run -> Miniprogram -> run wechat devtools
wechat developer tool path: C:/Program Files (x86)/Tencent/微信web开发者工具

- 发布:2022-01-26 17:37
- 更新:2022-01-26 17:47
- 阅读:2289
产品分类: HbuilderX
PC开发环境操作系统: Windows
PC开发环境操作系统版本号: Windows 10 教育版
HBuilderX版本号: 3.2.16
17:29:09.988 Project 'ui-xiaochengxu' start compiling...
17:29:11.157 Please note that in running mode, due to log output, sourcemap, and uncompressed source code, the performance and package size are not as good as release mode.To officially release, please click the release menu or use the cli release command to release
17:29:11.161 There are differences in the implementation mechanism of the browser kernels and custom components of each mini-program, and there may be compatibility issues with styles and layouts, please refer to:
17:29:11.163 Compiling...
17:29:26.370 DONE Build complete. Watching for changes...
17:29:26.413 Project 'ui-xiaochengxu' compiled successfully.Please see the log of front-end in miniprogram console.
17:29:26.460 Starting WeApp devTools...
17:29:27.927 [WeChat mini-app devoloper tools] - initialize
17:29:27.927 [WeChat mini-app devoloper tools]
17:29:27.930 [WeChat mini-app devoloper tools]
17:29:29.175 [WeChat mini-app devoloper tools] × IDE may already started at port 54089, trying to connect
17:29:29.176 [WeChat mini-app devoloper tools]
17:29:29.179 [WeChat mini-app devoloper tools]
17:29:32.454 [WeChat mini-app devoloper tools] √ IDE server started successfully, listening on
17:29:32.458 [WeChat mini-app devoloper tools] - open IDE
17:29:32.458 [WeChat mini-app devoloper tools]
17:29:32.461 [WeChat mini-app devoloper tools]
17:29:32.672 [WeChat mini-app devoloper tools] [error] Error: Fail to open IDE
17:29:32.673 [WeChat mini-app devoloper tools]
17:29:32.676 [WeChat mini-app devoloper tools] × open IDE
17:29:32.676 [WeChat mini-app devoloper tools]
17:29:32.679 [WeChat mini-app devoloper tools]
17:29:32.682 WeApp devTools start success, edit code in HBuilderX and save, can auto refresh WeApp devTools.
17:29:32.683 Notes:
17:29:32.686 1. You can switch the page configured by the condition in pages.json through the WeChat developer tool, or close the WeChat developer tool, and then start the specified page from HBuilderX.
17:29:32.687 2. If there is a problem of a white screen after the WeChat developer tool is started, check whether multiple WeChat developer tools are started, if so, close all open WeChat developer tools, and then run again.
17:29:32.692 3. In the running mode, the code is not compressed and contains the sourcemap, which is large; if you want to officially release, please click the release menu to release.
能打开微信开发者工具也能进到项目 还是报这个错
2023-09-01 10:15