一个新的ios app。选择安心打包。

- 发布:2024-04-29 21:22
- 更新:2024-04-29 21:26
- 阅读:185
产品分类: uniapp/App
PC开发环境操作系统: Mac
PC开发环境操作系统版本号: 14.1
HBuilderX类型: 正式
HBuilderX版本号: 4.08
手机系统: iOS
手机系统版本号: iOS 17
手机厂商: 苹果
手机机型: 12mini
页面类型: vue
vue版本: vue2
打包方式: 离线
项目创建方式: HBuilderX
打包通过 生成iap
打包通过 生成iap
[Info] begin verifyPlistFiles
[Error] Provisioning profile doesn't support the Push Notifications
[Error] Provisioning profile doesn't include the aps-environment
[Error] verifyPlistFiles failed
[Info] Package make result:Failed. Reason:
[Info] begin verifyPlistFiles
[Error] Provisioning profile doesn't support the Push Notifications
[Error] Provisioning profile doesn't include the aps-environment
[Error] verifyPlistFiles failed
[Info] Package make result:Failed. Reason:
[Error] Provisioning profile doesn't support the Push Notifications
[Error] Provisioning profile doesn't include the aps-environment
我100%确定我的描述文件是含有Push Notifications,要不然云打包怎么通过?我有多个app,只有这个新的未上线的app有问题。
1 取消 Push Notifications,保存;再勾选,再保存->生成证书 ----无效
2 重启电脑;---无效
3 移除项目->重新导入 ----无效
4 删除Push Notifications证书,重新生成Push Notifications证书,重新生成Push Notifications Profile ---无效

3***@qq.com (作者) - wo
前几天刚解决No certificate for team 'YQM5H857L5' matching 'iPhone Distribution ,现在又出这个。我苦恼极了