  • 发布:2021-07-03 17:14
  • 更新:2021-10-06 16:10
  • 阅读:489



调试报错是这个。连接本地调试服务失败,请检查客户端是否和主机在同一局域网下 __ERROR

2021-07-03 17:14 负责人:无 分享



  • 陈大雷Q


    2021-11-24 10:54

  • DCloud_uniCloud_WYQ

    回复 陈大雷Q: 开发用的电脑什么配置?HBuilderX版本多少?第一次启动时的uniCloud日志、客户端日志都贴出来,要完整的从第一句开始的

    2021-11-24 11:00

  • 陈大雷Q

    回复 DCloud_uniCloud_WYQ: i5,1035g1,hbuilderx是最新的3.2.16,


    11:01:53.486 [本地调试]uniCloud本地调试服务已启动,如需客户端调用本地云函数,请在对应的客户端的运行控制台切换为连接本地云函数

    11:01:53.516 [本地调试]如需调试本地云函数代码,请点击控制台右上角的调试按钮开启断点调试服务(双击行号添加断点)


    [AD] 11:15:06.291 Open source is not easy and needs encouragement. Go to uni-app project to order a star [Do not remind again]

    [AD] 11:15:06.292 DCloud 2021 Spring Festival recruitment is open, welcome front-end, Android, C++/QT to submit your resume! Click for details

    11:15:06.307 Project 'miaomiao_frontend2' start compiling...

    11:15:08.024 The default service space spaceId used by uniCloud of the current project is: fa9696c6-15b9-4952-b983-c8bdafb09801

    11:15:08.024 Compiler version:3.2.16(v3)see:https://ask.dcloud.net.cn/article/36599。

    11:15:08.027 Please note that in running mode, due to log output, sourcemap, and uncompressed source code, the performance and package size are not as good as release mode.

    11:15:08.028 Compiling...

    11:15:21.642 DONE Build complete. Watching for changes...

    11:15:21.642 Project 'miaomiao_frontend2' compiled successfully.

    11:15:21.889 Connecting device...

    11:15:23.486 Mobile app playground is already installed, version is 3.2.16,Version is not changed, skip update

    11:15:24.824 Synchronizing app resources...

    11:15:28.455 Sync app resources completed

    11:15:29.817 Online debugging is not a package. The debugging base HBuilder is the default test package. The permissions and icons are not customizable.You can customize these settings only when you click the menu "publish-publish as native installation package"

    11:15:29.852 iOS9.0 and above systems need to trust the DCloud enterprise certificate (the certificate starting with Digital Heaven) in "Settings"-"General"-"Device Management" (or "Description File") to be normal use

    11:15:29.881 If the HBuilder debugging dock on the mobile phone is not started, please start it manually. If the application is not updated, please kill the docking station on the phone and restart the process

    11:15:31.273 App Show at App.vue:16

    11:15:31.305 App Launch at App.vue:13

    11:15:31.334 App Show at App.vue:16

    11:15:34.311 连接本地调试服务失败,请检查客户端是否和主机在同一局域网下 __ERROR

    11:15:34.339 调用云函数出错Error: 连接本地调试服务失败,请检查客户端是否和主机在同一局域网下 at account/login/login.vue:149

    2021-11-24 11:16

  • DCloud_uniCloud_WYQ

    回复 陈大雷Q: 看你发出来的客户端日志和云函数日志时间查了十几分钟,确定没弄错吗?

    2021-11-24 11:32

  • DCloud_uniCloud_WYQ

    回复 陈大雷Q: 这里沟通太慢可以加我QQ 2292434668

    2021-11-24 11:33

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