[2024-01-23 14:56:54.130] [5350] [5655] [5] [Settings] : Setting auto_time has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
[2024-01-23 14:56:54.143] [5350] [5655] [5] [Settings] : Setting auto_time has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
[2024-01-23 14:56:54.710] [2553] [8704] [3] [BatteryStatsService] : notePemString noteWhich: 49,arg1: 1081, arg2: 2274, arg3: 5350, arg4: 90, name: uni.UNIC846DA5
[2024-01-23 14:56:54.711] [2553] [8704] [3] [BatteryStatsService] : notePemString noteWhich: 49,arg1: -2, arg2: -1, arg3: 5350, arg4: 37, name: uni.UNIC846DA5
[2024-01-23 14:56:55.027] [2553] [5488] [3] [BatteryStatsService] : notePemString noteWhich: 49,arg1: 1081, arg2: 2274, arg3: 5350, arg4: 37, name: uni.UNIC846DA5
[2024-01-23 14:56:55.060] [5350] [5350] [6] [UIWidgetMgr] : new -- JSNWindow=_www/__uniappview.html
[2024-01-23 14:56:55.067] [5350] [5350] [4] [System.out] : recordForce value 6
[2024-01-23 14:56:55.071] [2553] [5488] [3] [BatteryStatsService] : notePemString noteWhich: 49,arg1: 0, arg2: 0, arg3: 5350, arg4: 94, name: uni.UNIC846DA5
[2024-01-23 14:56:55.646] [5350] [5655] [5] [Settings] : Setting auto_time has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
[2024-01-23 14:56:55.646] [5350] [5655] [5] [Settings] : Setting auto_time has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
[2024-01-23 14:56:56.076] [5350] [5350] [6] [Html5Plus-SplashClosed] : 1705993016076
[2024-01-23 14:56:56.076] [5350] [5350] [6] [Main_Path] : closeSplashScreen0 appid=UNIC846DA5;true;closeSplashDid=true
[2024-01-23 14:56:56.095] [5350] [5391] [3] [TrafficStats] : tagSocket(297) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
[2024-01-23 14:56:56.096] [5350] [5391] [3] [Linux] : [Posix_connect Debug]Process uni.UNIC846DA5 :443
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.042] [5350] [5350] [6] [UIWidgetMgr] : new -- JSNWindow=
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.054] [2553] [8704] [3] [BatteryStatsService] : notePemString noteWhich: 49,arg1: -2, arg2: -1, arg3: 5350, arg4: 37, name: uni.UNIC846DA5
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.054] [2553] [8704] [3] [BatteryStatsService] : notePemString noteWhich: 49,arg1: -2, arg2: -1, arg3: 5350, arg4: 43, name: uni.UNIC846DA5
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.087] [5350] [5396] [6] [weex] : end getBundleType type:Vue time:0
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.089] [5350] [5396] [6] [timeline] : createInstance :1705993020089
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.090] [5350] [5399] [4] [jse_precompilejs] : 5
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.132] [5350] [5350] [5] [uni.UNIC846DA5] : Accessing hidden field Landroid/widget/ScrollView;->mMinimumVelocity:I (max-target-p, reflection, denied)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.180] [5350] [5350] [3] [JNI_UTIL] : JniHelper::setJavaVM(0xb40000716ea07b90), pthread_self() = 497889461496
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.180] [5350] [5350] [3] [JNI_UTIL] : JniHelper::getEnv() env == null ptr
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.180] [5350] [5350] [3] [JNI_UTIL] : Success cacheEnv JNI_OK
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.180] [5350] [5350] [4] [Native-LiteAV] : ################ liteavsdk version arm64 ###############
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.180] [5350] [5350] [5] [NativeLoad] : load library success true
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.182] [5350] [5350] [2] [Unknow] : create directory error:13 Permission denied, path:/storage/emulated/0/log/tencent/liteav
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.183] [5350] [5350] [5] [Unknow] : ^^^^^^^^^^Mar 29 2019^^^21:28:49^^^^^^^^^^[5350,5350][2024-01-23 0800 14:57:00]
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.183] [5350] [5350] [5] [Unknow] : del time out files time: 1
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.183] [5350] [5350] [5] [Unknow] : get mmap time: 0
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.183] [5350] [5350] [5] [Unknow] : SDK_VERSION: 6.3.7089
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.183] [5350] [5350] [5] [Unknow] : SDK_ID: 2
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.183] [5350] [5350] [5] [Unknow] : log appender mode:0, use mmap:0
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.185] [5350] [5350] [4] [TXCVideoPreprocessor] : TXCVideoPreprocessor version: VideoPreprocessor-v1.1
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.185] [5350] [5350] [4] [TXCVideoPreprocessor] : opengl es version 196610
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.185] [5350] [5350] [4] [TXCVideoPreprocessor] : set GLContext true
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.185] [5350] [5350] [4] [TXCVideoPreprocessor] : This devices is OpenGlUtils.OPENGL_ES_3
