16:11:24.819 [Vue warn]: Unhandled error during execution of render function
at <ZPagingref_key="pagingRef"ref=Ref<null>modelValue= ...>
at <UserpageId=4pagePath="pages/user/user"pageQuery={} ...>
16:11:24.867 TypeError: e.undefined is not a function
16:11:24.870 [Vue warn]: Unhandled error during execution of render function
at <ZPagingref_key="pagingRef"ref=Ref<null>modelValue= ...>
at <UserpageId=4pagePath="pages/user/user"__pageQuery={} ...>
16:11:24.874 TypeError: e.undefined is not a function
16:11:24.877 je.setAttribute is not a function
TypeError: je.setAttribute is not a function
at Pe (uni-jsframework.js:31:5748)
at Ie (uni-jsframework.js:31:5366)
at ve (uni-jsframework.js:31:1212)
at ei.Ke [as fn] (uni-jsframework.js:31:7022)
at ei.run (uni-jsframework.js:16:29166)
at j.update (uni-jsframework.js:31:7344)
at ct (uni-jsframework.js:31:7502)
at Pe (uni-jsframework.js:31:5671)
at Ie (uni-jsframework.js:31:5366)
at ve (uni-jsframework.js:31:1212)
16:11:24.880 [Vue warn]: Unhandled error during execution of render function
at <ZPagingref_key="pagingRef"ref=Ref<null>modelValue= ...>
at <UserpageId=4pagePath="pages/user/user"pageQuery={} ...>
16:11:24.883 TypeError: e.undefined is not a function

- 发布:2024-06-18 16:13
- 更新:2024-10-17 00:45
- 阅读:466
#插件讨论# 【 【z-paging下拉刷新、上拉加载】高性能,全平台兼容。支持虚拟列表,分页全自动处理 - 照相 】打包成app,进入页面之前就报错,无法跳转进入页面
1***@qq.com (作者)
查不出来,好像是zpagzing出初始化就报错,所有使用zpaging的页面,要跳转过去都会报这个 错,然后无法跳转
2024-06-18 16:31