[JS Framework] Failed to execute the callback function:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'meta' of undefined
08:08:03.986 reportJSException >>>> exception function:__WEEX_CALL_JAVASCRIPT__, exception:JavaScript execute error!Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'meta' of undefined
at cP (uni-jsframework.js:32:240734)
at lP (uni-jsframework.js:32:240562)
at emit (uni-jsframework.js:17:11122)
at subscribeHandler (uni-jsframework.js:32:45543)
at (uni-jsframework.js:32:241712)
at emit (uni-jsframework.js:17:11122)
at subscribeHandler (uni-jsframework.js:32:45543)
at Lg (uni-jsframework.js:32:238387)
at consume (uni-jsframework.js:17:15411)
at callback (uni-jsframework.js:19:1659)
SYSTEM_ERROR Unexpected token / in JSON at position 40(env: Windows,mp,1.06.2312012; lib: 3.2.2)
fermion (作者)
2023-12-16 09:24