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.185] [5350] [5350] [4] [ReportDuaManage] : resetReportState
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.185] [5350] [5350] [4] [ReportDuaManage] : reportSDKInit
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.186] [5350] [5350] [3] [JNI_UTIL] : JniHelper::setJavaVM(0xb40000716ea07b90), pthread_self() = 497889461496
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.188] [5350] [5350] [3] [rtmpsdk] : deviceinfo:
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.191] [5350] [5350] [4] [cnalifs] : 01月23日 14:57:00[uni.UNIC846DA5][uni.UNIC846DA5]:[getMacAddress] 读取MAC信息..
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.194] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : java.io.IOException: No such file or directory
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.194] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at java.io.UnixFileSystem.createFileExclusively0(Native Method)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.194] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at java.io.UnixFileSystem.createFileExclusively(UnixFileSystem.java:349)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.194] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at java.io.File.createNewFile(File.java:1006)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.194] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at com.tencent.liteav.basic.datareport.TXCDRApi.getDevUUID(TXCDRApi.java:277)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.194] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at com.tencent.liteav.basic.datareport.TXCDRApi.setCommonInfo(TXCDRApi.java:114)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at com.tencent.liteav.basic.datareport.TXCDRApi.txReportDAU(TXCDRApi.java:76)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at com.tencent.liteav.beauty.a.a(ReportDuaManage.java:63)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at com.tencent.liteav.beauty.c.<init>(TXCVideoPreprocessor.java:253)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at com.tencent.liteav.c.<init>(TXCCaptureAndEnc.java:153)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at com.tencent.rtmp.TXLivePusher.<init>(TXLivePusher.java:113)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at io.dcloud.feature.weex_livepusher.TCPusherView.init(TCPusherView.java:110)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at io.dcloud.feature.weex_livepusher.TCPusherView.handlePermissionGranted(TCPusherView.java:727)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at io.dcloud.feature.weex_livepusher.TCPusherView.access$1300(TCPusherView.java:41)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at io.dcloud.feature.weex_livepusher.TCPusherView$16.onGranted(TCPusherView.java:698)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at io.dcloud.common.adapter.util.PermissionUtil.useSystemPermissions(Unknown Source:17)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at io.dcloud.feature.weex_livepusher.TCPusherView.requestPermission(TCPusherView.java:693)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at io.dcloud.feature.weex_livepusher.TCPusherView.<init>(TCPusherView.java:99)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at io.dcloud.feature.weex_livepusher.PusherComponent.initComponentHostView(PusherComponent.java:69)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at io.dcloud.feature.weex_livepusher.PusherComponent.initComponentHostView(PusherComponent.java:24)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at com.taobao.weex.ui.component.WXComponent.createViewImpl(WXComponent.java:1691)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at com.taobao.weex.ui.component.WXComponent.createView(WXComponent.java:1685)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at io.dcloud.feature.uniapp.ui.component.AbsVContainer.createChildViewAt(AbsVContainer.java:280)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at com.taobao.weex.ui.flat.WidgetContainer.createChildViewAt(WidgetContainer.java:82)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at com.taobao.weex.ui.action.GraphicActionAddElement.executeAction(GraphicActionAddElement.java:197)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at com.taobao.weex.ui.action.BasicGraphicAction.run(BasicGraphicAction.java:71)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:983)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:226)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:328)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:9128)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:586)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.195] [5350] [5350] [5] [System.err] : at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1099)
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.198] [5350] [5350] [4] [cnalifs] : 01月23日 14:57:00[uni.UNIC846DA5][uni.UNIC846DA5]:[getMacAddress] 读取MAC信息..
