10:20:43.992 20:42.000 20923 20923 I console : [ERROR] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'appName' of undefined at __uniappservice.html:21
10:20:44.010 20:42.520 20923 20923 I console : [LOG] Wed Apr 03 2019 10:20:42 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) Page route 错误
10:20:44.032 20:42.521 20923 20923 I console : [WARNING] Page[pages/loginReg/index] not found. May be caused by: 1. Forgot to add page route in pages.json. 2. Invoking Page() in async task.
10:20:44.052 20:42.521 20923 20923 I console : [LOG] console.groupEnd
10:20:44.073 20:42.522 20923 20923 I console : [LOG] Wed Apr 03 2019 10:20:42 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) Page route 错误
10:20:44.094 20:42.526 20923 20923 I console : [ERROR] Page is not constructed because it is not found.
10:20:44.115 20:42.527 20923 20923 I console : [LOG] console.groupEnd
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2021-03-04 15:47