按文档在 vue-cli 项目中使用 npm 安装 uni-ui 库,
在 App.vue <style lang='scss'> 中引入@import '@dcloudio/uni-ui/lib/uni-scss';
Deprecation Warning: Using / for division is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0.
Recommendation: math.div($uni-radius-root, 2)
More info and automated migrator: https://sass-lang.com/d/slash-div
11 │ 'sm': $uni-radius-root / 2,
│ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
node_modules/@dcloudio/uni-ui/lib/uni-scss/styles/setting/_variables.scss 11:11 @import
node_modules/@dcloudio/uni-ui/lib/uni-scss/styles/index.scss 1:9 @import
node_modules/@dcloudio/uni-ui/lib/uni-scss/index.scss 1:9 @import
src/App.vue 19:9 root stylesheet
Warning: You probably don't mean to use the color value black in interpolation here.
It may end up represented as black, which will likely produce invalid CSS.
Always quote color names when using them as strings or map keys (for example, "black").
If you really want to use the color value here, use '"" + $key'.
48 │ .uni-#{$key} {
│ ^^^^
node_modules/@dcloudio/uni-ui/lib/uni-scss/styles/setting/_color.scss 48:9 @import
node_modules/@dcloudio/uni-ui/lib/uni-scss/styles/index.scss 3:9 @import
node_modules/@dcloudio/uni-ui/lib/uni-scss/index.scss 1:9 @import
src/App.vue 19:9
2022-04-13 11:04