  • 发布:2019-07-14 15:59
  • 更新:2020-03-10 23:07
  • 阅读:4587

【报Bug】iOS 13 系统下,使用 HBuilderX 运行程序报错



iOS 13 系统下,使用 HBuilderX 运行程序提示:打开文件服务失败,请尝试拔掉数据线后重新连接手机,或重启手机再试,
在 iOS 12 系统下无此问题

初步判断在新的 iOS 13 系统下存在兼容问题



使用 iOS 13 系统运行程序

15:48:19.209 正在建立手机连接...
15:48:21.769 正在安装手机端HBuilder调试基座...
15:48:43.216 正在同步手机端程序文件...
15:48:56.168 打开文件服务失败,请尝试拔掉数据线后重新连接手机,或重启手机再试
15:48:56.188 已停止运行...

可以正确的在 iOS 13 下运行


[HBuilder 或 HBuilderX。如果你用其他工具开发uni-app,也需要在此说明]



HBuilder X Feedback from Sierra (10.12))


H5+ app






iOS 13
iPhone 6s








2019-07-14 15:59 负责人:无 分享


HBuilder X 闪一下就没了。
Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone HBuilder(WebKit)[366] <Notice>: 0x118f15450 - WebProcessCache::updateCapacity: Cache is disabled because process swap on navigation is disabled

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone HBuilder(UIKitCore)[366] <Error>: +[UIView setAnimationsEnabled:] being called from a background thread. Performing any operation from a background thread on
UIView or a subclass is not supported and may result in unexpected and insidious behavior. trace=(

0   UIKitCore                           0x000000024be3d550 <redacted> + 116  
1   libdispatch.dylib                   0x000000021ec317d4 <redacted> + 16  
2   libdispatch.dylib                   0x000000021ebd4eb4 <redacted> + 28  
3   UIKitCore                           0x000000024be3d4d8 <redacted> + 100  
4   UIKitCore                           0x000000024be3d644 <redacted> + 92  
5   UIKitCore                           0x000000024be03f28 <redacted> + 504  
6   UIKitCore                           0x000000024bdff0ac <redacted> + 340  
7   UIKitCore                           0x000000024bdfe1b4 <redacted> + 232  
8   UIKitCore                           0x000000024bde017c <redacted> + 292  
9   UIKitCore                           0x000000024bddfc1c <redacted> + 176  
10  UIKitCore                           0x000000024bdd2438 <redacted> + 132  
11  WebKit                              0x000000022e6ca518 <redacted> + 112  
12  WebKit                              0x000000022e6c8be0 <redacted> + 5200  
13  WebKit                              0x000000022e6c76d4 <redacted> + 76  

14  HBuilder                            0x0000000105858c74 -[H5WEWKWebview createWebviewWithFrame:] + 152  

15  HBuilder                            0x0000000105858ac0 -[H5WEWKWebview initWithFrame:withParams:] + 660  
16  HBuilder                            0x000000010585c530 +[H5WEEngineSelect getWebviewWithName:withFrame:withParams:] + 132  
17  HBuilder                            0x00000001057f2de0 -[PDRCoreAppFrame createWebEngineWithName:withFrame:] + 260  
18  HBuilder                            0x00000001057f2204 -[PDRCoreAppFrame doInitWithOptions:withContext:] + 372  
19  HBuilder                            0x0000000105877aac -[PDRCoreAppWindow createWebview:withOptions:] + 368  
20  HBuilder                            0x0000000105882348 -[PDRCoreApp createWebview:withOptions:] + 372  
21  HBuilder                            0x00000001059ac70c -[PGUI __JSWindow_NWindow:withImmediatelyLoad:] + 880  
22  HBuilder                            0x00000001059a3e54 -[PGUI execMethod:] + 292  
23  HBuilder                            0x000000010580f724 -[PDRCoreFeature Execute:] + 432  
24  HBuilder                            0x00000001057fc13c -[PDRCoreAppFrame webViewEnginde:didReceiveScriptMessage:] + 112  
25  CoreFoundation                      0x000000021f182e68 <redacted> + 20  
26  CoreFoundation                      0x000000021f18276c <redacted> + 272  
27  CoreFoundation                      0x000000021f17dcd8 <redacted> + 2312  
28  CoreFoundation                      0x000000021f17d0b0 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 436  
29  WebCore                      
     0x0000000227e0dbd8 <redacted> + 600  
30  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x000000021ee102c0 <redacted> + 128  
31  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x000000021ee10220 _pthread_start + 44  
32  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x000000021ee13cdc thread_start + 4  


Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone backboardd(IOKit)[56] <Notice>: Connection removed: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:B78F8F01-EA85-4B0C-8049-A23AAC46F9BA pid:366 process:HBuilder type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:BackBoardServices: <redacted> + 364 attributes:<CFBasicHash 0x102e34870 [0x102c00010]>{type = immutable dict, count = 3,

entries =>

0 : <CFString 0x10d616810 [0x24f175420]>{contents = "pid"} = <CFNumber 0x9deeb72d76348c63 [0x24f175420]>{value = +366, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}  

