GSFont: "unichooselocation" already exists.
This method can cause UI unresponsiveness if invoked on the main thread. Instead, consider waiting for the -locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization:
callback and checking authorizationStatus
GSFontRegisterCGFont(<CGFont (0x30210a280): unichooselocation>) failed 305
GSFont: "unichooselocation" already exists.
GSFontRegisterCGFont(<CGFont (0x302125600): unichooselocation>) failed 305
GSFont: "unichooselocation" already exists.
GSFontRegisterCGFont(<CGFont (0x3021f1a80): unichooselocation>) failed 305
- 发布:2024-12-15 16:20
- 更新:2024-12-16 11:30
- 阅读:27
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