
- 发布:2021-04-05 16:09
- 更新:2022-12-29 10:31
- 阅读:4735
产品分类: uniapp/App
PC开发环境操作系统: Windows
PC开发环境操作系统版本号: win10
HBuilderX类型: 正式
HBuilderX版本号: 3.1.7
手机系统: Android
手机系统版本号: Android 11
手机厂商: 小米
手机机型: 小米9
页面类型: nvue
打包方式: 云端
项目创建方式: HBuilderX
真机调试模式 刚启动app后在渲染完首页后的瞬间我快速多次切换底部导航(比如 首页 切换到 我的 快速多次切换),IDE就会报这个错误,只要报了这个错误,那么我再点底部导航的(首页 和 我的就会不管用,单击事件无效)但是再点底部导航的另外两个是管用的,
真机调试模式 刚启动app后在渲染完首页后的瞬间我快速多次切换底部导航(比如 首页 切换到 我的 快速多次切换),IDE就会报这个错误,只要报了这个错误,那么我再点底部导航的(首页 和 我的就会不管用,单击事件无效)但是再点底部导航的另外两个是管用的,
16:00:36.459 [JS Framework] Failed to execute the callback function:
16:00:36.480 TypeError: Cannot read property '__call_hook' of undefined

w***@qq.com (作者)
也就是启动完刚渲染完启动页后 我快速切换底部导航会出现,要是启动后等个2秒后再点切换,就算切换再快 也不会出现的,
而且 我把首页和 我的 两个页面里代码全部删除然后再测试启动 也会出现这个问题,这问题到底出再哪里啊,,

二七 - 1111
我也是这个问题 老哥现在解决了没?
reportJSException >>>> exception function:WEEX_CALL_JAVASCRIPT, exception:JavaScript execute error!Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'call_hook' of undefined
11:04:28.113 [JS Framework] Failed to execute the callback function:
11:04:28.133 TypeError: Cannot read property '__call_hook' of undefined
11:04:28.153 [JS Framework] Failed to execute the callback function:
11:04:28.173 TypeError: Cannot read property 'call_hook' of undefined
11:04:28.193 [JS Framework] Failed to execute the callback function:
11:04:28.213 TypeError: Cannot read property 'call_hook' of undefined
11:04:28.273 [Number] 555 , undefined at pages/game/index.nvue:647
11:04:28.473 [JS Framework] Failed to execute the callback function:
11:04:28.493 TypeError: Cannot read property '__call_hook' of undefined
11:04:28.593 [JS Framework] Failed to execute the callback function:
11:04:28.613 TypeError: Cannot read property 'call_hook' of undefined
11:04:28.713 [JS Framework] Failed to execute the callback function:
11:04:28.733 TypeError: Cannot read property 'call_hook' of undefined
11:04:28.813 [JS Framework] Failed to execute the callback function:
11:04:28.834 TypeError: Cannot read property '__call_hook' of undefined
11:04:28.913 [JS Framework] Failed to execute the callback function:
11:04:28.933 TypeError: Cannot read property 'call_hook' of undefined
11:04:29.013 [JS Framework] Failed to execute the callback function:
11:04:29.033 TypeError: Cannot read property '__call_hook' of undefined
11:04:29.133 [JS Framework] Failed to execute the callback function:
11:04:29.153 TypeError: Cannot read property '__call_hook' of undefined