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.199] [5350] [5350] [3] [JNI_UTIL] : JniHelper::getEnv() env == null ptr
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.199] [5350] [5350] [3] [JNI_UTIL] : Success cacheEnv JNI_OK
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.199] [5350] [5350] [6] [Unknow] : [tx_dr_base.cpp, RecvResponse, 314]:【DR】TCP timeout (4s): Proxy Drop Report
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.199] [5350] [5350] [3] [Unknow] : [tx_dr_api.cpp, txReportDAU, 119]:【DR】DAU report, eventid=1201, errCode=0, token=d0b909d0-aa5a-43b9-acdf-5cf8aaab76f3
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.199] [5350] [5350] [4] [TXCFilterDrawer] : set listener
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.199] [5350] [5350] [4] [TXCFilterDrawer] : set notify
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.202] [5350] [5350] [4] [isAssetFileExists] : TXUgcSDK.licence not exist
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.203] [5350] [5350] [6] [LicenceCheck] : downloadLicense, mUrl is empty, ignore!
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.204] [5350] [5350] [3] [TXLivePusher] : liteav_api setConfig com.tencent.rtmp.TXLivePushConfig@1cc0a9f, com.tencent.rtmp.TXLivePusher@51727ec
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.204] [5350] [5350] [3] [TXLivePusher] : liteav_api setPushListener io.dcloud.feature.weex_livepusher.TCPusherView{58e17b5 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0}
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.204] [5350] [5350] [3] [TXLivePusher] : liteav_api setBGMNofify io.dcloud.feature.weex_livepusher.TCPusherView{58e17b5 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0}
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.204] [5350] [5350] [3] [TXLivePusher] : liteav_api setVideoQuality 6, false, false
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.204] [5350] [5350] [3] [TXLivePusher] : liteav_api setConfig com.tencent.rtmp.TXLivePushConfig@1cc0a9f, com.tencent.rtmp.TXLivePusher@51727ec
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.205] [5350] [5350] [3] [TXLivePusher] : liteav_api setConfig com.tencent.rtmp.TXLivePushConfig@1cc0a9f, com.tencent.rtmp.TXLivePusher@51727ec
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.205] [5350] [5350] [3] [TXLivePusher] : liteav_api setVideoQuality 1, false, false
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.205] [5350] [5350] [3] [TXLivePusher] : liteav_api setConfig com.tencent.rtmp.TXLivePushConfig@1cc0a9f, com.tencent.rtmp.TXLivePusher@51727ec
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.205] [5350] [5350] [3] [TXLivePusher] : liteav_api setBeautyFilter 0, 1, 0, 0
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.205] [5350] [5350] [3] [TXLivePusher] : liteav_api setMute true
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.205] [5350] [5350] [4] [AudioCenter:b] : setMute: true
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.205] [5350] [5350] [3] [TXLivePusher] : liteav_api setBeautyFilter 0, 1, 2, 0
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.206] [5350] [5350] [6] [weex] : [WXComponent] updateProperties :class:class io.dcloud.feature.weex_livepusher.PusherComponentmethod:setSrc function java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at com.taobao.weex.bridge.MethodInvoker.invoke(MethodInvoker.java:46)
