一开始就勾选了 associated domains,多方尝试还是打包失败,查了历史资料后也尝试了一些设置后也没有效果,特来求帮助下
[Info] begin copyFile files to ipa...
[Info] begin replace files to ipa...
[Info] begin update mobileprovision to ipa...
[Info] begin outPut t_entitlements_full plist file...
[Info] begin outPut outPutEntitlements plist file...
[Info] begin verifyPlistFiles
[Error] Provisioning profile doesn't support the Associated Domains
[Error] Provisioning profile doesn't include the com.apple.developer.associated-domains
[Error] verifyPlistFiles failed
[Info] Package make result:Failed. Reason:
Desigual (作者)
2022-08-22 21:06
Desigual (作者)
2022-08-22 21:08