Expecting end of input, "RPAREN", "ADD", "SUB", "MUL", "DIV", got unexpected "UNKNOWN_DIMENSION"
- 警告信息如上
- vue2 ,我使用
npx @dcloudio/uvm@latest
pageStatic/statement/index.wxss from Css Minimizer plugin
postcss-calc: ..\pageStatic\statement\index.wxss:76:3: Parse error on line 1:
50% - 13.46rpx
Expecting end of input, "RPAREN", "ADD", "SUB", "MUL", "DIV", got unexpected "UNKNOWN_DIMENSION"
- 是 vue 文件中的
top: calc(50% - 13.46rpx);
- 有搜索一下,但是,没看明白, 社区有懂的兄弟讲解一下!(搜索到的 issue 如下)
# Parse error with CSS custom properties with default values including a nested calc #77
# Expecting end of input, "ADD", "SUB", "MUL", "DIV", got unexpected "RPAREN" #1816
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