我们之前一直用 HBuilder 打包APP,用了几年了。最近升级到 HBuilderX 后,打包无法提交APP更新,显示错误:
ERROR ITMS-90101: "This bundle does not support one or more of the devices supported by the previous app version. Your app update must continue to support all devices previously supported. You declare supported devices in Xcode with the Targeted Device Family build setting. Refer to QA1623 for additional information: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#qa/qa1623/_index.html"
我已经加了所有设备的图标、所有设备的启动图,"devices" : "universal",这项配置也没动。。。。仍然不行,请教我应该怎么做呢???
2 个回复
全栈工程师 - 精通mui、uniapp,承接相关项目外包,解决各种疑难问题。有任何问题可以随时联系,QQ:419761282
楼主 解决了吗?
HbuilderX中发行为原生安装包>选择设备和你在上个版本选择的保持一致 HbuilderX默认没有勾选ipad
2021-06-17 22:10