1 : <CFString 0x10d6920e0 [0x24f175420]>{contents = "bundleID"} = <CFString 0x1029a7530 [0x24f175420]>{contents = "io.dcloud.HBuilder"}  

2 : <CFString 0x10d6aaf50 [0x24f175420]>{contents = "HighFrequency"} = <CFBoolean 0x24f17afe8 [0x24f175420]>{value = false}  



Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone mobilewatchdog[64] <Notice>: 403040817708: id=@ pid=92356896, state=366

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone assertiond[62] <Notice>: [HBuilder:366] Setting jetsam priority to 3 [0x100]

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone assertiond[62] <Notice>: [HBuilder:366] setpriority(PRIO_DARWIN_ROLE, 366, 3): ok

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone assertiond[62] <Notice>: StateServerClient <private> barrier HWM: 1 (1)

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone assertiond[62] <Notice>: StateServerClient <private> barrier HWM: 1 (1)

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone backboardd[56] <Notice>: [BKEventFocusManager] Setting foreground application to: (none) (-1)

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone CommCenter[76] <Notice>: Client [<private>] disconnected (conn=0x103baf9c0), client list size 68

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsServer)[52] <Notice>: connection invalidated

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone SpringBoard(KeyboardArbiter)[52] <Error>: HW kbd: Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone backboardd(IOKit)[56] <Notice>: Connection removed: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:DFB959C8-E421-411C-8A14-D8AC146A869B pid:366 process:HBuilder type:Monitor entitlements:0x0 caller:GameController: _GCHIDEventCallback + 92 attributes:(null) inactive:0

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone hangtracerd[102] <Notice>: Client disconnected: 366

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone SpringBoard(WiFiPicker)[52] <Notice>: WIFI PICKER [io.dcloud.HBuilder]: isProcessLaunch: 0, isForegroundActivation: 0, isForegroundDeactivation: 1

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[123] <Error>: Can't get most elevated app state from dictionary {

BKSApplicationStateExtensionKey = 0;  

SBApplicationStateDisplayIDKey = "io.dcloud.HBuilder";  

SBApplicationStateKey = 0;  

SBApplicationStateProcessIDKey = 366;  

SBApplicationStateRunningReasonsKey =     (  


        SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionIdentifierKey = Resume;  
        SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionReasonKey = 10000;  



Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[123] <Notice>: 366 io.dcloud.HBuilder: Unknown (most elevated: Unknown)

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[123] <Notice>: Entry, display name io.dcloud.HBuilder uuid (null) pid 366 isFront 0

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[123] <Notice>: Continue with bundle name io.dcloud.HBuilder, is front 0

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[123] <Notice>: io.dcloud.HBuilder: Foreground: false
Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[123] <Notice>: call _saveAndUnloadSelectState

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[367] <Notice>: Trying to create CR directory structure as root

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[123] <Notice>: NBSM Current state: normal, changed: systemForeground to 0 for net type 0

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[123] <Notice>: NBSM Eligible to go to broken

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[123] <Notice>: NBSM Current state: normal, changed: systemForeground to 0 for net type 0, eligible for broken but constraints unsatisfied (0,0)

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[367] <Notice>: cr_update: <private>

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[367] <Notice>: cr_update: <private>

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone ReportCrash[367] <Notice>: Formulating report for corpse[366] HBuilder

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone ReportCrash(CoreServices)[367] <Notice>: notify_register_check() failed with error 1000000

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone ReportCrash(CoreTelephony)[367] <Notice>: CCMonitor created

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone CommCenter[76] <Notice>: #I New CTServerConnection from pid 367 (conn=0x103bf2200)

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone CommCenter[76] <Notice>: #I -- connection has entitlements: <private>

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone CommCenter[76] <Notice>: #I CTServerConnection from pid 367[<private>] is named '<private>'.

Jul 14 20:57:50 de-iPhone CommCenter[76] <Notice>: #I CTServerConnection from pid 367 has closed (conn=0x103bf2200)



解决了吗?我和你一样的情况,不同点 macos 10.14.15 机型 iphone 7p

  • h***@163.com


    2019-07-22 13:16

  • h***@163.com


    2019-07-22 13:16




11:25:13.450 项目 'demo' 开始编译...
11:25:14.233 编译器版本:2.1.3,当前项目编译模式:自定义组件模式。编译模式差异见:https://ask.dcloud.net.cn/article/35843
11:25:17.474 DONE Build complete. Watching for changes...
11:25:17.475 项目 'demo' 编译成功.
11:25:17.725 正在建立手机连接...
11:25:30.192 正在同步手机端程序文件...
11:25:42.734 打开文件服务失败,请尝试拔掉数据线后重新连接手机,或重启手机再试
11:25:42.757 已停止运行...




  • h***@163.com


    2019-08-31 17:13

  • h***@163.com


    2019-08-31 17:13






需要更新为HBuilderX 2.2.6以上

  • 8***@qq.com

    我在ipad上也遇到了这个问题,请问这个bug还有吗 ipad系统是13.3.1 在低版本的ipad上没问题

    2020-03-10 20:19

该问题目前已经被锁定, 无法添加新回复