  • 发布:2022-05-26 14:14
  • 更新:2022-05-27 12:21
  • 阅读:392

【报Bug】 iOS 15.4.1没有广告标识提示框


产品分类: uniapp/App

PC开发环境操作系统: Windows

PC开发环境操作系统版本号: 10

HBuilderX类型: 正式

HBuilderX版本号: 3.4.7

手机系统: iOS

手机系统版本号: iOS 15

手机厂商: 苹果

手机机型: ipone6s

页面类型: vue

vue版本: vue2

打包方式: 云端

项目创建方式: HBuilderX


Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed

We're looking forward to completing our review, but we need more information to continue. Your app uses the AppTrackingTransparency framework, but we are unable to locate the App Tracking Transparency permission request when reviewed on iOS 15.4.1.

Next Steps

Please explain where we can find the App Tracking Transparency permission request in your app. The request should appear before any data is collected that could be used to track the user.

If you've implemented App Tracking Transparency but the permission request is not appearing on devices running the latest OS, please review the available documentation and confirm App Tracking Transparency has been correctly implemented.

If your app does not track users, update your app privacy information in App Store Connect to undeclare tracking. You must have the Account Holder or Admin role to update app privacy information.


  • Tracking is linking data collected from your app with third-party data for advertising purposes, or sharing the collected data with a data broker. Learn more about tracking.
  • See Frequently Asked Questions about the requirements for apps that track users.
  • Review developer documentation for App Tracking Transparency.


Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed

We're looking forward to completing our review, but we need more information to continue. Your app uses the AppTrackingTransparency framework, but we are unable to locate the App Tracking Transparency permission request when reviewed on iOS 15.4.1.

Next Steps

Please explain where we can find the App Tracking Transparency permission request in your app. The request should appear before any data is collected that could be used to track the user.

If you've implemented App Tracking Transparency but the permission request is not appearing on devices running the latest OS, please review the available documentation and confirm App Tracking Transparency has been correctly implemented.

If your app does not track users, update your app privacy information in App Store Connect to undeclare tracking. You must have the Account Holder or Admin role to update app privacy information.


  • Tracking is linking data collected from your app with third-party data for advertising purposes, or sharing the collected data with a data broker. Learn more about tracking.
  • See Frequently Asked Questions about the requirements for apps that track users.
  • Review developer documentation for App Tracking Transparency.


Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed

We're looking forward to completing our review, but we need more information to continue. Your app uses the AppTrackingTransparency framework, but we are unable to locate the App Tracking Transparency permission request when reviewed on iOS 15.4.1.

Next Steps

Please explain where we can find the App Tracking Transparency permission request in your app. The request should appear before any data is collected that could be used to track the user.

If you've implemented App Tracking Transparency but the permission request is not appearing on devices running the latest OS, please review the available documentation and confirm App Tracking Transparency has been correctly implemented.

If your app does not track users, update your app privacy information in App Store Connect to undeclare tracking. You must have the Account Holder or Admin role to update app privacy information.


  • Tracking is linking data collected from your app with third-party data for advertising purposes, or sharing the collected data with a data broker. Learn more about tracking.
  • See Frequently Asked Questions about the requirements for apps that track users.
  • Review developer documentation for App Tracking Transparency.


Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed

We're looking forward to completing our review, but we need more information to continue. Your app uses the AppTrackingTransparency framework, but we are unable to locate the App Tracking Transparency permission request when reviewed on iOS 15.4.1.

Next Steps

Please explain where we can find the App Tracking Transparency permission request in your app. The request should appear before any data is collected that could be used to track the user.

If you've implemented App Tracking Transparency but the permission request is not appearing on devices running the latest OS, please review the available documentation and confirm App Tracking Transparency has been correctly implemented.

If your app does not track users, update your app privacy information in App Store Connect to undeclare tracking. You must have the Account Holder or Admin role to update app privacy information.


  • Tracking is linking data collected from your app with third-party data for advertising purposes, or sharing the collected data with a data broker. Learn more about tracking.
  • See Frequently Asked Questions about the requirements for apps that track users.
  • Review developer documentation for App Tracking Transparency.


"ios" : {
// "UIBackgroundModes" : "audio",
"idfa" : true,
"privacyDescription" : {

                "NSUserTrackingUsageDescription" : "请放心,开启权限不会获取您在其他站点的隐私信息,该权限仅用于标识设备、第三方广告、并保障服务安全与提示浏览体验"  

按照官网设置 并且云端打包,上架ios被拒

自己本地自定义基座,运行项目到手机6s 系统是15.1也没有广告标识提示框弹出;

配置 App 隐私ios已经确认配置完毕

2022-05-26 14:14 负责人:DCloud_iOS_WZT 分享



  • 优服科技 (作者)

    有的 微信授权登录等等

    2022-05-26 17:20

  • 优服科技 (作者)

    前几次我们上版本都行 这次突然被卡


    2022-05-26 17:37

  • DCloud_iOS_WZT

    回复 优服科技: 设置了不会提示 你用到才会提示 微信授权登录没说要勾选idfa啊? 在哪里看到有说要勾选

    2022-05-26 19:30

  • DCloud_iOS_WZT

    回复 优服科技: 一般用广告才会用到 你上个版本是什么版本 没用到idfa去掉勾选就可以了

    2022-05-26 20:01

  • 优服科技 (作者)

    回复 DCloud_iOS_WZT: 好像想到了 打包的时候有个默认勾选基础开屏广场这次没有勾选我试试谢谢

    2022-05-27 09:11

  • 优服科技 (作者)

    回复 DCloud_iOS_WZT: 勾选了基础开屏广告 自定义基座编译 同步代码还是没有弹窗

    2022-05-27 10:30

  • DCloud_iOS_WZT

    回复 优服科技: 基础开屏不用勾选idfa

    2022-05-27 12:18

  • DCloud_iOS_WZT

    回复 优服科技: 增强广告需要

    2022-05-27 12:19




  • 优服科技 (作者)


    2022-05-27 13:57

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