at com.taobao.weex.ui.component.WXComponent.updateProperties(WXComponent.java:803)
at com.taobao.weex.ui.component.WXComponent.updateAttrs(WXComponent.java:294)
at com.taobao.weex.ui.component.WXComponent.bindComponentData(WXComponent.java:730)
at com.taobao.weex.ui.component.WXComponent.bindData(WXComponent.java:719)
at com.taobao.weex.ui.action.GraphicActionAddElement.executeAction(GraphicActionAddElement.java:204)
at com.taobao.weex.ui.action.BasicGraphicAction.run(BasicGraphicAction.java:71)
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:983)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:226)
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:328)
at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:9128)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:586)
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1099)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean java.lang.String.equals(java.lang.Object)' on a null object reference
at io.dcloud.feature.weex_livepusher.TCPusherView.setSrc(TCPusherView.java:388)
at io.dcloud.feature.weex_livepusher.PusherComponent.setSrc(PusherComponent.java:88)
... 16 more
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.207] [5350] [5350] [5] [Glide] : Failed to find GeneratedAppGlideModule. You should include an annotationProcessor compile dependency on com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler in your application and a @GlideModule annotated AppGlideModule implementation or LibraryGlideModules will be silently ignored
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.216] [5350] [5350] [6] [Html5Plus-SplashClosed] : 1705993020216
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.216] [5350] [5350] [6] [Main_Path] : closeSplashScreen0 appid=UNIC846DA5;false;closeSplashDid=true
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.365] [2553] [8704] [3] [BatteryStatsService] : notePemString noteWhich: 49,arg1: 1081, arg2: 2274, arg3: 5350, arg4: 37, name: uni.UNIC846DA5
[2024-01-23 14:57:00.367] [2553] [8704] [3] [BatteryStatsService] : notePemString noteWhich: 49,arg1: 1081, arg2: 2274, arg3: 5350, arg4: 43, name: uni.UNIC846DA5
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.138] [5350] [5350] [3] [TXLivePusher] : liteav_api stopCameraPreview false, com.tencent.rtmp.TXLivePusher@51727ec
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.139] [5350] [5350] [3] [TXLivePusher] : liteav_api setConfig com.tencent.rtmp.TXLivePushConfig@1cc0a9f, com.tencent.rtmp.TXLivePusher@51727ec
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.140] [5350] [5350] [3] [TXLivePusher] : liteav_api startCameraPreview com.tencent.rtmp.ui.TXCloudVideoView{ad69ac8 V.E...... ........ 0,0-1050,1050}, com.tencent.rtmp.TXLivePusher@51727ec
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.140] [5350] [5350] [3] [TXLivePusher] : liteav_api setConfig com.tencent.rtmp.TXLivePushConfig@1cc0a9f, com.tencent.rtmp.TXLivePusher@51727ec
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.147] [5350] [5350] [4] [TXCGLSurfaceViewBase] : setRenderer-->mGLThread.start
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.149] [5350] [5350] [4] [CameraCapture] : start->enter with getSurfaceTexture:null
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.158] [5350] [5350] [4] [isAssetFileExists] : TXUgcSDK.licence not exist
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.161] [5350] [5350] [6] [LicenceCheck] : downloadLicense, mUrl is empty, ignore!
