13:08:40.303 WARNING: `baground` is not a standard property name (may not be supported) at pages/room/room.nvue:11
13:08:40.303 ERROR: property value `calc(100% - 70px)` is not supported for `width` (only number and pixel values are supported) at components/bidButton/bidButton.vue:31
13:08:40.307 WARNING: `min-height` is not a standard property name (may not be supported) at components/chatFlow/chatFlow.vue:11
13:08:40.307 WARNING: `break-word` is not a standard property name (may not be supported) at components/chatFlow/chatFlow.vue:19
13:08:40.312 WARNING: `word-wrap` is not a standard property name (may not be supported) at components/chatFlow/chatFlow.vue:40
13:08:40.318 WARNING: `word-break` is not a standard property name (may not be supported) at components/chatFlow/chatFlow.vue:41