The typescript language service died unexpectedly 5 times in the last 5 Minutes

- 发布:2024-05-05 19:02
- 更新:2024-06-13 15:01
- 阅读:312
【报Bug】The typescript language service died unexpectedly 5 times in the last 5 Minutes
产品分类: uniapp/App
PC开发环境操作系统: Windows
PC开发环境操作系统版本号: win11
HBuilderX类型: 正式
HBuilderX版本号: 4.14
手机系统: Android
手机系统版本号: Android 14
手机厂商: 华为
手机机型: iqoo
页面类型: vue
vue版本: vue3
打包方式: 云端
项目创建方式: HBuilderX
The typescript language service died unexpectedly 5 times in the last 5 Minutes
The typescript language service died unexpectedly 5 times in the last 5 Minutes
The typescript language service died unexpectedly 5 times in the last 5 Minutes
The typescript language service died unexpectedly 5 times in the last 5 Minutes
从3.x版本升级几次了 没啥用 一直报错
2024-05-08 09:52
2*** (作者)
回复 1*** 对,就是没有解决办法,服了,每次npm run dev之后就会频繁出现,只能先把Hbuilder关了再重启能短暂缓解。。。但是每次一编译就出现,巨烦人
2024-05-09 23:21