程序从HBuider IDE中运行到微信开发者工具中后,取色点拖动没反应。
vendor.js?t=wechat&s=1721112468022&v=2d834e082f2f1adffd5d64aff7b82c50:3313 Maximum recursive updates exceeded in component <color-slider>. This means you have a reactive effect that is mutating its own dependencies and thus recursively triggering itself. Possible sources include component template, render function, updated hook or watcher source function.(env: Windows,mp,1.06.2405020; lib: development)、
在HBuider IDE中的web浏览器内取色点能拖动,但当前显示颜色没变化。
环境:WIN11 x64, HBuilder 4.23,微信开发者工具 Stable 1.06.2405020
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