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.167] [5350] [5350] [6] [uni.UNIC846DA5] : Cannot find perfservice
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.169] [2553] [8704] [3] [BatteryStatsService] : notePemString noteWhich: 49,arg1: 1050, arg2: 1050, arg3: 5350, arg4: 150, name: uni.UNIC846DA5
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.172] [2553] [8704] [3] [BatteryStatsService] : notePemString noteWhich: 49,arg1: 1050, arg2: 1050, arg3: 5350, arg4: 150, name: uni.UNIC846DA5
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.191] [5350] [5999] [4] [CameraCapture] : onSurfaceTextureAvailable->enter with mListener:com.tencent.liteav.c@e127747
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.191] [5350] [5999] [3] [a] : trtc_capture: start capture
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.204] [5350] [5999] [4] [a] : camera index 0, facing = 0
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.214] [5350] [5999] [4] [a] : camera index 1, facing = 1
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.216] [5350] [5999] [4] [a] : camera front, id = 1
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.216] [5350] [5999] [4] [a] : camera back , id = 0
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.220] [5350] [5999] [3] [VivoConfigStore] : key:vivo.software.permissionmanager isCached is true and value is true
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.222] [5350] [5999] [4] [CameraBase] : Connect camera (legacy API) - overrideToPortrait 0, forceSlowJpegMode 0
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.263] [5350] [5999] [2] [VivoCameraUtils] : top app is: uni.UNIC846DA5, current app: uni.UNIC846DA5
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.270] [5350] [5999] [4] [a] : camera preview supported size 2304 x 1728
camera preview supported size 2048 x 1536
camera preview supported size 2304 x 1296
camera preview supported size 1920 x 1440
camera preview supported size 2304 x 1080
camera preview supported size 2304 x 1040
camera preview supported size 1920 x 1080
camera preview supported size 1632 x 1224
camera preview supported size 1600 x 1200
camera preview supported size 1440 x 1080
camera preview supported size 1280 x 960
camera preview supported size 1080 x 1080
camera preview supported size 1600 x 720
camera preview supported size 1440 x 720
camera preview supported size 1280 x 720
camera preview supported size 1024 x 768
camera preview supported size 960 x 540
camera preview supported size 800 x 600
camera preview supported size 800 x 480
camera preview supported size 720 x 480
camera preview supported size 640 x 480
camera preview supported size 352 x 288
camera preview supported size 320 x 240
camera preview supported size 176 x 144
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.270] [5350] [5999] [5] [a] : wanted:19201080
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.271] [5350] [5999] [5] [a] : camera preview GOT:19201080
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.271] [5350] [5999] [4] [a] : camera supported preview fps range: wantFPS = 18000
camera supported preview fps range: 10000 - 10000
camera supported preview fps range: 15000 - 15000
camera supported preview fps range: 24000 - 24000
camera supported preview fps range: 10000 - 30000
camera supported preview fps range: 30000 - 30000
choose preview fps range: 10000 - 30000
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.282] [5350] [5999] [3] [a] : camera orientation 270
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.282] [5350] [5999] [3] [a] : camera orientation 90, preview 90, home orientation 1
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.358] [5350] [5999] [4] [TXCFilterDrawer] : come into releaseInternal
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.358] [5350] [5999] [4] [TXCFilterDrawer] : come out releaseInternal
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.361] [5350] [5999] [3] [TXCGLSurfaceView] : background capture exit background
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.498] [5350] [5999] [4] [uni.UNIC846DA5] : EglImage dataspace changed, need recreate
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.498] [5350] [5999] [5] [qdgralloc] : getInterlacedFlag: getMetaData returned 3, defaulting to interlaced_flag = 0
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.498] [5350] [5999] [3] [CameraCapture] : trtc_render: render first frame
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.498] [5350] [5999] [4] [TXCVideoPreprocessor] : Init sdk
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.498] [5350] [5999] [4] [TXCVideoPreprocessor] : Input widht 1920 height 1080
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.498] [5350] [5999] [4] [TXCVideoPreprocessor] : set Crop Rect; init
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.498] [5350] [5999] [4] [TXCFilterDrawer] : come into initInternal
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.498] [5350] [5999] [4] [TXCFilterDrawer] : come into releaseInternal
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.498] [5350] [5999] [4] [TXCFilterDrawer] : come out releaseInternal
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.498] [5350] [5999] [4] [TXCFilterDrawer] : processWidth mPituScaleRatio is 1.0
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.498] [5350] [5999] [4] [TXCFilterDrawer] : create Beauty Filter!
