  • 发布:2023-01-14 11:49
  • 更新:2023-01-14 12:20
  • 阅读:380

HBuilder 3.6 雷电模拟器无限重启


自从 HBuilder 升级到 3.6 就再也无法用雷电模拟器调试了 进入APP就无限重启 也是服了 真机没问题 希望官方早日解决 之前的版本都没问题

2023-01-14 11:49 负责人:无 分享


用3.6.17 ,发一下logcat日志

  • 4***@qq.com (作者)

    神奇,我把调试工具打开就不重启了 能顺利进入APP

    2023-01-14 12:12

  • DCloud_Android_THB

    回复 4***@qq.com: 你用的雷电9 还是7.1版本?

    2023-01-14 12:23

  • 4***@qq.com (作者)

    回复 DCloud_Android_THB: 最新版本的雷电,5.0.42

    2023-01-14 12:27

  • 4***@qq.com (作者)

    刚去官网看了下 怎么最新版变成9了 我重下个试试

    2023-01-14 12:30

  • 4***@qq.com (作者)

    抱歉是我的问题 下9就没问题了 雷电这个版本怎么一下跳到9了。。。

    2023-01-14 12:47

  • DCloud_Android_THB

    回复 4***@qq.com: 方便把你的项目发我一下 ,我这边测试一下重启的问题么

    2023-01-14 12:53


4***@qq.com (作者)

12:01:34.475 App Show at App.vue:69
12:01:34.481 App Hide at App.vue:72
12:01:47.504 [Object] {} at uni_modules/uni-id-pages/common/store.js:9
12:01:47.543 data, [Object] {"userInfo":{},"hasLogin":false} at uni_modules/uni-id-pages/common/store.js:15
12:01:47.548 [Object] {"content":{"rules":[{"required":true},{"format":"string"}],"label":"留言内容/回复内容"},"imgs":{"r...} at uni_modules/uni-feedback/pages/opendb-feedback/opendb-feedback.vue:29
12:01:47.725 You are running the esm-bundler build of vue-i18n. It is recommended to configure your bundler to explicitly replace feature flag globals with boolean literals to get proper tree-shaking in the final bundle.
12:01:48.055 App Launch at App.vue:14
12:01:48.232 tokenExpiredtokenExpiredtokenExpiredtokenExpired at store/modules/user.js:49
12:01:48.245 App Show at App.vue:69
12:01:48.250 App Hide at App.vue:72
12:01:54.302 [Object] {} at uni_modules/uni-id-pages/common/store.js:9
12:01:54.307 data, [Object] {"userInfo":{},"hasLogin":false} at uni_modules/uni-id-pages/common/store.js:15
12:01:54.312 [Object] {"content":{"rules":[{"required":true},{"format":"string"}],"label":"留言内容/回复内容"},"imgs":{"r...} at uni_modules/uni-feedback/pages/opendb-feedback/opendb-feedback.vue:29
12:01:54.447 You are running the esm-bundler build of vue-i18n. It is recommended to configure your bundler to explicitly replace feature flag globals with boolean literals to get proper tree-shaking in the final bundle.
12:01:54.691 App Launch at App.vue:14
12:01:54.750 tokenExpiredtokenExpiredtokenExpiredtokenExpired at store/modules/user.js:49
12:01:54.791 App Show at App.vue:69
12:01:54.795 App Hide at App.vue:72
12:02:02.260 [Object] {} at uni_modules/uni-id-pages/common/store.js:9
12:02:02.265 data, [Object] {"userInfo":{},"hasLogin":false} at uni_modules/uni-id-pages/common/store.js:15
12:02:02.270 [Object] {"content":{"rules":[{"required":true},{"format":"string"}],"label":"留言内容/回复内容"},"imgs":{"r...} at uni_modules/uni-feedback/pages/opendb-feedback/opendb-feedback.vue:29
12:02:02.317 You are running the esm-bundler build of vue-i18n. It is recommended to configure your bundler to explicitly replace feature flag globals with boolean literals to get proper tree-shaking in the final bundle.
12:02:02.442 App Launch at App.vue:14
12:02:02.586 tokenExpiredtokenExpiredtokenExpiredtokenExpired at store/modules/user.js:49
12:02:02.600 App Show at App.vue:69
12:02:02.606 App Hide at App.vue:72
12:02:04.249 [Object] {"errMsg":"preLogin:fail provider not find","code":0} at uni_modules/uni-id-pages/init.js:53
12:02:04.282 data: , [Object] {"action":"checkVersion","appid":"UNIE0058B1","appVersion":"2.1.9","wgtVersion":"2.1.9"} at uni_modules/uni-upgrade-center-app/utils/call-check-version.js:11
12:02:04.922 App Show at App.vue:69
12:02:06.503 Error: [JS Framework] Failed to receiveTasks, instance (21) is not available.
12:02:06.509 Error: [JS Framework] Failed to receiveTasks, instance (21) is not available.
12:02:06.860 [Object] {} at uni_modules/uni-id-pages/common/store.js:9
12:02:06.866 data, [Object] {"userInfo":{},"hasLogin":false} at uni_modules/uni-id-pages/common/store.js:15
12:02:06.872 [Object] {"content":{"rules":[{"required":true},{"format":"string"}],"label":"留言内容/回复内容"},"imgs":{"r...} at uni_modules/uni-feedback/pages/opendb-feedback/opendb-feedback.vue:29
12:02:06.940 You are running the esm-bundler build of vue-i18n. It is recommended to configure your bundler to explicitly replace feature flag globals with boolean literals to get proper tree-shaking in the final bundle.
12:02:07.025 App Launch at App.vue:14
12:02:07.085 tokenExpiredtokenExpiredtokenExpiredtokenExpired at store/modules/user.js:49
12:02:07.095 App Show at App.vue:69

该问题目前已经被锁定, 无法添加新回复