WARNINGITMS-90725: "SDK Version lssue. This app was built with the iOS 15.2 SDKStarting April 2023, all ioS apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the ios16.1SDK or later,included in Xcode141 or later
- 发布:2023-03-26 15:13
- 更新:2023-03-26 21:45
- 阅读:814
产品分类: uniapp/App
PC开发环境操作系统: Windows
PC开发环境操作系统版本号: windows 11
HBuilderX类型: 正式
HBuilderX版本号: 3.7.9
手机系统: iOS
手机系统版本号: iOS 16
手机厂商: 苹果
手机机型: ios
页面类型: vue
vue版本: vue2
打包方式: 云端
项目创建方式: HBuilderX
WARNINGITMS-90725: "SDK Version lssue. This app was built with the iOS 15.2 SDKStarting April 2023, all ioS apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the ios16.1SDK or later,included in Xcode141 or later
WARNINGITMS-90725: "SDK Version lssue. This app was built with the iOS 15.2 SDKStarting April 2023, all ioS apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the ios16.1SDK or later,included in Xcode141 or later
WARNINGITMS-90725: "SDK Version lssue. This app was built with the iOS 15.2 SDKStarting April 2023, all ioS apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the ios16.1SDK or later,included in Xcode141 or later
WARNINGITMS-90725: "SDK Version lssue. This app was built with the iOS 15.2 SDKStarting April 2023, all ioS apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the ios16.1SDK or later,included in Xcode141 or later
WARNINGITMS-90725: "SDK Version lssue. This app was built with the iOS 15.2 SDKStarting April 2023, all ioS apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the ios16.1SDK or later,included in Xcode141 or later. 在transpo
FullStack - 【插件开发】【专治疑难杂症】【ios上架、马甲包、白包、过审、已成功上架过几百个】【多款插件已上架:https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/publisher?id=22130】【非诚勿扰】QQ:543610866
uni丶小二 (作者)
在 App Store Connect 里面找不到构建版本。 无法提交审核
2023-03-26 23:27
uni丶小二 (作者)
2023-03-27 12:26