
- 发布:2018-08-06 12:54
- 更新:2018-08-07 14:47
- 阅读:2959

l***@163.com (作者)
2018-08-06 12:59:16.900 [WARNING:] QWidget::insertAction: Attempt to insert null action
2018-08-06 12:59:16.916 [WARNING:] QObject::connect: invalid null parameter
2018-08-06 12:59:17.088 [WARNING:] libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
2018-08-06 12:59:17.103 [WARNING:] libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
2018-08-06 12:59:17.182 [WARNING:] "Can't Not Find Grammar source.regexp.js ! "
2018-08-06 12:59:17.197 [WARNING:] "Can't Not Find Grammar source.python ! "
2018-08-06 12:59:17.197 [WARNING:] "Can't Not Find Grammar source.yaml ! "
2018-08-06 12:59:17.658 [INFO:] Start Elapsed Time : "930"
2018-08-06 12:59:17.658 [WARNING:] QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
(Parent is SingleApplication(0x98fe6c), parent's thread is QThread(0x2e60110), current thread is StartupThead(0xb25b828)
2018-08-06 12:59:17.658 [INFO:] find Jre Path: "D:\\Program Files (x86)\\HBuilder\jre\bin\java.exe"
2018-08-06 12:59:17.870 [WARNING:] QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread
2018-08-06 12:59:20.026 [INFO:] Download plugin "ls"
2018-08-06 12:59:20.151 [WARNING:] Download plugin "http://update.dcloud.net.cn/hbuilderx/alpha/win32/plugins/contents/ls." faild, md5: "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" expected: "5662749dd5c42652bab0d9e3e498831c"
2018-08-06 12:59:20.354 [INFO:] Download plugin "node"
2018-08-06 12:59:20.464 [WARNING:] Download plugin "http://update.dcloud.net.cn/hbuilderx/alpha/win32/plugins/contents/node." faild, md5: "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" expected: "52fab7345c02e4eb46f9bbf5ea42790c"
2018-08-06 12:59:20.651 [WARNING:] Download plugin "nodeserver" dependencies failed
2018-08-06 12:59:22.826 [WARNING:] server json is error: "illegal value"
2018-08-06 12:59:23.032 [WARNING:] server json is error: "illegal value"
2018-08-06 12:59:31.994 [INFO:] Download plugin "qtwebengine"
2018-08-06 12:59:32.089 [WARNING:] Download plugin "http://update.dcloud.net.cn/hbuilderx/alpha/win32/plugins/contents/qtwebengine." faild, md5: "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" expected: "5ff9fca3619b42b11165939f50564daf"
2018-08-06 12:59:32.089 [WARNING:] Download plugin "builtinbrowser" dependencies failed