
- 发布:2021-12-17 10:37
- 更新:2021-12-20 11:52
- 阅读:1641
产品分类: HTML5+
HBuilderX版本号: 3.3.1
手机系统: iOS
手机系统版本号: iOS 15
手机厂商: 苹果
手机机型: ipad
打包方式: 云端
A new version of iTMSTransporter is available on the early-access update channel. Specify '-updateChannel earlyAccess' on the command line to test it out.
WARNING ITMS-90901: "Missing full-screen support for the latest iPad mini display. The “HBuilder.app” bundle includes UIRequiresFullScreen=YES in the Info.plist or supports only a subset of UISupportedInterfaceOrientations, and is built with the 14.5 SDK. To take advantage of the full screen size, recompile with Xcode 13 and the SDK for iPadOS 15 or later."
Your version of iTMSTransporter will be updated in approximately 2 days.
A new version of iTMSTransporter is available on the early-access update channel. Specify '-updateChannel earlyAccess' on the command line to test it out.
WARNING ITMS-90901: "Missing full-screen support for the latest iPad mini display. The “HBuilder.app” bundle includes UIRequiresFullScreen=YES in the Info.plist or supports only a subset of UISupportedInterfaceOrientations, and is built with the 14.5 SDK. To take advantage of the full screen size, recompile with Xcode 13 and the SDK for iPadOS 15 or later."
Your version of iTMSTransporter will be updated in approximately 2 days.
A new version of iTMSTransporter is available on the early-access update channel. Specify '-updateChannel earlyAccess' on the command line to test it out.
WARNING ITMS-90901: "Missing full-screen support for the latest iPad mini display. The “HBuilder.app” bundle includes UIRequiresFullScreen=YES in the Info.plist or supports only a subset of UISupportedInterfaceOrientations, and is built with the 14.5 SDK. To take advantage of the full screen size, recompile with Xcode 13 and the SDK for iPadOS 15 or later."
Your version of iTMSTransporter will be updated in approximately 2 days.
2 个回复
FullStack - 【插件开发】【专治疑难杂症】【ios上架、马甲包、白包、过审、已成功上架过几百个】【多款插件已上架:https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/publisher?id=22130】【非诚勿扰】QQ:543610866