display is not a standard property name (may not be supported) at pages/SearchPage/search_new.nvue:87
12:44:07.639 WARNING: -webkit-box-orient is not a standard property name (may not be supported) at pages/SearchPage/search_new.nvue:88
12:44:07.646 WARNING: -webkit-line-clamp is not a standard property name (may not be supported) at pages/SearchPage/search_new.nvue:89
12:44:07.647 WARNING: -webkit-font-smoothing is not a standard property name (may not be supported) at components/GoodsDetail/goods_row_detail.nvue:121
12:44:07.653 WARNING: -moz-osx-font-smoothing is not a standard property name (may not be supported) at components/GoodsDetail/goods_row_detail.nvue:122
12:44:09.288 [警告] node_modules\lodash\lodash.js 文件体积超过 500KB,已跳过压缩以及 ES6 转 ES5 的处理,手机端使用过大的js库影响性能。
12:44:23.441 ERROR: property value none is not valid for border-color at App.vue:177
12:44:23.450 WARNING: outline is not a standard property name (may not be supported) at App.vue:178
12:44:23.450 WARNING: outline is not a standard property name (may not be supported) at App.vue:188
12:44:31.232 DONE Build complete. Watching for changes...
12:44:31.232 项目 'new-hst-app' 编译成功。
12:44:31.773 当前使用的自定义基座的SDK版本为:,标准运行基座的SDK版本为:,SDK版本不一致,可能有兼容问题,请及时制作新版自定义基座
12:44:31.793 正在建立手机连接...
12:44:32.800 正在安装手机端自定义基座...
12:44:51.041 安装失败 return code=-402620395,请手动安装C:\ProgramData\HBuilder\iOS_debug.ipa到手机上(可使用iTools安装),并重新运行真机调试。
12:44:51.062 已停止运行...

2021-03-10 12:47 负责人:无 分享


当前使用的自定义基座的SDK版本为:,标准运行基座的SDK版本为:,SDK版本不一致,可能有兼容问题,请及时制作新版自定义基座 说的很清楚

  • 5***@qq.com


    2021-03-30 15:27

  • 过时的流行

    更新最新版本后 切换到上一个版本 就会这样的提示

    2022-06-18 18:48

该问题目前已经被锁定, 无法添加新回复