【急】IOS 打包构建不了版本 一直报错
12月7号 打包了 还正常 这几天一直不正常
不管是正式版还是 Alpha 都报这个错
Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5 - - New iPhone apps and app updates submitted must support the 4-inch display on iPhone 5 and must include a launch image referenced in the Info.plist under UILaunchImages with a UILaunchImageSize value set to {320, 568}. Launch images must be PNG files and located at the top-level of your bundle, or provided within each .lproj folder if you localize your launch images. Learn more about iPhone 5 support and app launch images by reviewing the 'iOS Human Interface Guidelines' at https://developer.apple.com/ios/human-interface-guidelines/graphics/launch-screen Once these issues have been corrected, you can then redeliver the corrected binary.
版本都是官方的 最新版本 : WIN 和MAC 都报错
2017-12-11 16:47