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.499] [5350] [5999] [4] [TXCFilterDrawer] : 0 BeautyFilter
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.499] [5350] [5999] [4] [TXCBeauty2Filter] : mResampleRatio 2.0 mResampleWidth 184 mResampleHeight 320
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.499] [5350] [5999] [4] [ILIVEFILTER] : Beauty Registe Jni
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.499] [5350] [5999] [6] [NativeLoad] : NativeLoad: load jni
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.511] [5350] [5999] [4] [SmoothHorizontal] : m_textureRation 2.0
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.512] [5350] [5999] [4] [TXCGPUFilter] : set Nearest model true
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.521] [5350] [5999] [4] [SmoothVertical] : m_textureRation 2.0
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.527] [5350] [5999] [4] [GPUSharpen] : set Sharpness 0.0
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.527] [5350] [5999] [4] [SmoothVertical] : setBeautyLevel 0.1
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.527] [5350] [5999] [4] [BeautyBlend] : setBrightLevel 0.2
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.527] [5350] [5999] [4] [TXCFilterDrawer] : Create CropFilter
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.527] [5350] [5999] [4] [TXCGPUFilter] : set Oes fileter
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.530] [5350] [5999] [4] [TXCFilterDrawer] : real outputAngle 0
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.530] [5350] [5999] [4] [TXCFilterDrawer] : Don't need change output Image, don't create out filter!
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.530] [5350] [5999] [4] [TXCFilterDrawer] : opengl es 3.0, use PBO
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.530] [5350] [5999] [4] [TXCFilterDrawer] : come out initInternal
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.530] [5350] [5999] [4] [ReportDuaManage] : reportBeautyDua
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.532] [5350] [5999] [4] [cnalifs] : 01月23日 14:57:01<秦安安全>[uni.UNIC846DA5][uni.UNIC846DA5]:[getMacAddress] 读取MAC信息..
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.532] [5350] [5999] [3] [JNI_UTIL] : JniHelper::getEnv() env == null ptr
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.532] [5350] [5999] [3] [JNI_UTIL] : Success cacheEnv JNI_OK
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.533] [5350] [5999] [3] [Unknow] : [tx_dr_base.cpp, RecvResponse, 432]:moudleID:1004, streamID:, result:0, errInfo:
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.533] [5350] [5999] [3] [Unknow] : [tx_dr_api.cpp, txReportDAU, 119]:【DR】DAU report, eventid=1202, errCode=0, token=0c0a088d-e039-41e6-82de-8779345f25ac
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.533] [5350] [5999] [4] [SmoothVertical] : setBeautyLevel 0.1
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.533] [5350] [5999] [4] [BeautyBlend] : setBrightLevel 0.0
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.533] [5350] [5999] [4] [BeautyBlend] : setRuddyLevel level 0.0
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.533] [5350] [5999] [4] [SmoothVertical] : setBeautyLevel 0.1
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.533] [5350] [5999] [4] [ReportDuaManage] : reportWhiteDua
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.534] [5350] [5999] [4] [cnalifs] : 01月23日 14:57:01[uni.UNIC846DA5][uni.UNIC846DA5]:[getMacAddress] 读取MAC信息..
