文件查找失败:'../../.rconsole.config.mjs' at uni_modules\zui-remote-console.rconsole.config.mjs:9
遇到这个问题, 可以手撸一个配置文件看能不能解决:
export default {
* Application name
* 一个随机字符串, 偷懒不改也行
app: "abdeefghijk",
* Server host
* 服务器 IP, 根据自己实际情况修改
host: "",
* Server port
* 端口号, 建议修改
port: "8859",
* SSL key filename
* WSS: protocol enabled when sslKey and sslCert both configured.
sslKey: "",
* SSL Cert filename
* WSS: protocol enabled when sslKey and sslCert both configured.
sslCert: "",
* Enable debug
debug: false,
* Log time format
* @reference https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/
timeFormat: "HH:mm:ss.SSS",
* Enable nvue page
nvue: false,
* Disable original console methods
* The following method will be delegated
* - log
* - info
* - warn
* - error
* - assert
* - debug
disableOrignal: false,
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