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.534] [5350] [5999] [6] [Unknow] : [tx_dr_base.cpp, RecvResponse, 314]:【DR】TCP timeout (4s): Proxy Drop Report
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.534] [5350] [5999] [3] [Unknow] : [tx_dr_api.cpp, txReportDAU, 119]:【DR】DAU report, eventid=1203, errCode=0, token=f207e020-863b-43da-9891-ba8577bda3c3
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.534] [5350] [5999] [4] [BeautyBlend] : setBrightLevel 0.2
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.534] [5350] [5999] [4] [BeautyBlend] : setRuddyLevel level 0.0
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.534] [5350] [5999] [4] [SmoothVertical] : setBeautyLevel 0.1
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.534] [5350] [5999] [4] [BeautyBlend] : setBrightLevel 0.2
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.534] [5350] [5999] [4] [BeautyBlend] : setRuddyLevel level 0.0
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.535] [5350] [5999] [3] [c] : New encode size width = 368 height = 640 encType = 3
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.535] [5350] [5999] [3] [c] : stopVideoEncoderInGLThread
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.536] [5350] [5999] [5] [CloudConfig] : loadDefaultConfig
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.536] [5350] [5999] [3] [CloudConfig] : parseAutoSWHWConfig get SWToHWThreshold.CPU:20
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.536] [5350] [5999] [3] [CloudConfig] : parseAutoSWHWConfig get SWToHWThreshold.FPS:70
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.536] [5350] [5999] [3] [CloudConfig] : parseAutoSWHWConfig get SWToHWThreshold.CPU:80
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.536] [5350] [5999] [3] [CloudConfig] : parseAutoSWHWConfig get SWToHWThreshold.FPS:50
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.536] [5350] [5999] [3] [CloudConfig] : parseAutoSWHWConfig get SWToHWThreshold.CheckCount:10
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.536] [5350] [5999] [4] [CloudConfig] : system aec config1:0,0,null,0,, model = V2243A, manufacturer = vivo, board = kalama
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.536] [5350] [5999] [5] [CloudConfig] : parse global config : {"Global":{"DataReport":{"UserPortrait":0},"DNSWhiteList":{"InfoList":["qq","tencent"]},"Audio":{"RTC_JitterCycle":240,"LIVE_JitterCycle":500,"LoadingThreshold":800,"SmoothModeAdjust":300,"SmoothAdjust":10,"RtcPlayHungryTimeThreshold":60,"BlockThreshold":100,"SmoothSpeed":1.2},"Network":{"EnableRouteOptimize":0,"RouteSamplingMaxCount":0,"QualityDataCacheCount":0,"NACKRetryCnt":8,"AccRetryCountWithoutSecret":0},"QUICMode":{"Live":2,"LinkMain":2,"LinkSub":2,"RTC":2,"AVRoom":0}}}
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.537] [5350] [5999] [4] [CloudConfig] : load config(system aec):0,0,0,, model = V2243A, manufacturer = vivo, board = kalama
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.537] [5350] [6141] [5] [CloudConfig] : update server config
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.537] [5350] [5999] [4] [Unknow] : [TXCSoftwareVideoCodec.cpp, initEncoder, 615]:RPS[I] push: enableRPS = false
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.537] [5350] [5999] [3] [Unknow] : [TXCSoftwareVideoCodec.cpp, initEncoder, 649]:Use CRF Mode
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.537] [5350] [5999] [6] [Unknow] : [TXCSoftwareVideoCodec.cpp, initLiveEncoderParam, 720]:cpu use live param
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.541] [5350] [5999] [4] [Unknow] : [TXCSoftwareVideoCodec.cpp, initEncoder, 661]:init param.bMultiRef:0
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.541] [5350] [5999] [4] [Unknow] : [TXCSinkManager.cpp, Reg, 68]:TXCSinkManager: reg id:SINK_VIDEO_RPS_CTRL 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-0 0xb40000727ea64510
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.542] [5350] [5999] [4] [TXCSWVideoEncoder] : pushVideoFrameInternal->create mRawFrameFilter
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.549] [5350] [5999] [4] [RGBA2I420Filter] : RGB-->I420 init!
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.549] [5350] [5999] [4] [RGBA2I420Filter] : RGBA2I420Filter width 368 height 640
[2024-01-23 14:57:01.555] [5411] [5424] [6] [JSE] : original owner has die
魔界大魔怔 (作者)
2024-01-23 15:22
魔界大魔怔 (作者)
2024-01-23 15:23